< Psalms 140 >

1 For the Leader. A Psalm of David. Deliver me, O LORD, from the evil man; preserve me from the violent man;
Nkunga Davidi kuidi pfumu minyimbidi. Wukhudi, a Yave, mu mutu wumbimbi; wukheba mu mutu wu makhemi;
2 Who devise evil things in their heart; every day do they stir up wars.
bobo banyindulanga zikhanu zimbimbi mu mintima miawu ayi bantombanga lumbu ka lumbu nuana mvita.
3 They have sharpened their tongue like a serpent; vipers' venom is under their lips. (Selah)
Beti kitula ludimi luawu meno banga lu nioka; mitsa mi bikusa midi mu bididi biawu.
4 Keep me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked; preserve me from the violent man; who have purposed to make my steps slip.
Wukheba, a Yave, mu mutu wumbimbi. Wuthanina mu batu badi makhemi; bobo beti kubika zikhanu mu buisa malu mama.
5 The proud have hid a snare for me, and cords; they have spread a net by the wayside; they have set gins for me. (Selah)
Batu ba luniemo bathambila makondi; bayalumuna minsinga mi makondi mawu ayi bathambila mintambu muyenda nsolo ama.
6 I have said unto the LORD: 'Thou art my God'; give ear, O LORD, unto the voice of my supplications.
A Yave, ndituba kuidi ngeyo: “ngeyo Nzambi ama.” Wa, a Yave, yamikina kuama bu ndintomba monono kiadi.
7 O GOD the Lord, the strength of my salvation, who hast screened my head in the day of battle,
A Yave, mutu wumvanganga makazodidi ngeyo nkudi ama wu ngolo ngeyo weti kaka ntuꞌama mu lumbu ki mvita.
8 Grant not, O LORD, the desires of the wicked; further not his evil device, so that they exalt themselves. (Selah)
Kadi tala zitsatu zi batu bambimbi zivangama, a Yave. Kadi tala ti zikhanu ziawu zinunga nganu bela ba luniemo.
9 As for the head of those that compass me about, let the mischief of their own lips cover them.
Bika mintu mi bobo banzungididi mifuku kuidi ziphasi ziozi bididi biawu bitotula.
10 Let burning coals fall upon them; let them be cast into the fire, into deep pits, that they rise not up again.
Bika makala ma mbazu mabua va bawu. Bika balozo ku mbazu, ku tsi mabulu madi nyamba; babika buela telama.
11 A slanderer shall not be established in the earth; the violent and evil man shall be hunted with thrust upon thrust.
Bika mimvuezi mibika zingila mu tsi; bika mabienga malandakana mu kambu vonga batu badi makhemi.
12 I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the poor, and the right of the needy.
Nzebi ti Yave weti vana luvovomo lusonga kuidi nsukami ayi wela nuanina minsukami.
13 Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto Thy name; the upright shall dwell in Thy presence.
Bukiedika, basonga bela zitisa dizina diaku ayi batu badi mintima milulama bela zingila va ntualꞌaku.

< Psalms 140 >