< Psalms 24 >

1 A Psalm of David. The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
Prima sabbati. Psalmus David. [Domini est terra, et plenitudo ejus; orbis terrarum, et universi qui habitant in eo.
2 For He hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.
Quia ipse super maria fundavit eum, et super flumina præparavit eum.
3 Who shall ascend into the mountain of the LORD? and who shall stand in His holy place?
Quis ascendet in montem Domini? aut quis stabit in loco sancto ejus?
4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not taken My name in vain, and hath not sworn deceitfully.
Innocens manibus et mundo corde, qui non accepit in vano animam suam, nec juravit in dolo proximo suo:
5 He shall receive a blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.
hic accipiet benedictionem a Domino, et misericordiam a Deo salutari suo.
6 Such is the generation of them that seek after Him, that seek Thy face, even Jacob. (Selah)
Hæc est generatio quærentium eum, quærentium faciem Dei Jacob.
7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors; that the King of glory may come in.
Attollite portas, principes, vestras, et elevamini, portæ æternales, et introibit rex gloriæ.
8 'Who is the King of glory?' 'The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.'
Quis est iste rex gloriæ? Dominus fortis et potens, Dominus potens in prælio.
9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates, yea, lift them up, ye everlasting doors; that the King of glory may come in.
Attollite portas, principes, vestras, et elevamini, portæ æternales, et introibit rex gloriæ.
10 'Who then is the King of glory?' 'The LORD of hosts; He is the King of glory.' (Selah)
Quis est iste rex gloriæ? Dominus virtutum ipse est rex gloriæ.]

< Psalms 24 >