< John 19 >

1 THEN Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him.
Hagi anante Paeroti'a huzmantege'za Jisasina sefu ami'naze.
2 And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe,
Anante sondia vahe'mo'za ave'ave nofite kini vahe'mokizmi fetorikna huza tro hute'za, Jisasi anunte antani nente'za, koranke kukena hunte'naze.
3 And said, Hail, King of the Jews! and they smote him with their hands.
Zamagra Agrite ete'vute nehu'za, Husga hunte'za ankaza nente'za, Keho, ama Jiu vahe'mokizmi kinia! Nehu'za avugosafi mago'ene ruhapa hapa hu'za ahe'naze.
4 Pilate therefore went forth again, and saith unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye may know that I find no fault in him.
Mago'ene Paeroti'a ete atiramino, Jiu kva vaheku amanage huno zamasmi'ne, Keho, ama ne'ma nagrama avare'na tmagrite'ma neoana, antahisazana mago keaga Agri'ma hunte'zana omne'ne.
5 Then came Jesus forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe. And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man!
Anante Jisasina ave'ave nofite fetori'ene, koranke kukena antani antetageno, atiramino e'ne. Paeroti'a anage hu'ne, Keho, ama Nera!
6 When the chief priests therefore and officers saw him, they cried out, saying, Crucify him, crucify him. Pilate saith unto them, Take ye him, and crucify him: for I find no fault in him.
Vugote'naza pristi vahe'ene, mono no kegava nehaza vahe'mo'za (gad) Agri'ma nege'za amanage hu'za kezati'naze, Aheta hantiho, aheta hantiho! Hazageno Paeroti'a zamasmi'ne, Tamagratmi avretma rugeka zafare ome aheho, na'ankure nagra mago hazenke'a omne'nege'na negoe, huno zamasmi'ne.
7 The Jews answered him, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God.
Hige'za Jiu kva vahe'mo'za ke nona'a amanage hu'naze, Tagrira kasegetia me'ne, hagi ana kase kemofo amage' anteno Agra frigahie. Na'ankure Agra Anumzamofo Ne'mofavre mani'noe huno hu'ne.
8 When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he was the more afraid;
Hazageno ana kema Paeroti'a nentahino'a, tusiza huno agra mago'ene amanogura hu'ne.
9 And went again into the judgment hall, and saith unto Jesus, Whence art thou? But Jesus gave him no answer.
Eteno Paeroti'a kuma'afi ufreno, Jisasinku anage hu'ne, Kagra igati e'nane? Hianagi Jisasi'a magore huno agri kenona'a osu'ne.
10 Then saith Pilate unto him, Speakest thou not unto me? knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee?
Ke osigeno, Paeroti'a anage huno asmi'ne, Kema hunami'zankura nahigeno kave nosie? Kagra ontahi'nano, Kagri'ma katufe katre hanavene, rugeka zafare kahena hanti hanavema nagrama eri'noana?
11 Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.
Higeno Jisasi'a ke nona'a asmi'ne, Kagra Anumzamoma hanavema onkamiasina, Nagri'ma kegava hunantega hanavea e'orintesine, hagi monafinkati ne'mo hanigenka anara hugahane. Na'ankure navareno kazampima eme ante'nemo'a, kagrira kagatereno tusi'a kumi hu'ne.
12 And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release him: but the Jews cried out, saying, If thou let this man go, thou art not Cæsar’s friend: whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Cæsar.
Higeno anankema antahiteno'a Paeroti'a aza huno katufe atrenaku tusiza huno agesa antahi'ne. Hianagi Jiu kva vahe'mo'za kezati'za, Kagrama ama ne'ma katufe atresunka, kagra Sisa knampa omani'nane! Mago'mo kini manigahue hanimo'a, Sisana ha' rentegahie.
13 When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he brought Jesus forth, and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the Pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha.
Hazageno Paeroti'a ana kema haza nentahino, Jisasina avare fegi'a atreno naneke fgagohu trate umani'ne, ana kumamofo agi'a, Havereti simeni hunte'naza kumare nehaze, hagi Hibru/Arami kefina, Gabate hu'za nehaze.
14 And it was the preparation of the passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!
Hagi Jiu vahe'mo'za kinafinti zamare'nea knagu antahimiza nenaza (Pasova) ne'za retro tra hunaku nehazageno, zagemo'a feru asegeno Paeroti'a Jiu vaheku huno, Keho, ama tamagri Kinia!
15 But they cried out, Away with him, away with him, crucify him. Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King? The chief priests answered, We have no king but Cæsar.
Anagema hige'za kezanke hu'za, Avretma viho, avretma viho, Agrira ahetma hantiho! Nehazageno Paeroti'a zamantahige'ne, Nagra, tamagri Kinia ahena hantisuo? Hige'za pristi vahe'mo'za ke nona'a hu'za, tagri kinia magora omani'neanki, Sisa agrake mani'ne.
16 Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified. And they took Jesus, and led him away.
Anagema hazageno Paeroti'a Jisasina ahe'zama keka zafare hantihogu zamige'za Jisasina azeri'naze.
17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha:
Anante Jisasi'a keka zafa'a erino, vahe anu zaferine nehazare, Hibru kefina Golgote nehazare erino vu'ne.
18 Where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst.
E'i anante Jisasina nehe'za, tare netrena ruga raga asopare znahe'za rugeka zafare nehanti'za, Agrira amu'nompi hanti'naze.
19 And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS.
Paeroti'a mago avona kreno, ana keka zafare hanti'ne. Anage huno kre'ne, JISASI'A NAZARETI NERE, JIU VAHE'MOKIZMI KINIE.
20 This title then read many of the Jews: for the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city: and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin.
Huno krente'nege'za hakare Jiu vahe'mo'za hampri'za ke'naze. Na'ankure Jisasima ahe'za hanti'naza mopa, rankuma tva'onte me'ne, ana kema krente'neana Hibru kefine, Latini kefine, Griki kefima huno ana avona krentene.
21 Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The King of the Jews; but that he said, I am King of the Jews.
Anante Jiu vahe'mokizmi vugota pristi vahe'mo'za Paerotina asami'za, Jiu vahe'mokizmi Kinie hunka onkrenka, hagi Agra'a huno, Nagra Jiu vahe'mokizmi Kinie huno hu'ne hunka kro hu'za asmi'naze.
22 Pilate answered, What I have written I have written.
Hagi Paeroti'a ke nonazmire zamasmino, Inankna keo nagrama krente'noana hago krente'noe.
23 Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took his garments, and made four parts, to every soldier a part; and also his coat: now the coat was without seam, woven from the top throughout.
Anante sondia vahe'mo'za, Jisasina rugeka zafare ahe'za hantite'za, amegati kukena'a eri refko hu'za 4'a kevu ante'naze, mago'mo mago kevu eritere hu'are, avate kukena'ama hati'nazana eri mago hu'za anagamuti hati'za fenkamu urami'naze.
24 They said therefore among themselves, Let us not rend it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be: that the scripture might be fulfilled, which saith, They parted my raiment among them, and for my vesture they did cast lots. These things therefore the soldiers did.
Hige'za sondia vahe'mo'za ke hugantu hugma hu'za, erisagnera osinkero, hagi satu zokago reta kesune, aza erisifi, e'i ana kemo Anumzamofo avon tafe'mo hu'nea ke eriama hu'ne, Zamagra amega kena'ni'a amu'no zamifi fagago hu'za eri'naze, zamagra nagri kenarera, taisi zokago re'naze. (Sam-Zga 22:18) Anama kre'naza kante anteza sondi'a vahe'mo'za ana kemofo eri knare hu'naze.
25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene.
Hianagi Jisasi ahe'za hanti'naza keka zafamofo agafafina, Agri nereraki, nererana nenunknaki, Klopasi nenaro Mariaki, Magdala kumateti Mariaki hu'za oti'naze.
26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!
Nerera'ene, amage' nentegeno avesi nentea disaipoli ne' ene anante oti'nakeno Jisasi'ma neznageno'a, Agra nereranku huno, A'moka ko, ama'ne kagri ne'mofavrea!
27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.
Anante amage' nentea disaipoli neku hu'ne, Ko, kagri negrera'a ama'ne! Ana knareti agafa huno amage' nentea disaipoli ne'mo ana ara avreno noma'are vu'ne.
28 After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst.
Hagi anama huteno'a, Jisasima antahino keno hiama maka'zamo hago vagaregeno, Anumzamofo avontafemo hu'nea kea eriknare hunaku, Tinku navenesie, huno hu'ne. (Sam-Zga 69:21)
29 Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth.
Mago mopa kavofi akake waini ti aviteno anante menege'za, kapuku eri'za hisopu zafare anakite'za, ana aka waini timpi rete'za (spons) erisaga hu'za agite ante'naze.
30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
Ana hazageno Jisasi'ma ana akake waini tima neteno'a, Agra hu'ne, Ha vagare! nehuno Agra kepri huno avamu'a atre'ne.
31 The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day, ) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.
Anante retrotra huknazmi me'negu hu'za, mani fruhu kna (sabat) efregahianki rugeka zafare (avufga'a) kerfa omanesie hu'naze. (Na'ankure kinafinti zamavare'nea knagu antahimiza ne'za nenaza knane, mani fruhu (sabat) knanena magoka ra kna'zami me'negu hu'za, ) Jiu kva vahe'mo'za huza, zamagia ru hantagi tenketa, anante fri kerfa eri mopafi atreta, erita vamneno hu'za Paeroti antahige'naze.
32 Then came the soldiers, and brake the legs of the first, and of the other which was crucified with him.
Higeno sondia vahe'mo'za e'za, Jisasine znahe'za hanti'naza netremo'kizni znaga ru hantagi'naze, pusante mago'mofo ruhantagiteno, mago'mofona henka ana hu'ne.
33 But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs:
Hianagi Jisasinte'ma e'za eme kazana, ko fri'nege'za tarega agia ruha'ontagi'naze.
34 But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.
Hianagi mago sondia ne'mo krugru kevereti Agrira asopafi regeno, hantaka huno korane, avufa rimo'ene herfino evu'ne.
35 And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe.
E'i ana zama ke'nea ne'mo ama naneke huama huno kre'ne, agrama hu'nea nanekea tamage hu'ne, agra antahi'neno tamage huno nehie. Ana hanigenka kagranena anazanke hunka kamentinti hugahane.
36 For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken.
Na'ankure ama anazama fore hu'neana, Anumzamofo avontafepi kre'nea nanekemo nena'a fore hanigu huno, Agri zaferina magore huza ruha ontagigahaze. (Sam-Zga 34:20)
37 And again another scripture saith, They shall look on him whom they pierced.
Ete mago avontafemo mago'ene huno, Zamagra zamuma kesazana, agri'ma krugru asopafi re'namofonte kegahaze huno hu'ne. (Zek 12:10.)
38 And after this Joseph of Arimathæa, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate gave him leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus.
Hagi anazama vagaregeno Arimatia kumateti ne' Josefe'a Jisasi amage'nentea disaipoli ne'mo, Jiu kva vaheku koro nehuno oku'a Jisasi fri'kerfa erino vanigu Paerotina antahige'ne. Antahigegeno Paeroti'a hugnare huntegeno agra vuno Jisasi fri'kerfa ome erino vu'ne.
39 And there came also Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weight.
Hagi Nikodimasi mago kenage, Jisasinte e'nea ne'mo, Josefe'ene tragoteno eno, mananentake masavena mirane, alone, magopi tagi havia hu'nea masvena kna'zanimo 34 kilo'naza hu'nea erino vu'ne.
40 Then took they the body of Jesus, and wound it in linen clothes with the spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury.
Anante zanagra Jisasi fri'kerfa eri'ne, ana masaventami avufare frente'ne, tvarave tafepi frikerfa'a kargina'e. Jiu vahe'mo'za vahe ase nezmante'za nehaza avu'ava hu'na'e.
41 Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden; and in the garden a new sepulchre, wherein was never man yet laid.
Anama ahe'za Agri'ma hanti'naza kaziga hoza me'negeno, anante kasefa havegana, vahera ase ozmante'naza havega ana hozafina me'ne.
42 There laid they Jesus therefore because of the Jews’ preparation day; for the sepulchre was nigh at hand.
E'ina hu'negu Jiu vahe'mokizmi mani fru hunaku retro tra nehaza kna'zmi (sabat) atupa hige'za, ana tva'onte me'nea havegampi Jisasina eri'za ome asente'naze.

< John 19 >