< Zephaniah 2 >

1 Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O shameless nation;
Saml jer, saml jer, I Folk, som ej kender Skam,
2 Before the decree bring forth the day when one passeth as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the LORD come upon you, before the day of the LORD'S anger come upon you.
før l endnu er blevet som flyvende Avner, før HERRENs glødende Harme kommer over eder, før HERRENs Vredes Dag kommer over eder.
3 Seek ye the LORD, all ye humble of the earth, that have executed His ordinance; seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD'S anger.
Søg HERREN, alle l ydmyge i Landet, som holder hans Bud, søg Retfærd, søg Ydmyghed! Måske kan l skjule jer på HERRENs Vredes Dag.
4 For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation; they shall drive out Ashdod at the noonday, and Ekron shall be rooted up.
Thi Gaza skal ligge forladt og Askalon øde, Asdod drives bort ved Middag, Ekron udryddes.
5 Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea-coast, the nation of the Cherethites! the word of the LORD is against you, O Canaan, the land of the Philistines; I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant.
Ve dem, som bor ved Stranden, Kreternes Folk; HERRENs Ord over dig, Kana'an, Filisternes Land! Jeg gør dig til intet, så ingen bor der.
6 And the sea-coast shall be pastures, even meadows for shepherds, and folds for flocks.
Du skal blive til Græsmark for Hyrder, til Folde for Småkvæg.
7 And it shall be a portion for the remnant of the house of Judah, whereon they shall feed; in the houses of Ashkelon shall they lie down in the evening; for the LORD their God will remember them, and turn their captivity.
Og Stranden skal tilfalde Resten af Judas Hus; de skal græsse derpå. Lejr skal de slå ved Kvæld i Askalons Huse. Thi HERREN deres Gud ser til dem og vender deres Skæbne.
8 I have heard the taunt of Moab, and the revilings of the children of Ammon, wherewith they have taunted My people, and spoken boastfully concerning their border.
Jeg hørte Moabs Spot, Atnmoniternes hånende Ord, med hvilke de spotted mit Folk, hovmoded sig over deres Land.
9 Therefore as I live, saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Surely Moab shall be as Sodom, and the children of Ammon as Gomorrah, even the breeding-place of nettles, and saltpits, and a desolation, for ever; the residue of My people shall spoil them, and the remnant of My nation shall inherit them.
Derfor, så sandt jeg lever, lyder det fra Hærskarers HERRE, Israels Gud: Moab skal blive som Sodoma, Ammoniterne som Gomorra, Jord for Nælder, et Salthul, Ørken til evig Tid. Resten af mit Folk skal plyndre dem; hvad der levnes af mit Folk skal eje dem.
10 This shall they have for their pride, because they have taunted and spoken boastfully against the people of the LORD of hosts.
Dette skal times dem for deres Hovmod, fordi de hånede Hærskarers HERREs Folk og gjorde sig store over for det.
11 The LORD will be terrible unto them; for He will famish all the gods of the earth; then shall all the isles of the nations worship Him, every one from its place.
Frygtelig er HERREN for dem; thi han udrydder alle Jordens Guder, og alle Hedningemes fjerne Strande skal tilbede ham, hver på sit Sted.
12 Ye Ethiopians also, ye shall be slain by My sword.
Også I Ætiopere skal falde for HERRENs Sværd,
13 And He will stretch out His hand against the north, and destroy Assyria; and will make Nineveh a desolation, and dry like the wilderness.
og han udrækker Hånden mod Nord og tilintetgør Assur, Nineve gør han til Ødemark, tørt som en Ørk;
14 And all beasts of every kind shall lie down in the midst of her in herds; both the pelican and the bittern shall lodge in the capitals thereof; voices shall sing in the windows; desolation shall be in the posts; for the cedar-work thereof shall be uncovered.
Hjorde skal lejre sig deri, hvert Slettens Dyr; på dets Søjlehoveder sover Pelikan og Rørdrum, i Vinduet skriger Uglen, Ravnen på Tærsklen.
15 This is the joyous city that dwelt without care, that said in her heart: 'I am, and there is none else beside me'; how is she become a desolation, a place for beasts to lie down in! Every one that passeth by her shall hiss, and wag his hand.
Det er den jublende By, som lå så trygt, som sagde i sit Hjerte: "Jeg og ellers ingen." Hvor er den dog blevet øde, et Raststed for Dyr! Enhver, som kommer forbi den håner med Fløjt og Hånd.

< Zephaniah 2 >