< 1 Kings 6 >

1 And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month Zif, which is the second month, that he began to build the house of YHWH.
Le ƒe alafa ene blaenyilia me, le Israelviwo ƒe gododo le Egipte megbe, esi nye Solomo ƒe fiaɖuɖu le Israel ƒe ƒe enelia me le dzinu evelia, Zib me la, edze Yehowa ƒe gbedoxɔ la tutu gɔme.
2 And the house which king Solomon built for YHWH, the length thereof was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof twenty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits.
Gbedoxɔ si Fia Solomo tu na Yehowa la didi mita blaeve-vɔ-adre, keke mita asiekɛ eye wòkɔ mita wuietɔ̃ kple afã.
3 And the porch before the temple of the house, twenty cubits was the length thereof, according to the breadth of the house; and ten cubits was the breadth thereof before the house.
Akpata si le gbedoxɔ la ƒe dodonuxɔ nu la didi sɔ kple gbedoxɔ la ƒe kekeme, si ƒe kekeme nye mita asiekɛ eye wòdo ɖe gbedoxɔ la ŋgɔ mita ene kple afã.
4 And for the house he made windows of narrow lights.
Ewɔ fesre suesue siwo ƒe nugbɔ lɔ ɖe gotagome la ɖe gbedoxɔ la ŋu.
5 And against the wall of the house he built chambers round about, against the walls of the house round about, both of the temple and of the oracle: and he made chambers round about:
Le gbedoxɔ la ƒe akpata gã kple xɔ titinatɔ ƒe gliwo megbe la, woɖo gli siwo me xɔŋuxɔewo le la ɖi godoo va kpe.
6 The nethermost chamber was five cubits broad, and the middle was six cubits broad, and the third was seven cubits broad: for without in the wall of the house he made narrowed rests round about, that the beams should not be fastened in the walls of the house.
Xɔ anyigbatɔ keke mita eve kple afã, xɔ titinatɔ keke mita etɔ̃ kloe eye xɔ tametɔ keke mita etɔ̃ kple nu sue aɖe. Le gbedoxɔ la godo la, eɖo gli kpui ƒo xlãe ale be womaŋɔ gbedoxɔ la ƒe gli la atsɔ naneke ade eme o.
7 And the house, when it was in building, was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was in building.
Wokpa kpe siwo ŋu dɔ wowɔ le gbedoxɔ la tutu me la le kpekuƒe la, ale womese zu, fia alo dɔwɔnu bubu aɖeke ŋu dɔ wɔwɔ ƒe ɖiɖi le xɔa tuƒe o.
8 The door for the middle chamber was in the right side of the house: and they went up with winding stairs into the middle chamber, and out of the middle into the third.
Wotoa gbedoxɔ la ƒe dziehe gome gena ɖe axadzixɔ anyigbatɔawo me. Atrakpui gɔdɔ̃gɔdɔ̃wo tso anyigbatɔawo me yi xɔtaxɔ gbãtɔwo me. Bubuwo hã gatso xɔtaxɔ eveliawo me yi etɔ̃liawo me.
9 So he built the house, and finished it; and covered the house with beams and boards of cedar.
Esi wowu gbedoxɔa nu la, Solomo tsɔ sedati fa ɖe gliawo kple daɖedziawo kple sɔtiawo ŋu.
10 And then he built chambers against all the house, five cubits high: and they rested on the house with timber of cedar.
Etu xɔŋuxɔewo ƒo xlã gbedoxɔ la, ɖe sia ɖe kɔ mita etɔ̃ eye wolé wo ɖe gbedoxɔ la ŋu kple sedatiwo.
11 And the word of YHWH came to Solomon, saying,
Yehowa ƒe nya va na Solomo be,
12 Concerning this house which thou art in building, if thou wilt walk in my statutes, and execute my judgments, and keep all my commandments to walk in them; then will I perform my word with thee, which I spake unto David thy father:
“Le gbedoxɔ si tum nèle ŋu la, ne èzɔ ɖe nye ɖoɖowo nu, nèwɔ nye kɔnuwo dzi, ne èlé nye sewo me ɖe asi eye nèwɔ wo dzi la, ekema mato dziwò awɔ ŋugbe si medo na fofowò, David la dzi.
13 And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake my people Israel.
Manɔ Israelviwo dome eye nyemagblẽ wo ɖi akpɔ o.”
14 So Solomon built the house, and finished it.
Ale Solomo wu gbedoxɔ la tutu nu mlɔeba.
15 And he built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar, both the floor of the house, and the walls of the cieling: and he covered them on the inside with wood, and covered the floor of the house with planks of fir.
Efa sedaʋuƒowo ɖe gliawo ŋu le xɔawo me, tso anyigba ɖatɔ gbedoxɔ la ƒe dzisasã la eye wòɖo sesewuʋuƒowo ɖe gbedoxɔ la ƒe anyigba le xɔawo katã me.
16 And he built twenty cubits on the sides of the house, both the floor and the walls with boards of cedar: he even built them for it within, even for the oracle, even for the most holy place.
Eɖe mita asiekɛ ɖe gbedoxɔ la megbe eye wòtsɔ sedaʋuƒowo ma teƒe si wòɖe ɖe megbe la me tso anyigba ɖatɔ xɔ la ƒe dzisasã be wòanye xɔ anɔ gbedoxɔ la me, esia nye Kɔkɔeƒe ƒe Kɔkɔeƒe.
17 And the house, that is, the temple before it, was forty cubits long.
Akpata si le Kɔkɔeƒe ƒe Kɔkɔeƒe la nu la didi mita ene kple afã.
18 And the cedar of the house within was carved with knops and open flowers: all was cedar; there was no stone seen.
Le gbedoxɔ la me la, efa sedaʋuƒowo ɖe afi sia afi eye wòta goewo kple seƒoƒo siwo ke la ɖe ʋuƒoawo ŋu ale be nu sia nu si le gbedoxɔa me la nye sedaʋuƒo, gli aɖeke ŋuti medze o.
19 And the oracle he prepared in the house within, to set there the ark of the covenant of YHWH.
Xɔ ememetɔ mee wotsɔ Aƒetɔ la ƒe nubablaɖaka la da ɖo.
20 And the oracle in the forepart was twenty cubits in length, and twenty cubits in breadth, and twenty cubits in the height thereof: and he overlaid it with pure gold; and so covered the altar which was of cedar.
Xɔ sia me didi mita asiekɛ, keke mita asiekɛ eye wòkɔ mita asiekɛ. Etsɔ sika nyuitɔ fa ɖe gliawo kple dzisasã la ŋu. Solomo tsɔ sedati wɔ vɔsamlekpui da ɖe xɔ sia me,
21 So Solomon overlaid the house within with pure gold: and he made a partition by the chains of gold before the oracle; and he overlaid it with gold.
Efa sika nyuitɔ ɖe gbedoxɔ la me, etsi sikakɔsɔkɔsɔ ɖe xɔ emetɔ ƒe ŋgɔgbe, afi si ŋu wòfa sika ɖo.
22 And the whole house he overlaid with gold, until he had finished all the house: also the whole altar that was by the oracle he overlaid with gold.
Ale wòfa sika ɖe xɔ blibo la me. Efa sika ɖe vɔsamlekpui si le xɔa emetɔ me la hã ŋu.
23 And within the oracle he made two cherubims of olive tree, each ten cubits high.
Wotsɔ amiti kpa kerubi eve eye Solomo tsɔ wo da ɖe Kɔkɔeƒe ƒe Kɔkɔeƒe la me. Ɖe sia ɖe kɔ mita ene kple afã.
24 And five cubits was the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub: from the uttermost part of the one wing unto the uttermost part of the other were ten cubits.
Kerubi gbãtɔ ƒe aʋala ɖeka didi mita etɔ̃, aʋala evelia didi mita atɔ̃ eye tso woƒe aʋalawo ƒe nugbɔ yi aʋala bubu gbɔ le mita ade.
25 And the other cherub was ten cubits: both the cherubims were of one measure and one size.
Eda wo ɖi ale be ɖeka ƒe aʋala tɔ gli le afii eye evelia hã ƒe aʋala tɔ gli le afi mɛ.
26 The height of the one cherub was ten cubits, and so was it of the other cherub.
Woƒe aʋala emetɔwo tɔ wo nɔewo le xɔ la titina.
27 And he set the cherubims within the inner house: and they stretched forth the wings of the cherubims, so that the wing of the one touched the one wall, and the wing of the other cherub touched the other wall; and their wings touched one another in the midst of the house.
Woƒe aʋala ɖeka didi afɔ adre kple afã ale kerubi ɖeka kple eƒe aʋalawo ƒe kekeme de afɔ wuiatɔ̃.
28 And he overlaid the cherubims with gold.
Kerubi eveawo sɔ goawo katã me. Efa sika ɖe ɖe sia ɖe ŋu.
29 And he carved all the walls of the house round about with carved figures of cherubims and palm trees and open flowers, within and without.
Ekpa kerubiwo, detiwo kple seƒoƒo siwo ke la ɖe gbedoxɔ la ƒe xɔ eveawo ƒe gliwo ŋu
30 And the floor of the house he overlaid with gold, within and without.
eye wòfa sika ɖe xɔ eveawo ƒe anyigba.
31 And for the entering of the oracle he made doors of olive tree: the lintel and side posts were a fifth part of the wall.
Ke hena mɔnu si ge ɖe Kɔkɔeƒe ƒe Kɔkɔeƒe la me la, etsɔ amiti sesẽ ƒe ʋuƒo kpa ʋɔtru si ŋena ɖe akpa eve la tsɔ xe mɔnu si ʋɔtruti atɔ̃ li na
32 The two doors also were of olive tree; and he carved upon them carvings of cherubims and palm trees and open flowers, and overlaid them with gold, and spread gold upon the cherubims, and upon the palm trees.
eye wòkpa Kerubiwo, detiwo, seƒoƒo siwo ke la ɖe mɔnu la ƒe ʋɔtru eve siwo wòkpa kple amiti la ŋu hafi fa sika ɖe wo katã ŋu.
33 So also made he for the door of the temple posts of olive tree, a fourth part of the wall.
Solomo tsɔ amiti wɔ ʋɔtruti eve siwo ƒe kɔkɔme sɔ kple woƒe kekeme la, na gbedoxɔ la ƒe mɔnu.
34 And the two doors were of fir tree: the two leaves of the one door were folding, and the two leaves of the other door were folding.
Ewɔ ʋɔtru eve kple sesewuti eye wodana yia megbe le wo ɖokui si.
35 And he carved thereon cherubims and palm trees and open flowers: and covered them with gold fitted upon the carved work.
Wokpa kerubiwo, detiwo kple seƒoƒo siwo ke la ɖe ʋɔtruawo ŋu eye wòfa sika ɖe wo ŋu.
36 And he built the inner court with three rows of hewed stone, and a row of cedar beams.
Etsɔ kpe fufu ɖoɖo etɔ̃ kple sedaʋuƒo ɖoɖo ɖeka fa ɖe akpata emetɔwo ƒe gli ŋu.
37 In the fourth year was the foundation of the house of YHWH laid, in the month Zif:
Woɖo gbedoxɔ la gɔme anyi le dzinu evelia me le Solomo ƒe fiaɖuɖu ƒe ƒe enelia me.
38 And in the eleventh year, in the month Bul, which is the eighth month, was the house finished throughout all the parts thereof, and according to all the fashion of it. So was he seven years in building it.
Wowu xɔ blibo la tutu nu le Solomo ƒe fiaɖuɖu ƒe ƒe wuiɖekɛlia ƒe ɣleti enyilia, Bul me. Ale gbedoxɔ la tutu xɔ ƒe adre.

< 1 Kings 6 >