< Chronicles I 13 >

1 And David took counsel with the captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, [even with] every commander.
Dhavhidhi akataurirana nomumwe nomumwe wavabati vake vose, vatungamiri vezviuru, navatungamiri vamazana.
2 And David said to the whole congregation of Israel, If it [seem] good to you, and it should be prospered by the Lord our God, let us send to our brethren that are left in all the land of Israel, and let the priests the Levites who are with them in the cities of their possession [come], and let them be gathered to us.
Akati kuungano yose yeIsraeri, “Kana zvichiita sezvakakunakirai uye kana kuri kuda kwaJehovha Mwari wedu, ngatitumirei shoko kwose kwose kuhama dzedu dzakasara munyika yose yeIsraeri, nokuvaprista navaRevhi vavagere navo mumaguta avo nokumafuro avo kuti vauye vazobatana nesu.
3 And let us bring over to us the ark of our God; for men have not enquired [at] it since the days of Saul.
Ngatidzorei areka yaMwari wedu kwatiri zvakare, nokuti izvi hatina kuzvibvunza panguva yokutonga kwaSauro.”
4 And all the congregation said that they would do thus; for the saying was right in the eyes of all the people.
Ungano yose yakabvuma kuita izvi, nokuti zvairatidzika kunge zvakanaka kuvanhu vose.
5 So David assembled all Israel, from the borders of Egypt even to the entering in of Hemath, to bring in the ark of God from the city of Jarim.
Saka Dhavhidhi akaunganidza vaIsraeri vose kubva kuRwizi Shihori muIjipiti kusvika kuRebho Hamati, kuti vatore areka yaMwari kubva kuKiriati Jearimi.
6 And David brought it up: and all Israel went up to the city of David, which belonged to Juda, to bring up thence the ark of the Lord God who sits between the cherubim, whose name is called [on it].
Dhavhidhi navaIsraeri vose vaiva naye vakaenda kuBhaara reJudha (Kiriati Jearimi) kuti vandotora areka yaMwari Jehovha, agere pakati pamakerubhi, iyo areka inodaidzwa neZita irori.
7 And they set the ark of God on a new waggon [brought] out of the house of Aminadab: and Oza and his brethren drove the waggon.
Vakatakura areka yaMwari kubva muimba yaAbhinadhabhi iri mungoro itsva, Uza naAhio vakaitungamirira.
8 And David and all Israel [were] playing before the Lord with all their might, and [that] together with singers, and with harps, and with lutes, with timbrels, and with cymbals, and with trumpets.
Dhavhidhi navaIsraeri vose vakanga vachipembera nesimba ravo rose pamberi paMwari, nenziyo, nembira, nemitengeranwa, netambureni, nemakandira nehwamanda.
9 And they came as far as the threshing floor: and Oza put forth his hand to hold the ark, because the bullock moved it from [its place].
Pavakasvika paburiro raKidhoni, Uza akatambanudza ruoko rwake kuti atsigire areka nokuti nzombe dzakanga dzagumburwa.
10 And the Lord was very angry with Oza, and struck him there, because of his stretching forth his hand upon the ark: and he died there before God.
Kutsamwa kwaJehovha kwakamukira Uza akamuuraya nokuti akanga atambanudza ruoko rwake akabata areka. Saka akafa pakarepo pamberi paMwari.
11 And David was dispirited, because the Lord [had] made a breach on Oza: and he called that place the Breach of Oza until this day.
Ipapo Dhavhidhi akatsamwa nokuti kutsamwa kwaJehovha kwakanga kwawira pana Uza, uye kusvikira nhasi nzvimbo iyoyo inonzi Perezi Uza.
12 And David feared God that day, saying, How shall I bring the ark of God in to myself?
Dhavhidhi akatya Mwari zuva iroro uye akabvunza achiti, “Ko, ndingadzosa areka yaMwari kwandiri seiko?”
13 So David brought not the ark home to himself into the city of David, but he turned it aside into the house of Abeddara the Gethite.
Haana kutora areka kuti ive naye muguta raDhavhidhi. Asi akaenda nayo kuimba yaObhedhi-Edhomu muGiti.
14 And the ark of God abode in the house of Abeddara three months: and God blessed Abeddara and all that he had.
Areka yaMwari yakasara mumhuri yaObhedhi-Edhomu muimba yake kwemwedzi mitatu, uye Jehovha akaropafadza imba yake nezvose zvaakanga anazvo.

< Chronicles I 13 >