< Psalms 98 >

1 A Psalm. O sing unto the LORD a new song; for He hath done marvellous things; His right hand, and His holy arm, hath wrought salvation for Him.
Nkunga. Yimbidilanu Yave nkunga wumona bila wuvengi mambu ma kitoko. Koko kuandi ku lubakala ayi koko kuandi kunlongo mivengi phulusu mu diambu diandi.
2 The LORD hath made known His salvation; His righteousness hath He revealed in the sight of the nations.
Yave wuzabikisa phulusu andi; ayi wumonisa busonga buandi kuidi makanda.
3 He hath remembered His mercy and His faithfulness toward the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.
Wutebukila luzolo luandi moyo ayi kikhuikizi kiandi kuidi nzo yi Iseli. Zitsukusunu zioso zi ntoto zimona phulusu yi Nzambi eto.
4 Shout unto the LORD, all the earth; break forth and sing for joy, yea, sing praises.
Yamikina mu khini kuidi Yave, ntoto wumvimba; ludila mu nkunga mi mayangi va kimosi ayi miziki.
5 Sing praises unto the LORD with the harp; with the harp and the voice of melody.
Lubula miziki kuidi Yave mu ngitala, mu ngitala ayi mu biyoko bi nyimbidi;
6 With trumpets and sound of the horn shout ye before the King, the LORD.
mu zitulumbeta ayi mu biyoko bi phoka yi dimemi, yamikinanu mu khini va ntuala Yave, ntinu.
7 Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein;
Bika mbu wuwakikisa biyoko va kimosi ayi kadika kima kidi muna; bika nza ayi babo bobo banzingilanga muawu bayamikina.
8 Let the floods clap their hands; let the mountains sing for joy together;
Bika minlangu minneni mibula mioko miawu. Bika miongo miyimbila va kimosi mu khini;
9 Before the LORD, for He is come to judge the earth; He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with equity.
bika bayimbila va ntuala Yave bila wulembo yizi mu diambu di sambisa ntoto. Niandi wela sambisa nza mu busonga ayi batu mu bufuana.

< Psalms 98 >