< Psalms 106 >

1 Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for [he is] good: for his mercy [endureth] for ever.
Dumisani uThixo. Bongani uThixo, ngoba ulungile; uthando lwakhe lumi lanini.
2 Who can utter the mighty acts of the LORD? [who] can shew forth all his praise?
Ngubani ongamemezela imisebenzi emikhulu kaThixo loba atsho ngokugcweleyo udumo lwakhe na?
3 Blessed [are] they that keep judgment, [and] he that doeth righteousness at all times.
Babusisiwe labo abahlala besenza ngendlela enhle, abahlezi besenza okulungileyo.
4 Remember me, O LORD, with the favour [that thou bearest unto] thy people: O visit me with thy salvation;
Ungikhumbule, Thixo, nxa usuveza umusa ebantwini bakho, woza ungisize nxatshana usubasindisa,
5 That I may see the good of thy chosen, that I may rejoice in the gladness of thy nation, that I may glory with thine inheritance.
ukuze lami ngikholise ukuphumelela kwalabo obakhethileyo, ukuze ngabelwe entokozweni yesizwe sakho ngihlanganyele lelifa lakho ekudumiseni.
6 We have sinned with our fathers, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly.
Sonile, njengalokho abakwenzayo okhokho bethu; senzile okubi senza izinto ezimbi.
7 Our fathers understood not thy wonders in Egypt; they remembered not the multitude of thy mercies; but provoked [him] at the sea, [even] at the Red sea.
Lapho okhokho bethu beseGibhithe, kabayinakanga imimangaliso yakho; kabazikhumbulanga izenzo zakho zomusa ezinengi, bahlamuka besolwandle, uLwandle oluBomvu.
8 Nevertheless he saved them for his name’s sake, that he might make his mighty power to be known.
Kodwa wabasindisa ngenxa yebizo lakhe, ukuze amandla akhe amakhulu aziwe.
9 He rebuked the Red sea also, and it was dried up: so he led them through the depths, as through the wilderness.
Walukhuza uLwandle oluBomvu, loma qha; wabahola badabula ezinzikini njengasenkangala.
10 And he saved them from the hand of him that hated [them], and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy.
Wabasindisa esandleni sesitha; wabahlenga esandleni sesitha.
11 And the waters covered their enemies: there was not one of them left.
Amanzi asibekela izitha zabo, kakho loyedwa wazo owasindayo.
12 Then believed they his words; they sang his praise.
Lapho-ke base bezikholwa izithembiso zakhe bahlabelela indumiso yakhe.
13 They soon forgat his works; they waited not for his counsel:
Kodwa baphanga bakukhohlwa lokho ayekwenzile kabaze balindela ukweluleka kwakhe.
14 But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert.
Enkangala bakhulelwa yizinkanuko zabo; khona emqothwini bamlinga uNkulunkulu.
15 And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul.
Ngakho wabapha lokho abakucelayo, kodwa wabathela ngomkhuhlane ocikizayo.
16 They envied Moses also in the camp, [and] Aaron the saint of the LORD.
Ezihonqweni basuka babalomhawu loMosi njalo lango-Aroni, owayengcwelisiwe kuThixo.
17 The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan, and covered the company of Abiram.
Umhlaba wavuleka waginya uDathani; wagqibela ixuku lika-Abhiramu.
18 And a fire was kindled in their company; the flame burned up the wicked.
Umlilo walavuza phakathi kwabalandeli babo; ilangabi labatshisa ababi.
19 They made a calf in Horeb, and worshipped the molten image.
EHorebhi benza ithole, bakhonza isithombe esenziwe ngensimbi.
20 Thus they changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass.
Badela ukuKhazimula kwabo bakhetha isithombe senkunzi edla utshani.
21 They forgat God their saviour, which had done great things in Egypt;
Bakhohlwa uNkulunkulu owabasindisayo, owayenze izinto ezinkulu eGibhithe,
22 Wondrous works in the land of Ham, [and] terrible things by the Red sea.
imimangaliso elizweni likaHamu lezenzo ezibabazekayo ngasoLwandle oluBomvu.
23 Therefore he said that he would destroy them, had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach, to turn away his wrath, lest he should destroy [them].
Ngakho wathi uzababhubhisa aluba kungesuMosi, owakhethwayo wakhe, owema phambi kwakhe ukuvalela ulaka lwakhe ukuze angababhubhisi.
24 Yea, they despised the pleasant land, they believed not his word:
Kwathi njalo baleyisa ilizwe elihle; kabasikholwanga isithembiso sakhe.
25 But murmured in their tents, [and] hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD.
Bakhonona besemathenteni abo kabaze bamlalela uThixo.
26 Therefore he lifted up his hand against them, to overthrow them in the wilderness:
Ngakho wafunga kubo ephakamise isandla sakhe ukuthi wayezabenza bafele enkangala,
27 To overthrow their seed also among the nations, and to scatter them in the lands.
enze izizukulwane zabo ziqedwe ngabezizwe zihlakazeke emazweni wonke.
28 They joined themselves also unto Baal-peor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead.
Bazibopha ingathi kusejogweni kuBhali wasePheyori badla imihlatshelo eyayinikelwe kubonkulunkulu abangaphiliyo;
29 Thus they provoked [him] to anger with their inventions: and the plague brake in upon them.
bamthukuthelisa uThixo ngezenzo zabo ezimbi; kwavela isifo phakathi kwabo.
30 Then stood up Phinehas, and executed judgment: and [so] the plague was stayed.
Kodwa uFinehasi wema wancenga isifo sadeda.
31 And that was counted unto him for righteousness unto all generations for evermore.
Lokhu kwenza kuthiwe wayelungile kwaziswa izizukulwane zonke ezizayo.
32 They angered [him] also at the waters of strife, so that it went ill with Moses for their sakes:
Bamzondisa uThixo ngasemthonjeni weMeribha, uhlupho lwase lusehlela uMosi ngenxa yabo;
33 Because they provoked his spirit, so that he spake unadvisedly with his lips.
ngoba bahlamukela uMoya kaNkulunkulu, uMosi waze wakhupha amazwi amabi ngezindebe zakhe.
34 They did not destroy the nations, concerning whom the LORD commanded them:
Kabababhubhisanga abantu bezizwe njengalokhu ababekulaywe nguThixo,
35 But were mingled among the heathen, and learned their works.
kodwa baphithikana labezizwe bathatha imikhuba yazo.
36 And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them.
Bakhonza izithombe zazo, kwaba yisifu kubo.
37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils,
Benza imihlatshelo ngamadodana abo lamadodakazi abo emadimonini.
38 And shed innocent blood, [even] the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood.
Bachitha igazi elalingelacala, igazi lamadodana lamadodakazi abo, abenza ngabo imihlatshelo yezithombe zaseKhenani, ilizwe langcola ngegazi labo.
39 Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions.
Bazingcolisa ngalokho abakwenzayo; ngezenzo zabo baziphatha njengeziphingi.
40 Therefore was the wrath of the LORD kindled against his people, insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance.
Ngakho uThixo wabathukuthelela abantu bakhe wanengwa yilifa lakhe.
41 And he gave them into the hand of the heathen; and they that hated them ruled over them.
Wabanikela kwabezizwe, izitha zabo zabusa phezu kwabo.
42 Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand.
Izitha zabo zabancindezela zababeka ngaphansi kwamandla azo.
43 Many times did he deliver them; but they provoked [him] with their counsel, and were brought low for their iniquity.
Izikhathi ezinengi wabakhulula, kodwa babezimisele ukuhlamuka bacikizeka ngenxa yesono sabo.
44 Nevertheless he regarded their affliction, when he heard their cry:
Kodwa wananzelela ukuhlupheka kwabo esezwile ukukhala kwabo;
45 And he remembered for them his covenant, and repented according to the multitude of his mercies.
ngenxa yokubahawukela wakhumbula isivumelwano sakhe, kwathi ngothando lwakhe olukhulu wadeda.
46 He made them also to be pitied of all those that carried them captives.
Wenza bonke labo ababebathumbile ukuthi babelesihawu kubo.
47 Save us, O LORD our God, and gather us from among the heathen, to give thanks unto thy holy name, [and] to triumph in thy praise.
Sisindise, Oh Thixo Nkulunkulu wethu, usiqoqe usikhulule phakathi kwezizwe, ukuze silibonge ibizo lakho elingcwele sijabule ekukudumiseni.
48 Blessed [be] the LORD God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting: and let all the people say, Amen. Praise ye the LORD.
Kabongwe uThixo, uNkulunkulu ka-Israyeli, kusukela nini kuze kube nininini. Akuthi bonke abantu bathi, “Ameni!” Dumisani uThixo.

< Psalms 106 >