< Psalms 77 >

1 For the Leader; for Jeduthun. A Psalm of Asaph. I will lift up my voice unto God, and cry; I will lift up my voice unto God, that He may give ear unto me.
(Til Sangmesteren. Til Jedutun. Af Asaf. En Salme.) Jeg råber, højt til Gud, og han hører mig,
2 In the day of my trouble I seek the Lord; with my hand uplifted, mine eye streameth in the night without ceasing; my soul refuseth to be comforted.
jeg søger Herren på Nødens Dag, min Hånd er om Natten utrættet udrakt, min Sjæl vil ikke lade sig trøste;
3 When I think thereon, O God, I must moan; when I muse thereon, my spirit fainteth. (Selah)
jeg ihukommer Gud og stønner, jeg sukker, min Ånd vansmægter. (Sela)
4 Thou holdest fast the lids of mine eyes; I am troubled, and cannot speak.
Du holder mine Øjne vågne, jeg er urolig og målløs.
5 I have pondered the days of old, the years of ancient times.
Jeg tænker på fordums dage, ihukommer længst henrundne År;
6 In the night I will call to remembrance my song; I will commune with mine own heart; and my spirit maketh diligent search:
jeg gransker om Natten i Hjertet, grunder og ransager min Ånd.
7 'Will the Lord cast off for ever? and will He be favourable no more?
Vil Herren bortstøde for evigt og aldrig mer vise Nåde,
8 Is His mercy clean gone for ever? Is His promise come to an end for evermore?
er hans Miskundhed ude for stedse, hans Trofasthed omme for evigt og altid,
9 Hath God forgotten to be gracious? Hath He in anger shut up his compassions?' (Selah)
har Gud da glemt at ynkes, lukket sit Hjerte i Vrede? (Sela)
10 And I say: 'This is my weakness, that the right hand of the Most High could change.
Jeg sagde: Det er min Smerte; at den Højestes højre er ikke som før.
11 I will make mention of the deeds of the LORD; yea, I will remember Thy wonders of old.
Jeg kommer HERRENs Gerninger i Hu, ja kommer dine fordums Undere i Hu.
12 I will meditate also upon all Thy work, and muse on Thy doings.'
Jeg tænker på al din Gerning og grunder over dine Værker.
13 O God, Thy way is in holiness; who is a great god like unto God?
Gud, din Vej var i Hellighed, hvo er en Gud så stor som Gud!
14 Thou art the God that doest wonders; Thou hast made known Thy strength among the peoples.
Du er en Gud, som gør Undere, du gjorde din Vælde kendt blandt Folkene,
15 Thou hast with Thine arm redeemed Thy people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. (Selah)
udøste dit Folk med din Arm, Jakobs og Josefs Sønner. (Sela)
16 The waters saw Thee, O God; the waters saw Thee, they were in pain; the depths also trembled.
Vandene så dig, Gud, Vandene så dig og vred sig i Angst, ja Dybet tog til at skælve;
17 The clouds flooded forth waters; the skies sent out a sound; Thine arrows also went abroad.
Skyerne udøste Vand, Skyhimlens Stemme gjaldede, dine Pile for hid og did;
18 The voice of Thy thunder was in the whirlwind; the lightnings lighted up the world; the earth trembled and shook.
din bragende Torden rullede, Lynene oplyste Jorderig, Jorden bæved og skjalv;
19 Thy way was in the sea, and Thy path in the great waters, and Thy footsteps were not known.
din Vej gik midt gennem Havet, din Sti gennem store Vande, dine Fodspor kendtes ikke.
20 Thou didst lead Thy people like a flock, by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Du førte dit Folk som en Hjord ved Moses's og Arons Hånd.

< Psalms 77 >