< Genesis 32 >

1 And Jacob went on his way, and the angels of Elohim met him.
Yacquubna jidkiisii buu iska qaaday, malaa'igihii Ilaah baana ka hor yimid.
2 And when Jacob saw them, he said, This is Elohim's host: and he called the name of that place Mahanaim.
Yacquubna markuu iyagii arkay wuxuu yidhi, Kanu waa ciidankii Ilaah. Meeshaas magaceediina wuxuu u bixiyey Maxanayim.
3 And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother unto the land of Seir, the country of Edom.
Yacquubna wuxuu iska hor mariyey kuwo farriin wada oo wuxuu u diray walaalkiis Ceesaw oo degganaa dalkii Seciir oo ahaa duurkii Edom.
4 And he commanded them, saying, Thus shall ye speak unto my master Esau; Thy servant Jacob saith thus, I have sojourned with Laban, and stayed there until now:
Wuuna amray, oo wuxuu iyagii ku yidhi, Waxaad ku tidhaahdaan sayidkayga Ceesaw, Addoonkaagii Yacquub wuxuu yidhi, Waxaan qariib ahaan ula degay Laabaan, oo ilaa haatanna waan la joogay,
5 And I have oxen, and asses, flocks, and menservants, and womenservants: and I have sent to tell my master, that I may find favour in thy sight.
oo waxaan haystaa dibiyo, iyo dameerro, iyo adhi, iyo niman addoommo ah iyo naago addoommo ah; oo waxaan kuugu soo cid diray inaan kuu sheego, sayidkaygiiyow, inaad raalli iga noqotid.
6 And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, We came to thy brother Esau, and also he cometh to meet thee, and four hundred men with him.
Kuwii farriinta wadayna Yacquub bay ku soo noqdeen, oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Waannu gaadhnay walaalkaa Ceesaw, oo weliba wuu soo socdaa inuu kaa hor yimaado isagoo wata afar boqol oo nin.
7 Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed: and he divided the people that was with him, and the flocks, and herds, and the camels, into two bands;
Markaasaa Yacquub aad u cabsaday, cidhiidhi buuna galay; kolkaasuu kala qaybiyey dadkii la jiray, iyo adhigii, iyo lo'dii, iyo geelii, oo wuxuu ka dhigay laba kooxood,
8 And said, If Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the other company which is left shall escape.
oo wuxuu isyidhi, Ceesaw hadduu koox u yimaado oo uu laayo, dabadeed kooxda hadha ayaa baxsan doonta.
9 And Jacob said, O Elohim of my father Abraham, and Elohim of my father Isaac, YHWH which saidst unto me, Return unto thy country, and to thy kindred, and I will deal well with thee:
Yacquubna wuxuu yidhi, Awowgay Ibraahim Ilaahiisiiyow, Aabbahay Isxaaq Ilaahiisiiyow, Ku noqo dalkaagii, iyo xigaalkaagii, oo anna wanaag baan kuu samayn doonaa, Rabbigii igu yidhiyow:
10 I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast shewed unto thy servant; for with my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I am become two bands.
Ma aan istaahilo waxa ugu wada yar ee ka mid ah naxariistaada iyo daacadnimadaada ee aad addoonkaaga tustay, waayo, ushaydaan kaga soo gudbay webigan Urdun, haatanna waxaan noqday laba kooxood.
11 Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau: for I fear him, lest he will come and smite me, and the mother with the children.
Waan ku baryayaaye, Iga samatabbixi gacanta walaalkay ee ah gacanta Ceesaw; waayo, isagaan ka baqayaa waaba intaasoo uu yimaadaa oo dilaa aniga iyo hooyooyinka iyo carruurta la socotaba.
12 And thou saidst, I will surely do thee good, and make thy seed as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude.
Waxaad igu tidhi, Hubaal wanaag baan kuu samayn doonaa, farcankaagana waxaan ka dhigi doonaa sida cammuudda badda, taas oo aan la tirin karin farabadnaan aawadeed.
13 And he lodged there that same night; and took of that which came to his hand a present for Esau his brother;
Habeenkaasna halkaas buu ku baryay, oo walaalkiis Ceesaw ayuu hadiyad uga qaaday wixii uu lahaa,
14 Two hundred she goats, and twenty he goats, two hundred ewes, and twenty rams,
taas oo ah laba tiro oo riyo ah, iyo labaatan orgi, iyo laba tiro oo sabeeno ah iyo labaatan wan,
15 Thirty milch camels with their colts, forty kine, and ten bulls, twenty she asses, and ten foals.
iyo soddon halaad oo irmaan iyo nirgahoodii, iyo afartan sac iyo toban dibi, iyo labaatan dameerood iyo toban qayl.
16 And he delivered them into the hand of his servants, every drove by themselves; and said unto his servants, Pass over before me, and put a space betwixt drove and drove.
Markaasuu xoolihii u dhiibay gacantii addoommadiisa, iyadoo goosan waluba goonidiisa yahay; oo wuxuu addoommadiisii ku yidhi, Iga sii hor gudba, xoolahana goosan waluba goosanka kale cabbaar ha ka dambeeyo.
17 And he commanded the foremost, saying, When Esau my brother meeteth thee, and asketh thee, saying, Whose art thou? and whither goest thou? and whose are these before thee?
Oo kii ugu horreeyey ayuu amray oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Markii walaalkay Ceesaw kaa hor yimaado, oo ku weyddiiyo, isagoo ku leh, Yaa ku leh? Oo xaggee baad ku socotaa? Kuwan kaa horreeyana yaa leh?
18 Then thou shalt say, They be thy servant Jacob's; it is a present sent unto my master Esau: and, behold, also he is behind us.
waxaad ku tidhaahdaa, Waxaa leh addoonkaagii Yacquub; oo waa hadiyad loo soo diray sayidkayga Ceesaw; oo isagiina wuu naga dambeeyaa.
19 And so commanded he the second, and the third, and all that followed the droves, saying, On this manner shall ye speak unto Esau, when ye find him.
Sidaasuu ku amray kii labaad, iyo kii saddexaad, iyo kuwii goosannada daba socday oo dhan, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Sidaas waa inaad ula hadashaan Ceesaw markaad aragtaan;
20 And say ye moreover, Behold, thy servant Jacob is behind us. For he said, I will appease him with the present that goeth before me, and afterward I will see his face; peradventure he will accept of me.
oo waxaad ku tidhaahdaan, Weliba addoonkaagii Yacquub waa naga dambeeyaa. Oo wuxuu yidhi, Hadiyadda iga horraysa ayaan ku cadho tirayaa isaga, dabadeedna wejigiisaan arki doonaa; oo mindhaa wuu i aqbali doonaa.
21 So went the present over before him: and himself lodged that night in the company.
Sidaas daraaddeed hadiyaddii waa ka sii hor gudubtay, isna habeenkaas geeddigii buu ku dhex baryay.
22 And he rose up that night, and took his two wives, and his two womenservants, and his eleven sons, and passed over the ford Jabbok.
Kolkaasuu kacay habeenkaas, oo wuxuu kaxaystay labadiisii naagood, iyo labadiisii addoommood, iyo koob iyo tobankiisi carruurta ahayd, oo wuxuu ka gudbiyey tog Yabboq marinkiisii.
23 And he took them, and sent them over the brook, and sent over that he had.
Wuuna kaxeeyey iyagii oo wuxuu u diray durdurka shishadiisa, wixii uu haystayna wuu gudbiyey.
24 And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.
Markaasuu Yacquub keligiis hadhay, nin baana la legdamayay isaga ilaa markii waagu beryayay.
25 And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.
Oo markuu arkay inuusan ka adkaanayn ayuu taabtay godkii bowdadiisa, bowdadii Yacquubna way murkacatay, intuu la legdamayay isagii.
26 And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.
Markaasuu yidhi, I sii daa, maxaa yeelay, waagii waa beryayaa. Isna wuxuu yidhi, Ku sii dayn maayo inaad i barakaysid mooyaane.
27 And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.
Mar kaasuu ku yidhi isagii, Magacaa? Isna wuxuu yidhi, Yacquub.
28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with Elohim and with men, and hast prevailed.
Markaasuu ku yidhi, Magacaaga hadda ka dib lama odhan doono Yacquub, waase Israa'iil; waayo, Ilaah iyo dadba waad la dagaallantay, waanad ka adkaatay.
29 And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there.
Yacquubna wuu weyddiiyey, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Waan ku baryayaaye, ii sheeg magacaaga. Oo wuxuu yidhi, Bal maxaad u haybsanaysaa magacayga? Halkaasuuna ku barakeeyey.
30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen Elohim face to face, and my life is preserved.
Yacquubna meeshaas magaceedii wuxuu u bixiyey Fenii'eel; waayo, wuxuu yidhi, Ilaah fool ka fool baan u arkay, naftayduna way nabad gashay.
31 And as he passed over Penuel the sun rose upon him, and he halted upon his thigh.
Qorraxdiina waxay soo baxday markuu Fenuu'eel dhaaftay, isna bowdadiisii buu ka dhutinayay.
32 Therefore the children of Israel eat not of the sinew which shrank, which is upon the hollow of the thigh, unto this day: because he touched the hollow of Jacob's thigh in the sinew that shrank.
Sidaas daraaddeed ilaa maantadan reer binu Israa'iil ma cunaan seedda misigta oo ku dul taal godka bowdada; maxaa yeelay, wuxuu taabtay godkii bowdadii Yacquub xagga seedda misigta.

< Genesis 32 >