< Jeremiah 35 >

1 The word which came unto Jeremiah from YHWH in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, saying,
Det Ord, som kom til Jeremias fra Herren, i Judas Konge, Jojakims, Josias's Søns, Dage, saa lydende:
2 Go unto the house of the Rechabites, and speak unto them, and bring them into the house of YHWH, into one of the chambers, and give them wine to drink.
Gak til Rekabiternes Hus og tal med dem, og før dem til Herrens Hus til et af Kamrene, og giv dem Vin at drikke!
3 Then I took Jaazaniah the son of Jeremiah, the son of Habaziniah, and his brethren, and all his sons, and the whole house of the Rechabites;
Da tog jeg Jaasanja, en Søn af Jeremias, der var en Søn af Habazinia, tillige med hans Brødre og alle hans Sønner og Rekabiternes hele Hus,
4 And I brought them into the house of YHWH, into the chamber of the sons of Hanan, the son of Igdaliah, a man of Elohim, which was by the chamber of the princes, which was above the chamber of Maaseiah the son of Shallum, the keeper of the door:
og jeg førte dem til Herrens Hus, til den Guds Mand Hanans, Jigdaljas Søns, Børns Kammer, som var ved Siden af Fyrsternes Kammer, oven over Dørvogteren Maasejas, Sallums Søns, Kammer.
5 And I set before the sons of the house of the Rechabites pots full of wine, and cups, and I said unto them, Drink ye wine.
Og jeg satte for Rekabiternes Huses Børn Skaaler, fulde af Vin, tillige med Bægere, og jeg sagde til dem: Drikker Vin!
6 But they said, We will drink no wine: for Jonadab the son of Rechab our father commanded us, saying, Ye shall drink no wine, neither ye, nor your sons for ever:
Men de sagde: Vi ville ikke drikke Vin; thi vor Fader Jonadab, Rekabs Søn, har befalet os og sagt: I skulle ikke drikke Vin, hverken I eller eders Børn evindelig,
7 Neither shall ye build house, nor sow seed, nor plant vineyard, nor have any: but all your days ye shall dwell in tents; that ye may live many days in the land where ye be strangers.
og I skulle ikke bygge Hus og ikke saa Sæd og ikke plante Vingaard og ikke have saadant; men I skulle bo i Telte alle eders Dage, paa det I maa leve mange Dage i det Land, hvor I ere som fremmede.
8 Thus have we obeyed the voice of Jonadab the son of Rechab our father in all that he hath charged us, to drink no wine all our days, we, our wives, our sons, nor our daughters;
Og vi adløde vor Fader, Jonadabs, Rekabs Søns, Røst, i alt det, som han havde budt os, saa at vi aldrig i vore Dage drikke Yin, hverken vi, vore Hustruer, eller vore Sønner og vore Døtre,
9 Nor to build houses for us to dwell in: neither have we vineyard, nor field, nor seed:
og heller ikke bygge os Huse at bo udi, eller have Vingaard eller Mark eller Sæd.
10 But we have dwelt in tents, and have obeyed, and done according to all that Jonadab our father commanded us.
Men vi boede i Telte og vare lydige og gjorde efter alt det, som vor Fader Jonadab havde budt os.
11 But it came to pass, when Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon came up into the land, that we said, Come, and let us go to Jerusalem for fear of the army of the Chaldeans, and for fear of the army of the Syrians: so we dwell at Jerusalem.
Og det skete, der Nebukadnezar, Kongen af Babel, drog op i Landet, da sagde vi: Kommer og lader os gaa ind i Jerusalem for Kaldæernes Hær og for Syrernes Hær; og vi bleve i Jerusalem.
12 Then came the word of YHWH unto Jeremiah, saying,
Da kom Herrens Ord til Jeremias, saaledes:
13 Thus saith YHWH of hosts, the Elohim of Israel; Go and tell the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Will ye not receive instruction to hearken to my words? saith YHWH.
Saa siger den Herre Zebaoth, Israels Gud: Gak, og sig til Judas Mænd og til Jerusalems Indbyggere: Ville I ikke annamme Tugt, saa at I adlyde mine Ord? siger Herren.
14 The words of Jonadab the son of Rechab, that he commanded his sons not to drink wine, are performed; for unto this day they drink none, but obey their father's commandment: notwithstanding I have spoken unto you, rising early and speaking; but he hearkened not unto me.
De Ord ere holdte ved Magt, som Jonadab, Rekabs Søn, havde budt sine Børn, om ikke at drikke Vin, og de have ikke drukket Vin indtil denne Dag, fordi de adløde deres Faders Bud; men jeg, jeg har talt til eder tidligt og ideligt, og I have ikke adlydt mig.
15 I have sent also unto you all my servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them, saying, Return ye now every man from his evil way, and amend your doings, and go not after other elohim to serve them, and ye shall dwell in the land which I have given to you and to your fathers: but ye have not inclined your ear, nor hearkened unto me.
Og jeg sendte til eder alle mine Tjenere, Profeterne, tidligt og ideligt, at sige: Omvender eder dog, hver fra sin onde Vej, og bedrer eders Idrætter, og vandrer ikke efter andre Guder til at tjene dem, og bor i Landet, hvilket jeg har givet eder og eders Fædre; men I bøjede ikke eders Øre og adløde mig ikke.
16 Because the sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab have performed the commandment of their father, which he commanded them; but this people hath not hearkened unto me:
Efterdi Jonadabs, Rekabs Søns, Børn have holdt deres Faders Bud, som han havde budt dem, men dette Folk ikke har adlydt mig,
17 Therefore thus saith YHWH Elohim of hosts, the Elohim of Israel; Behold, I will bring upon Judah and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the evil that I have pronounced against them: because I have spoken unto them, but they have not heard; and I have called unto them, but they have not answered.
derfor, saa siger Herren Zebaoths Gud, Israels Gud: Se, jeg lader komme over Juda og over alle Indbyggere i Jerusalem al den Ulykke, som jeg har talt imod dem, fordi jeg talte til dem, og de hørte ikke, og fordi jeg kaldte ad dem, og de svarede ikke.
18 And Jeremiah said unto the house of the Rechabites, Thus saith YHWH of hosts, the Elohim of Israel; Because ye have obeyed the commandment of Jonadab your father, and kept all his precepts, and done according unto all that he hath commanded you:
Men til Rekabiternes Hus sagde Jeremias: Saa siger den Herre Zebaoth, Israels Gud: Fordi I adløde Jonadabs, eders Faders, Bud, og holdt alle hans Bud og gjorde efter alt det, som han havde budt eder,
19 Therefore thus saith YHWH of hosts, the Elohim of Israel; Jonadab the son of Rechab shall not want a man to stand before me for ever.
derfor, saa siger den Herre Zebaoth, Israels Gud: Der skal ikke fattes for Jonadab, Rekabs Søn, en Mand, som skal staa for mit Ansigt alle Dage.

< Jeremiah 35 >