< Psalms 104 >

1 BLESS the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty.
Perwerdigargha teshekkür-medhiye qaytur, i jénim! I Perwerdigar Xudayim, intayin ulughsen; Shanu-shewket we heywet bilen kiyin’gensen;
2 Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain:
Libas bilen pürken’gendek yoruqluqqa pürken’gensen, Asmanlarni chédir perdisi kebi yayghansen.
3 Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind:
U yuqiriqi rawaqlirining limlirini sulargha ornatqan, Bulutlarni jeng harwisi qilip, Shamal qanatliri üstide mangidu;
4 Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:
U perishtilirini shamallar, Xizmetkarlirini ot yalquni qilidu.
5 Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever.
Yerni U ulliri üstige ornatqan; U esla tewrinip ketmeydu.
6 Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains.
Libas bilen oralghandek, uni chongqur déngizlar bilen orighansen, Sular taghlar choqqiliri üstide turdi.
7 At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away.
Séning tenbihing bilen sular beder qachti, Güldürmamangning sadasidin ular tézdin yandi;
8 They go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys unto the place which thou hast founded for them.
Taghlar örlep chiqti, Wadilar chüshüp ketti, [Sular] Sen békitken jaygha chüshüp ketti.
9 Thou hast set a bound that they may not pass over; that they turn not again to cover the earth.
Ular téship, yerni yene qaplimisun dep, Sen ulargha cheklime qoyghansen.
10 He sendeth the springs into the valleys, which run among the hills.
[Tengri] wadilarda bulaqlarni échip urghutidu, Suliri taghlar arisida aqidu.
11 They give drink to every beast of the field: the wild asses quench their thirst.
Daladiki herbir janiwargha ussuluq béridu, Yawayi éshekler ussuzluqini qanduridu.
12 By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation, which sing among the branches.
Köktiki qushlar ularning boyida qonidu, Derex shaxliri arisida sayraydu.
13 He watereth the hills from his chambers: the earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works.
U yuqiridiki rawaqliridin taghlarni sughiridu; Yer Séning yasighanliringning méwiliridin qandurulidu!
14 He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;
U mallar üchün ot-chöplerni, Insanlar üchün köktatlarni östüridu, Shundaqla nanni yerdin chiqiridu;
15 And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man’s heart.
Ademning könglini xush qilidighan sharabni, Insan yüzini parqiritidighan mayni chiqiridu; Insanning yürikige nan bilen quwwet béridu;
16 The trees of the Lord are full of sap; the cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted;
Perwerdigarning derexliri, Yeni Özi tikken Liwan kédir derexliri [su ichip] qanaetlinidu.
17 Where the birds make their nests: as for the stork, the fir trees are her house.
Ene ashular arisigha qushlar uwa yasaydu, Leylek bolsa, archa derexlirini makan qilidu.
18 The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats; and the rocks for the conies.
Égiz choqqilar tagh öchkilirining, Tik yarlar sughurlarning panahi bolidu.
19 He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down.
Pesillerni békitmek üchün U ayni yaratti, Quyash bolsa pétishini bilidu.
20 Thou makest darkness, and it is night: wherein all the beasts of the forest do creep forth.
Sen qarangghuluq chüshürisen, tün bolidu; Ormandiki janiwarlarning hemmisi uningda shipir-shipir kézip yüridu.
21 The young lions roar after their prey, and seek their meat from God.
Arslanlar olja izdep hörkireydu, Tengridin ozuq-tülük sorishidu;
22 The sun ariseth, they gather themselves together, and lay them down in their dens.
Quyash chiqipla, ular chékinidu, Qaytip kirip uwilirida yatidu.
23 Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour until the evening.
Insan bolsa öz ishigha chiqidu, Ta kechkiche méhnette bolidu.
24 O Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.
I Perwerdigar, yasighan herxil nersiliring neqeder köptur! Hemmisini hékmet bilen yaratqansen, Yer yüzi ijat-bayliqliring bilen toldi.
25 So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts.
Ene büyük bipayan déngiz turidu! Uningda san-sanaqsiz ghuzh-ghuzh janiwarlar, Chong we kichik haywanlar bar.
26 There go the ships: there is that leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein.
Shu yerde kémiler qatnaydu, Uningda oynaqlisun dep sen yasighan léwiatanmu bar;
27 These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season.
Waqtida ozuq-tülük bergin dep, Bularning hemmisi Sanga qaraydu.
28 That thou givest them they gather: thou openest thine hand, they are filled with good.
Ulargha berginingde, tériwalidu, Qolungni achqiningdila, ular nazunémetlerge toyidu.
29 Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust.
Yüzüngni yoshursang, ular dekke-dükkige chüshidu, Rohlirini alsang, ular jan üzüp, Yene tupraqqa qaytidu.
30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth.
Rohingni ewetkiningde, ular yaritilidu, Yer-yüzi yéngi [bir dewr bilen] almishidu.
31 The glory of the Lord shall endure for ever: the Lord shall rejoice in his works.
Perwerdigarning shan-shöhriti ebediydur, Perwerdigar Öz yaratqanliridin xursen bolidu.
32 He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth: he toucheth the hills, and they smoke.
U yerge baqqinida, yer titreydu, Taghlargha tegkinide, ular tütün chiqiridu.
33 I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
Hayatla bolidikenmen, Perwerdigargha naxsha éytimen; Wujudum bolsila Xudayimni küyleymen.
34 My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord.
U sürgen oy-xiyallirimdin söyünse! Perwerdigarda xushallinimen!
35 Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be no more. Bless thou the Lord, O my soul. Praise ye the Lord.
Gunahkarlar yer yüzidin tügitilidu, Reziller yoq bolidu. I jénim, Perwerdigargha teshekkür-medhiye qaytur! Hemdusana!

< Psalms 104 >