< Galatians 3 >
1 O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, that all of you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ has been evidently set forth, crucified among you?
Nou menm moun peyi Galasi, ala sòt nou sòt! Kilès nou kite pran tèt nou konsa, nou menm ki te konnen tout ti detay sou jan Kris la te mouri sou kwa a?
2 This only would I learn of you, Received all of you the Spirit (pneuma) by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
Mwen ta renmen nou reponn yon sèl ti keksyon sa a ban mwen: Eske se paske nou te fè tou sa lalwa a te mande kifè nou te resevwa Lespri Bondye a, osinon èske se paske nou te tande bon nouvèl la?
3 Are all of you so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, (pneuma) are all of you now made perfect by the flesh?
Ki jan nou fè egare konsa? Nou konmanse ak pouvwa Lespri Bondye a, koulye a nou vle fini ak pwòp fòs kouraj nou?
4 Have all of you suffered so many things in vain? if it be yet in vain.
Eske se pou gremesi nou te fè esperyans sa yo? Non, se pa vre, se pa ka pou gremesi.
5 He therefore that ministers to you the Spirit, (pneuma) and works miracles among you, does he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
Lè Bondye ban nou Lespri l', lè li fè mirak sa yo nan mitan nou, èske li fè sa paske nou fè sa lalwa mande, osinon paske nou mete konfyans nou nan li lè nou tande bon nouvèl la?
6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.
Men sa ki ekri nan Liv la menm: Abraram te mete konfyans li nan Bondye. Se poutèt sa Bondye te fè l' gras.
7 Know all of you therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.
Konsa, se pou nou konprann sa byen: Moun ki mete konfyans yo nan Bondye, se yo menm ki pitit Abraram.
8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In you shall all nations be blessed.
Moun ki te ekri nan Liv la te wè davans Bondye t'ap fè moun ki pa jwif yo gras tou poutèt konfyans yo ta gen nan li. Se konsa li bay Abraram bon nouvèl sa a davans tou: Gremesi ou, tout nasyon sou latè va jwenn benediksyon.
9 So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.
Se paske Abraram te mete konfyans li nan Bondye kifè Bondye te beni li. Konsa, tout moun ki mete konfyans yo nan Bondye va resevwa benediksyon Bondye a ansanm ak Abraram.
10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
Moun ki mete nan lide yo lalwa a ka sove yo, yo anba madichon. Men sa ki ekri nan Liv la: Madichon pou tout moun ki pa fè tou sa ki ekri nan Liv lalwa a tout tan.
11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.
Lalwa pa kapab fè Bondye fè pesonn gras. Se bagay ki klè. Men sa ki ekri nan Liv la: Moun Bondye fè gras paske yo gen konfyans nan li, se yo menm ki va gen lavi.
12 And the law is not of faith: but, The man that does them shall live in them.
Lalwa pa gen anyen pou l' wè ak lafwa. Okontrè, men sa ki ekri nan Liv la: Moun k'ap fè tou sa lalwa mande a va jwenn lavi ladan l'.
13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree:
Kris la delivre nou anba madichon lalwa lè li te pran madichon an nan plas nou. Se konsa sa te ekri nan Liv la: Madichon pou moun yo pandye sou bwa a.
14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit (pneuma) through faith.
Sa te fèt konsa pou moun ki pa jwif yo te ka rive resevwa benediksyon Bondye te pwomèt Abraram lan gremesi Jezikri, pou nou tout te ka resevwa Lespri Bondye te pwomèt la, paske nou te mete konfyans nou nan li.
15 Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man nullifies, or adds thereto.
Frè m' yo, mwen pral pran egzanp sou yon bagay ki rive chak jou: Lè yon moun fè testaman l' byen fèt, pesonn pa ka kase l', ni pesonn pa ka ajoute anyen ladan li.
16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He says not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to your seed, which is Christ.
Enben, Bondye te fè pwomès sa yo pou Abraram ak pitit pitit li a. Yo pa t' ekri: ak pitit pitit li yo, tankou si yo te vle pale sou anpil moun, men yo ekri: ak pitit pitit ou a. Yo t'ap pale sou yon sèl moun, moun sa a se te Kris la.
17 And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot nullify, that it should make the promise of no effect.
Men sa mwen vle di: Bondye te fè testaman sa a, epi li te pwomèt li t'ap kenbe li. Lalwa a menm te vini katsantrant (430) an apre sa. Se sak fè, lalwa a pa kapab kase testaman sa a, ni li pa kapab fè pwomès la tonbe.
18 For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.
Paske, si kado Bondye bay la te chita sou lalwa Moyiz la, se pa ta yon pwomès ankò kado a ta ye. Men, Bondye te bay Abraram favè sa a paske li te pwomèt li sa.
19 Wherefore then serves the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.
Poukisa yo te bay lalwa a menm? Yo te ajoute lalwa a pou l' te ka fè nou konnen bagay ki kont volonte Bondye. Lalwa a te fèt pou l' te la toutotan pitit pitit Abraram lan pa t' ankò vini, paske se pou li Bondye te fè pwomès la. Se zanj Bondye yo ki te bay lalwa, epi se yon nonm ki te sèvi entèmedyè.
20 Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one.
Lè yon moun pou kont li, li pa bezwen entèmedyè. Bondye pou kont li.
21 Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law.
Eske lalwa Moyiz la kont pwomès Bondye yo? Men non. Si zanj yo te bay yon lalwa ki te kapab bay moun lavi, enben, lalwa sa a ta kapab fè Bondye fè moun gras.
22 But the scripture has concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.
Men, Liv la di: Tout bagay anba pouvwa peche a. Konsa, moun ki gen lafwa, se yo ki va resevwa kado Bondye te pwomèt yo, paske yo te mete konfyans yo nan Jezikri.
23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.
Anvan lè a te rive pou n' te ka gen konfyans, lalwa te kenbe nou prizonye anba men l', jouk tan pou Bondye te devwale kalite konfyans sa a.
24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
Konsa, lalwa te tankou yon moun ki la pou veye nou, jouk lè Kris la te gen pou vini pou n' te ka kwè nan li pou Bondye te fè nou gras.
25 But after that faith has come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
Men koulye a, lè a rive pou nou gen konfyans nan Kris la; nou pa anba men moun ki t'ap veye nou an ankò.
26 For all of you are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
Se paske nou gen konfyans nan Jezikri kifè nou se pitit Bondye.
27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
Nou tout, nou te resevwa batèm pou n' te ka viv ansanm ak Kris la, nou mete sou nou kalite ki nan Kris yo.
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for all of you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Koulye a pa gen diferans ant moun ki jwif ak moun ki pa jwif, pa gen diferans ant moun ki esklav ak moun ki pa esklav, ant fanm ak gason. Nou tout nou fè yonn nan Jezikri.
29 And if all of you be Christ's, then are all of you Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Si ou se moun Kris la, enben ou se pitit pitit Abraram. Ou gen pou resevwa eritaj Bondye te pwomèt la.