< Chronicles I 15 >
1 And [David] made for himself houses in the city of David, and he prepared a place for the ark of God, and made a tent for it.
David si je v Davidovem mestu zgradil hiše in pripravil kraj za Božjo skrinjo in zanjo razpel šotor.
2 Then said David, It is not [lawful for any] to bear the ark of God, but the Levites; for the Lord has chosen them to bear the ark of the Lord, and to minister to him for ever.
Potem je David rekel: »Božje skrinje ne bi smel nositi nihče razen Lévijevcev, kajti njih je Gospod izbral, da nosijo Božjo skrinjo in da mu služijo na veke.«
3 And David assembled all Israel at Jerusalem, to bring up the ark of the Lord to the place which he [had] prepared for it.
David je skupaj zbral ves Izrael v Jeruzalemu, da prinese gor Gospodovo skrinjo na kraj, ki ga je pripravil zanjo.
4 And David gathered together the sons of Aaron the Levites.
David je zbral Aronove otroke in Lévijevce.
5 Of the sons of Caath; [there was] Uriel the chief, and his brethren, a hundred and twenty.
Izmed Kehátovih sinov vodja Uriéla in sto dvajset njegovih bratov;
6 Of the sons of Merari; Asaia the chief, and his brethren, two hundred and twenty.
izmed Meraríjevih sinov vodja Asajája in dvesto dvajset njegovih bratov;
7 Of the sons of Gedson; Joel the chief, and his brethren, a hundred and thirty.
izmed Geršómovih sinov vodja Joéla in sto trideset njegovih bratov;
8 Of the sons of Elisaphat; Semei the chief, and his brethren, two hundred.
izmed Elicafánovih sinov vodja Šemajá in dvesto njegovih bratov;
9 Of the sons of Chebrom; Eliel the chief, and his brethren eighty.
izmed Hebrónovih sinov vodja Eliéla in osemdeset njegovih bratov;
10 Of the sons of Oziel; Aminadab the chief, and his brethren a hundred and twelve.
izmed Uziélovih sinov vodja Aminadába in sto dvanajst njegovih bratov.
11 And David called Sadoc and Abiathar the priests, and the Levites, Uriel, Asaia, and Joel, and Semaia, and Eliel, and Aminadab,
David je dal poklicati Cadóka, duhovnika Abjatárja in Lévijevce Uriéla, Asajá, Joéla, Šemajá, Eliéla in Aminadába
12 and said to them, You [are] the heads of the families of the Levites: sanctify yourselves, you and your brethren, and you shall carry up the ark of the God of Israel, [to the place] which I have prepared for it.
ter jim rekel: »Vi ste vodje očetov Lévijevcev. Posvetite se tako vi kakor vaši bratje, da boste lahko prinesli gor skrinjo Gospoda, Izraelovega Boga, na kraj, ki sem ga pripravil zanjo.
13 For because you were not [ready] at the first, our God made a breach upon us, because we sought him not according to the ordinance.
Kajti ker tega niste najprej storili, je Gospod, naš Bog, nad nami naredil vrzel, ker ga nismo iskali po predpisanem redu.«
14 So the priests and the Levites sanctified themselves, to bring up the ark of the God of Israel.
Tako so se duhovniki in Lévijevci posvetili, da prinesejo gor skrinjo Gospoda, Izraelovega Boga.
15 And the sons of the Levites took the ark of God, (as Moses commanded by the word of God according to the scripture) upon their shoulders with staves.
Lévijevi otroci so na svojih ramenih nosili Božjo skrinjo z njenima drogovoma v njej, kakor je zapovedal Mojzes, glede na Gospodovo besedo.
16 And David said to the chiefs of the Levites, Set your brethren the singers with musical instruments, lutes, harps, and cymbals, to sound aloud with a voice of joy.
David je spregovoril vodju Lévijevcev, da določi svoje brate, da bodo pevci z glasbenimi instrumenti, plunkami, harfami in cimbalami, z dvigovanjem zvenečega radostnega glasu.
17 So the Levites appointed Aeman the son of Joel; Asaph the son of Barachias [was one] of his brethren; and Aethan the son of Kisaeus was of the sons of Merari their brethren;
Tako so Lévijevci določili Joélovega sina Hemána in izmed njegovih bratov Berehjájevega sina Asáfa in izmed Meraríjevih sinov, njihovih bratov, Kušajájevega sina Etána
18 and with them their brethren of the second rank, Zacharias, and Oziel, and Semiramoth, and Jeiel, and Elioel, and Eliab, and Banaia, and Maasaia, and Matthathia, and Eliphena, and Makellia, and Abdedom, and Jeiel, and Ozias, the porters.
in z njimi njihove brate druge stopnje: Zeharjája, Bena, Jaaziéla, Šemiramóta, Jehiéla, Uníja, Eliába, Benajája, Maasejája, Matitjája, Elifeléhuja, Miknejája, Obéd Edóma in Jeiéla, vratarje.
19 And the singers, Aeman, Asaph, and Aethan, with brazen cymbals to make [a sound] to be heard.
Tako so bili pevci Hemán, Asáf in Etán določeni, da igrajo na cimbale iz brona,
20 Zacharias, and Oziel, Semiramoth, Jeiel, Oni, Eliab, Maasaeas, Banaeas, with lutes, on alaemoth.
Zeharjá, Jaaziél, Šemiramót, Jehiél, Uní, Eliáb, Maasejá in Benajá s plunkami na sopran,
21 And Mattathias, and Eliphalu, and Makenia, and Abdedom, and Jeiel, and Ozias, with harps of Amasenith, to make a loud noise.
in Matitjá, Elifeléhu, Miknejá, Obéd Edóm, Jeiél in Azazjá s harfami v oktavi, da vodijo.
22 And Chonenia chief of the Levites [was] master of the bands, because he was skillful.
Kenanjá, vodja Lévijevcev, je bil za pesem. Poučil je glede pesmi, ker je bil vešč.
23 And Barachia and Elcana [were] doorkeepers of the ark.
Berehjá in Elkaná sta bila vratarja za skrinjo.
24 And Somnia, and Josaphat, and Nathanael, and Amasai, and Zacharia, and Banaea, and Eliezer, the priests, were sounding with trumpets before the ark of God: and Abdedom and Jeia [were] doorkeepers of the ark of God.
Duhovniki Šebanjá, Józafat, Netanél, Amasáj, Zeharjá, Benajá in Eliézer so s trobentami trobili pred Božjo skrinjo; Obéd Edóm in Jehijá pa sta bila vratarja za skrinjo.
25 So David, and the elders of Israel, and the captains of thousands, went to bring up the ark of the covenant from the house of Abdedom with gladness.
Tako so David, Izraelove starešine in tisočniki odšli, da iz hiše Obéd Edóma z radostjo prinesejo gor Gospodovo skrinjo zaveze.
26 And it came to pass when God strengthened the Levites bearing the ark of the covenant of the Lord, that they sacrificed seven calves and seven rams.
Pripetilo se je, ko je Bog pomagal Lévijevcem, da so nosili skrinjo Gospodove zaveze, da so darovali sedem bikcev in sedem ovnov.
27 And David [was] girded with a fine linen robe, and all the Levites [who were] bearing the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and the singers, and Chonenias the master of the band of singers; also upon David [there was] a robe of fine linen.
David je bil oblečen s svečanim oblačilom iz tankega lanenega platna in vsi Lévijevci, ki so nosili skrinjo, pevci in Kenanjá, mojster pesmi s pevci; tudi David je imel na sebi efód iz lana.
28 And all Israel brought up the ark of the covenant of the Lord with shouting, and with the sound of a horn, and with trumpets, and with cymbals, playing loudly on lutes and harps.
Tako je ves Izrael prinesel gor Gospodovo skrinjo zaveze z vriskanjem, z zvokom kornéta, s trobentami, cimbalami in igrali so s plunkami in harfami.
29 And the ark of the covenant of the Lord arrived, and came to the city of David; and Melchol the daughter of Saul looked down through the window, and saw king David dancing and playing: and she despised him in her heart.
Pripetilo se je, medtem ko je Gospodova skrinja prišla v Davidovo mesto, da je Savlova hči Mihála, zroč skozi okno, videla kralja Davida plesati in igrati in ga v svojem srcu prezirala.