< Psalms 108 >

1 A Song, a Psalm of David. My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises, even with my glory.
Nkunga Davidi. Ntimꞌama widi wukinda, a Nzambi. Ndiela yimbila ayi ndiela bula miziki mu muelꞌama woso.
2 Awake, psaltery and harp; I will awake the dawn.
Kotukanu beno ngitala ayi Lila; ndiela kotula khiesa buisa.
3 I will give thanks unto Thee, O LORD, among the peoples; and I will sing praises unto Thee among the nations.
Ndiela kuzitisa, a Yave, va khatitsika makanda, ndiela kuyimbidila va khatitsika batu
4 For Thy mercy is great above the heavens, and Thy truth reacheth unto the skies.
Bila luzolo luaku luidi lunneni, luidi luzangama viokila diyilu kikhuikizi kiaku kieti tula nate ku matuti.
5 Be Thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; and Thy glory be above all the earth.
Yayusu kuaku, a Nzambi, ku yilu diyilu ayi bika nkembo aku wuba va ntoto wumvimba;
6 That Thy beloved may be delivered, save with Thy right hand, and answer me.
Wutuvukisa ayi wutusadisa mu koko kuaku ku lubakala muingi bobo weti zola bakulu.
7 God spoke in His holiness, that I would exult; that I would divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth.
Nzambi wutuba tona ku buangu kiandi kinlongo: “mu ndungunu, ndiela vasa Sikemi ayi ndiela teza ndimba wu Sikoti.
8 Gilead is mine, Manasseh is mine; Ephraim also is the defence of my head; Judah is my sceptre.
Minu phuidi Galadi, minu phuidi Manase; Efalayimi wawu nkaku wu ntu ama Yuda nkawꞌama wu kipfumu.
9 Moab is my washpot; upon Edom do I cast my shoe; over Philistia do I cry aloud.
Mowabi diawu dibola diodi ndieti yobidila. Va yilu Edomi ndiloza zisandale ziama, ndiela yamikina mu diambu di ndungunu ama mu basi Filisiti.”
10 Who will bring me into the fortified city? Who will lead me unto Edom?
Nani wela kundata ku divula dikindusu ngolo e? Nani wela kuthuadisa ku Edomi e?
11 Hast not Thou cast us off, O God? and Thou goest not forth, O God, with our hosts?
Keti ngeyo, a Nzambi, ngeyo wutuloza, ngeyo wunkambu buela totukanga ayi minkangu mi masodi meto e?
12 Give us help against the adversary; for vain is the help of man.
Wutuvana lusadusu va ntuala mbeni bila lusadusu lu mutu luidi lu phamba.
13 Through God we shall do valiantly; for He it is that will tread down our adversaries.
Va kimosi ayi Nzambi, tuela tunga ayi wela kosikisa bambeni zieto.

< Psalms 108 >