< 1 Samuel 20 >

1 And David fled from Naioth in Ramah, and came and said before Jonathan, What have I done? what [is] mine iniquity? and what [is] my sin before thy father, that he seeketh my life?
Devid sitere na Naịọt nʼime Rema gbapụ ọsọ, chọta Jonatan, sị ya, “Ọ bụ gịnị ka m mere? Gịnị bụkwa ihe ọjọọ m mere? Olee ụzọ m si mejọọ nna gị, mere o ji na-achọsi ike ka ọ napụ m ndụ m?”
2 And he said unto him, God forbid; thou shalt not die: behold, my father will do nothing either great or small, but that he will shew it me: and why should my father hide this thing from me? it [is] not [so].
Jonatan sịrị ya, “Nke a abụghị eziokwu. Ị gaghị anwụ! Ihe dị otu a adịghị nna m nʼobi, nʼihi na ọ na-agwa m ihe ọbụla ọ na-ezube ime, ọ bụladị ihe ukwu maọbụ ihe ntakịrị. Amakwaara m na ọ gaghị ezonarị m ihe dị otu a. Mba, ọ bụghị eziokwu.”
3 And David sware moreover, and said, Thy father certainly knoweth that I have found grace in thine eyes; and he saith, Let not Jonathan know this, lest he be grieved: but truly [as] the LORD liveth, and [as] thy soul liveth, [there is] but a step between me and death.
Devid ṅụrụ iyi sị, “Nna gị maara nke ọma na m anatala amara nʼebe ị nọ, nʼihi ya, o kwuola nʼime onwe ya sị, ‘Agaghị m agwa Jonatan, ka ọ ghara iwute ya.’ Ma eji m Onyenwe anyị na mkpụrụobi gị na-aṅụ iyi na-asị na ọ bụ naanị otu nzọ ụkwụ dị ugbu a nʼetiti mụ na ọnwụ.”
4 Then said Jonathan unto David, Whatsoever thy soul desireth, I will even do [it] for thee.
Jonatan sịrị Devid, “Ihe ọbụla ị chọrọ ka m mee, aga m emere gị ya.”
5 And David said unto Jonathan, Behold, to morrow [is] the new moon, and I should not fail to sit with the king at meat: but let me go, that I may hide myself in the field unto the third [day] at even.
Devid sịrị ya, “Lee echi ga-abụ mmemme ọnwa ọhụrụ, e kwesiri m iso eze rie nri. Ma hapụ m ka m ga zoo onwe m nʼọhịa tutu ruo uhuruchi nke nwanne echi.
6 If thy father at all miss me, then say, David earnestly asked [leave] of me that he might run to Beth-lehem his city: for [there is] a yearly sacrifice there for all the family.
Ọ bụrụ na nna gị ajụọ ase m, sị ya, ‘Devid rịọsiri m arịrịọ ike ka m hapụ ya ka ọ gbaga Betlehem, bụ obodo ya, nʼihi a na-achụ aja nke dịrị agbụrụ ya kwa afọ.’
7 If he say thus, [It is] well; thy servant shall have peace: but if he be very wroth, [then] be sure that evil is determined by him.
Ọ bụrụ na ọ sị, ‘Ọ dị mma,’ mgbe ahụ, udo ga-adịrị ohu gị. Ma ọ bụrụ na o wee iwe nke ukwuu, mara nʼezie na o zubere ime m ihe ọjọọ.
8 Therefore thou shalt deal kindly with thy servant; for thou hast brought thy servant into a covenant of the LORD with thee: notwithstanding, if there be in me iniquity, slay me thyself; for why shouldest thou bring me to thy father?
Ma gị onwe gị, meere ohu gị ebere, nʼihi na i meela ka o sooro gị baa nʼọgbụgba ndụ nʼihu Onyenwe anyị. Ọ bụrụ na ikpe mara m, gị onwe gị gbuo m. Nʼihi gịnị ka ị ga-eji nyefee m nʼaka nna gị?”
9 And Jonathan said, Far be it from thee: for if I knew certainly that evil were determined by my father to come upon thee, then would not I tell it thee?
Jonatan sịrị, “Agaghị m eme ya, lee, a sịkwa na m maara na nna m na-achọ igbu gị, ọ bụ na m agaghị agwa gị?”
10 Then said David to Jonathan, Who shall tell me? or what [if] thy father answer thee roughly?
Devid jụrụ ya, “Onye ga-agwa m ma ọ bụrụ na nna gị aza gị okwu ike ike?”
11 And Jonathan said unto David, Come, and let us go out into the field. And they went out both of them into the field.
Jonatan sịrị ya, “Bịa ka anyị pụọ gaa nʼọhịa.” Ya mere, ha abụọ pụrụ jee nʼọhịa.
12 And Jonathan said unto David, O LORD God of Israel, when I have sounded my father about to morrow any time, [or] the third [day], and, behold, [if there be] good toward David, and I then send not unto thee, and shew it thee;
Jonatan gwara Devid sị, “Eji m aha Onyenwe anyị, Chineke Izrel na-ekwe nkwa na-asị gị, nʼoge ugbu a echi, maọbụ nwanne echi, aga m akpanyere nna m ụka banyere gị, meekwa ka ị mata ihe ọ na-eche banyere gị. Ọ bụrụ na obi dị ya mma nʼebe ị nọ, aga m eme ka ị mata.
13 The LORD do so and much more to Jonathan: but if it please my father [to do] thee evil, then I will shew it thee, and send thee away, that thou mayest go in peace: and the LORD be with thee, as he hath been with my father.
Ma ọ bụrụ na nna m na-achọ imerụ gị ahụ, ka Onyenwe anyị mesoo Jonatan mmeso, otu ọbụla o si dị njọ, ma ọ bụrụ na m abịaghị gwa gị, zilaga gị ka ị laa nʼudo. Ka Onyenwe anyị nọnyere gị dịka o si nọnyere nna m.
14 And thou shalt not only while yet I live shew me the kindness of the LORD, that I die not:
Chetakwa, i ghaghị igosi m ịhụnanya na obi ebere Onyenwe anyị, ma ọ bụrụ na m anwụọ.
15 But [also] thou shalt not cut off thy kindness from my house for ever: no, not when the LORD hath cut off the enemies of David every one from the face of the earth.
E wezugakwala ịhụnanya gị na obi ebere gị site nʼebe ezinaụlọ m dị, ọ bụladị mgbe Onyenwe anyị bipụchara ndị iro Devid niile site nʼelu ụwa.”
16 So Jonathan made [a covenant] with the house of David, [saying], Let the LORD even require [it] at the hand of David’s enemies.
Jonatan na ụlọ Devid gbara ndụ. O kwuru sị, “Ka Onyenwe anyị kpee ndị iro Devid niile ikpe.”
17 And Jonathan caused David to swear again, because he loved him: for he loved him as he loved his own soul.
Jonatan mere ka Devid site nʼịhụnanya ọ hụrụ ya ṅụọra ya iyi. Nʼihi na Jonatan hụrụ Devid nʼanya dịka ọ hụrụ onwe ya.
18 Then Jonathan said to David, To morrow [is] the new moon: and thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty.
Mgbe ahụ, Jonatan sịrị Devid, “Echi bụ mmemme ọnwa ọhụrụ. A ga-ele anya gị, nʼihi na ọnọdụ gị ga-atọgbọrọ nʼefu.
19 And [when] thou hast stayed three days, [then] thou shalt go down quickly, and come to the place where thou didst hide thyself when the business was [in hand], and shalt remain by the stone Ezel.
Nwanne echi ya, nʼoge uhuruchi, gaa nʼebe ahụ i zoro onwe gị mgbe nsogbu a malitere, chere nʼebe ahụ, nʼakụkụ nkume Ezel.
20 And I will shoot three arrows on the side [thereof], as though I shot at a mark.
Aga m abịa gbaa àkụ atọ nʼakụkụ ya dịka a ga-asị na o nwere ihe m chọrọ iji ụta m gbata.
21 And, behold, I will send a lad, [saying], Go, find out the arrows. If I expressly say unto the lad, Behold, the arrows [are] on this side of thee, take them; then come thou: for [there is] peace to thee, and no hurt; [as] the LORD liveth.
Emesịa, aga m ezipu otu nwantakịrị sị ya, ‘Gaa chọta àkụ ndị ahụ.’ Ọ bụrụ na ị nụ ka m na-agwa ya okwu sị, ‘Lee àkụ ndị a dị nʼakụkụ azụ gị, chita ha ebe a,’ mgbe ahụ, pụta nʼihi, dịka Onyenwe anyị na-adị ndụ, udo dịrị gị, egwu ọbụla adịghị.
22 But if I say thus unto the young man, Behold, the arrows [are] beyond thee; go thy way: for the LORD hath sent thee away.
Ma ọ bụrụ na m agwa nwantakịrị ahụ okwu sị ya, ‘Lee, àkụ ahụ dị nʼihu gị,’ ọ pụtara na ị ghaghị isi nʼebe a pụọ, nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị ezipụla gị.
23 And [as touching] the matter which thou and I have spoken of, behold, the LORD [be] between thee and me for ever.
Ma ihe banyere okwu ahụ anyị kwuru, cheta na Onyenwe anyị bụ onye akaebe, nʼetiti mụ na gị ruo mgbe ebighị ebi.”
24 So David hid himself in the field: and when the new moon was come, the king sat him down to eat meat.
Ya mere, Devid gara zoo onwe ya nʼọhịa. Mgbe oge mmemme ọnwa ọhụrụ ruru, eze Sọl nọdụrụ ala iri nri.
25 And the king sat upon his seat, as at other times, [even] upon a seat by the wall: and Jonathan arose, and Abner sat by Saul’s side, and David’s place was empty.
Ọ nọdụrụ ọdụ nʼakụkụ aja ụlọ, bụ ebe ọ dị mbụ anọ, na ncherita ihu Jonatan. Abna nọdụrụ nʼakụkụ Sọl, ma oche Devid na-anọ enweghị onye nọ ya.
26 Nevertheless Saul spake not any thing that day: for he thought, Something hath befallen him, he [is] not clean; surely he [is] not clean.
Sọl ekwughị ihe ọbụla banyere ya nʼụbọchị ahụ, nʼihi na o chere na ọ dị ihe ndaba mere, nke tinyere Devid nʼọnọdụ adịghị ọcha. Sọl kwuru nʼobi ya sị, “E, ọ ghaghị ịbụ ihe kpatara ya.”
27 And it came to pass on the morrow, [which was] the second [day] of the month, that David’s place was empty: and Saul said unto Jonathan his son, Wherefore cometh not the son of Jesse to meat, neither yesterday, nor to day?
Ma nʼechi ya, bụ abalị nke abụọ nke ọnwa ọhụrụ, ọnọdụ Devid tọgbọrọ nʼefu ọzọ. Mgbe ahụ, Sọl sịrị nwa ya Jonatan, “Gịnị mere nwa Jesi abịaghị iso rie nri, ma ụnyaahụ ma taa?”
28 And Jonathan answered Saul, David earnestly asked [leave] of me [to go] to Beth-lehem:
Jonatan zara sị, “Devid rịọrọ sị m nye ya ike ka ọ gaa Betlehem.
29 And he said, Let me go, I pray thee; for our family hath a sacrifice in the city; and my brother, he hath commanded me [to be there: ] and now, if I have found favour in thine eyes, let me get away, I pray thee, and see my brethren. Therefore he cometh not unto the king’s table.
Ọ sịrị m, ‘Kwere ka m gaa nʼihi na ndị ezinaụlọ anyị nwere aja mmemme ha na-eme nʼobodo. Nwanne m nwoke nyere m iwu sị m na m aghaghị ịbịa. Ọ bụrụ na m ahụta amara nʼebe ị nọ, biko kwere ka m gaa hụ ụmụnne m.’ Ọ bụ nke a mere ọ bịaghị na tebul eze.”
30 Then Saul’s anger was kindled against Jonathan, and he said unto him, Thou son of the perverse rebellious [woman], do not I know that thou hast chosen the son of Jesse to thine own confusion, and unto the confusion of thy mother’s nakedness?
Iwe were Sọl nke ukwuu. Ọ gwara Jonatan okwu nʼiwe sị ya, “Gị nwa nke nwanyị na-enupu isi, nke uche ya gbagọrọ agbagọ. Ị na-eche na m amaghị na i dịnyere nwa Jesi si otu a wetara onwe gị na nne gị ihe ihere?
31 For as long as the son of Jesse liveth upon the ground, thou shalt not be established, nor thy kingdom. Wherefore now send and fetch him unto me, for he shall surely die.
Nʼihi na ụbọchị niile nwa Jesi dị ndụ nʼụwa a, ọnọdụ gị na alaeze gị agaghị eguzosi ike. Ugbu a, pụọ, zipụ ozi kpọtara m ya ka m gbuo ya!”
32 And Jonathan answered Saul his father, and said unto him, Wherefore shall he be slain? what hath he done?
Jonatan jụrụ nna ya Sọl sị, “Gịnị ka o mere? Nʼihi gịnị ka a ga-eji mee ka ọ nwụọ?”
33 And Saul cast a javelin at him to smite him: whereby Jonathan knew that it was determined of his father to slay David.
Ma Sọl tụrụ ùbe o ji nʼaka ya ka o jiri ya tugbuo Jonatan, ma Jonatan zere ya. Nke a mere ka Jonatan mata nʼezie na nna ya na-achọ igbu Devid.
34 So Jonathan arose from the table in fierce anger, and did eat no meat the second day of the month: for he was grieved for David, because his father had done him shame.
Jonatan si na tebul ahụ bilie nʼoke iwe pụọ, o righịkwa nri nʼụbọchị nke abụọ nke mmemme ahụ, nʼihi na omume ihere nna ya mesoro Devid wutere ya hie nne.
35 And it came to pass in the morning, that Jonathan went out into the field at the time appointed with David, and a little lad with him.
Nʼụtụtụ echi ya, dịka ha kara aka, Jonatan gara nʼọhịa, ya na nwantakịrị nwoke so gaa.
36 And he said unto his lad, Run, find out now the arrows which I shoot. [And] as the lad ran, he shot an arrow beyond him.
Ọ sịrị nwantakịrị nwoke ahụ, “Gbara ọsọ gaa chọta àkụ ndị ahụ niile m na-agba.” Mgbe nwantakịrị ahụ na-agba ọsọ na-aga, Jonatan gbapụrụ àkụ, gbafee ya nʼihu nwantakịrị ahụ.
37 And when the lad was come to the place of the arrow which Jonathan had shot, Jonathan cried after the lad, and said, [Is] not the arrow beyond thee?
Mgbe nwokorobịa ahụ na-ejeru nso ebe àkụ ahụ Jonatan gbara dị, Jonatan kpọkuru ya sị ya, “Àkụ ahụ dị nʼihu gị.”
38 And Jonathan cried after the lad, Make speed, haste, stay not. And Jonathan’s lad gathered up the arrows, and came to his master.
Mgbe ahụ, o tiri mkpu sị, “Mee ngwangwa! Gawa ọsịịsọ! Eguzokwala!” Nwokorobịa ahụ chịkọtara àkụ ndị ahụ niile gbaghachikwute nna ya ukwu.
39 But the lad knew not any thing: only Jonathan and David knew the matter.
Ma nwantakịrị nwoke ahụ aghọtaghị ihe Jonatan mere; ma Jonatan na Devid maara ihe gara.
40 And Jonathan gave his artillery unto his lad, and said unto him, Go, carry [them] to the city.
Jonatan nyere nwokorobịa ahụ ụta ya na àkụ ndị ahụ ka ọ chighachi ha nʼobodo.
41 [And] as soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of [a place] toward the south, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three times: and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded.
Mgbe nwokorobịa ahụ lara, Devid biliri site nʼakụkụ ndịda nkume ahụ ebe o zoro onwe kpuo ihu ya nʼala, kpọọ isiala ugboro atọ, nʼihu Jonatan. Ha suritere onwe ha ọnụ, bekọkwaa akwa. Ma Devid kwara akwa karịa.
42 And Jonathan said to David, Go in peace, forasmuch as we have sworn both of us in the name of the LORD, saying, The LORD be between me and thee, and between my seed and thy seed for ever. And he arose and departed: and Jonathan went into the city.
Nʼikpeazụ, Jonatan gwara Devid okwu sị, “Gaa nʼudo, nʼihi na anyị ejirila aha Onyenwe anyị ṅụọ iyi ịbụ enyi nʼetiti onwe anyị, na-asị, ‘Onyenwe anyị bụ onye akaebe nʼebe mụ na gị, na nʼebe ụmụ ụmụ m, na ụmụ ụmụ gị nọ ruo mgbe ebighị ebi.’” Ha kewara. Devid malitere ịpụ, ma Jonatan tụgharịrị baa nʼobodo.

< 1 Samuel 20 >