< Leviticus 24 >

1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
et locutus est Dominus ad Mosen dicens
2 Command the children of Israel, that they bring unto thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamps to burn continually.
praecipe filiis Israhel ut adferant tibi oleum de olivis purissimum ac lucidum ad concinnandas lucernas iugiter
3 Without the vail of the testimony, in the tabernacle of the congregation, shall Aaron order it from the evening unto the morning before the LORD continually: [it shall be] a statute for ever in your generations.
extra velum testimonii in tabernaculo foederis ponetque eas Aaron a vespere usque in mane coram Domino cultu rituque perpetuo in generationibus vestris
4 He shall order the lamps upon the pure candlestick before the LORD continually.
super candelabro mundissimo ponentur semper in conspectu Domini
5 And thou shalt take fine flour, and bake twelve cakes thereof: two tenth deals shall be in one cake.
accipies quoque similam et coques ex ea duodecim panes qui singuli habebunt duas decimas
6 And thou shalt set them in two rows, six on a row, upon the pure table before the LORD.
quorum senos altrinsecus super mensam purissimam coram Domino statues
7 And thou shalt put pure frankincense upon [each] row, that it may be on the bread for a memorial, [even] an offering made by fire unto the LORD.
et pones super eos tus lucidissimum ut sit panis in monumentum oblationis Domini
8 Every sabbath he shall set it in order before the LORD continually, [being taken] from the children of Israel by an everlasting covenant.
per singula sabbata mutabuntur coram Domino suscepti a filiis Israhel foedere sempiterno
9 And it shall be Aaron’s and his sons’; and they shall eat it in the holy place: for it [is] most holy unto him of the offerings of the LORD made by fire by a perpetual statute.
eruntque Aaron et filiorum eius ut comedant eos in loco sancto quia sanctum sanctorum est de sacrificiis Domini iure perpetuo
10 And the son of an Israelitish woman, whose father [was] an Egyptian, went out among the children of Israel: and this son of the Israelitish [woman] and a man of Israel strove together in the camp;
ecce autem egressus filius mulieris israhelitis quem pepererat de viro aegyptio inter filios Israhel iurgatus est in castris cum viro israhelite
11 And the Israelitish woman’s son blasphemed the name [of the LORD], and cursed. And they brought him unto Moses: (and his mother’s name [was] Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan: )
cumque blasphemasset nomen et maledixisset ei adductus est ad Mosen vocabatur autem mater eius Salumith filia Dabri de tribu Dan
12 And they put him in ward, that the mind of the LORD might be shewed them.
miseruntque eum in carcerem donec nossent quid iuberet Dominus
13 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
qui locutus est ad Mosen
14 Bring forth him that hath cursed without the camp; and let all that heard [him] lay their hands upon his head, and let all the congregation stone him.
dicens educ blasphemum extra castra et ponant omnes qui audierunt manus suas super caput eius et lapidet eum populus universus
15 And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying, Whosoever curseth his God shall bear his sin.
et ad filios Israhel loqueris homo qui maledixerit Deo suo portabit peccatum suum
16 And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, [and] all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name [of the LORD], shall be put to death.
et qui blasphemaverit nomen Domini morte moriatur lapidibus opprimet eum omnis multitudo sive ille civis seu peregrinus fuerit qui blasphemaverit nomen Domini morte moriatur
17 And he that killeth any man shall surely be put to death.
qui percusserit et occiderit hominem morte moriatur
18 And he that killeth a beast shall make it good; beast for beast.
qui percusserit animal reddat vicarium id est animam pro anima
19 And if a man cause a blemish in his neighbour; as he hath done, so shall it be done to him;
qui inrogaverit maculam cuilibet civium suorum sicut fecit fiet ei
20 Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as he hath caused a blemish in a man, so shall it be done to him [again].
fracturam pro fractura oculum pro oculo dentem pro dente restituet qualem inflixerit maculam talem sustinere cogetur
21 And he that killeth a beast, he shall restore it: and he that killeth a man, he shall be put to death.
qui percusserit iumentum reddet aliud qui percusserit hominem punietur
22 Ye shall have one manner of law, as well for the stranger, as for one of your own country: for I [am] the LORD your God.
aequum iudicium sit inter vos sive peregrinus sive civis peccaverit quia ego sum Dominus Deus vester
23 And Moses spake to the children of Israel, that they should bring forth him that had cursed out of the camp, and stone him with stones. And the children of Israel did as the LORD commanded Moses.
locutusque est Moses ad filios Israhel et eduxerunt eum qui blasphemaverat extra castra ac lapidibus oppresserunt feceruntque filii Israhel sicut praeceperat Dominus Mosi

< Leviticus 24 >