< Hosea 3 >

1 Then said YHWH unto me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adulteress, according to the love of YHWH toward the children of Israel, who look to other elohim, and love flagons of wine.
Markaasaa Rabbigu igu yidhi, Haddana tag, oo waxaad jeclaataa naag la caashaqo oo dhillo ah, sida Rabbigu u jecel yahay dadka Israa'iil in kastoo ay ilaahyo kale u jeestaan, oo ay jeclaadaan wax sabiib ah.
2 So I bought her to me for fifteen pieces of silver, and for an homer of barley, and an half homer of barley:
Sidaas daraaddeed iyadaan ku soo iibsaday shan iyo toban xabbadood oo lacag ah, iyo xomeer iyo badh oo shaciir ah.
3 And I said unto her, Thou shalt abide for me many days; thou shalt not play the harlot, and thou shalt not be for another man: so will I also be for thee.
Oo waxaan iyada ku idhi, Waa inaad wakhti dheer ii joogtaa, oo aadan dhilloobin, oo aadan innaba nin kale naagtiis noqon, oo aniguna sidaas oo kalaan kuu ahaan doonaa.
4 For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim:
Waayo, dadka Israa'iil wakhti dheer bay joogi doonaan boqorla'aan, iyo amiirla'aan, allabarila'aan, iyo tiirla'aan, eefodla'aan, iyo teraafiimla'aan.
5 Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek YHWH their Elohim, and David their king; and shall fear YHWH and his goodness in the latter days.
Oo markaas dabadeedna dadka Israa'iil way soo noqon doonaan, oo waxay doondooni doonaan Rabbiga Ilaahooda ah, iyo Daa'uud oo boqorkooda ah, oo ugu dambaysta ayay cabsi ula iman doonaan Rabbigooda iyo wanaaggiisa.

< Hosea 3 >