< Psalms 130 >

1 A Song of Ascents. Out of the depths have I called Thee, O LORD.
Sabo-Pionjonañe Boak’an-dalek’ ao ty nitoreovako ama’o ry Iehovà;
2 Lord, hearken unto my voice; let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.
Ry Talè, haoño ty feoko! Ampijanjiño o ravembia’oo ty feon-kalaliko.
3 If Thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?
Lehe Ihe r’Iehovà ro namolily hakeo, ia, ry Talè, ty ho nahafijohañe?
4 For with Thee there is forgiveness, that Thou mayest be feared.
Fe ama’o ty fañafahan-kakeo; soa te hañeveñañe.
5 I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in His word do I hope.
Mitamà Iehovà iraho, mandiñe ty troko, o tsara’oo ro salalaeko.
6 My soul waiteth for the Lord, more than watchmen for the morning; yea, more than watchmen for the morning.
Mitamà i Talè ty fiaiko mandikoatse ty mpandiñe maraindraiñe, eka, ty mpandiñe maraindraiñe.
7 O Israel, hope in the LORD; for with the LORD there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption.
O Israeleo, mitamà Iehovà, am’ Iehovà ao ty fikokoa-migahiñe ama’e ty fijebañañe mihenehene.
8 And He will redeem Israel from all his iniquities.
Ie ty hijebañe Israele amo fonga hakeo’eo.

< Psalms 130 >