< Psalms 105 >

1 O give thanks unto the LORD, call upon His name; make known His doings among the peoples.
Prisa Herren, kalla på hans namn! Kunngjer millom folkeslagi hans storverk!
2 Sing unto Him, sing praises unto Him; speak ye of all His marvellous works.
Syng for honom, syng honom lov! tala um alle hans under.
3 Glory ye in His holy name; let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD.
Rosa dykk av hans heilage namn, hjarta glede seg hjå deim som søkjer Herren!
4 Seek ye the LORD and His strength; seek His face continually.
Spør etter Herren og hans magt, søk hans åsyn alltid!
5 Remember His marvellous works that He hath done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth;
Kom i hug hans under som han hev gjort, hans undergjerningar og domsordi frå hans munn,
6 O ye seed of Abraham His servant, ye children of Jacob, His chosen ones.
de, etterkomarar av Abraham, hans tenar, søner åt Jakob, hans utvalde!
7 He is the LORD our God; His judgments are in all the earth.
Han er Herren, vår Gud, yver all jordi gjeng hans domar.
8 He hath remembered His covenant for ever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations;
Han kjem æveleg i hug si pakt, det ord han sette fast for tusund ætter,
9 The covenant which He made with Abraham, and His oath unto Isaac;
den pakt han gjorde med Abraham, og sin eid til Isak;
10 And He established it unto Jacob for a statute, to Israel for an everlasting covenant;
og han gjorde det til ein rett for Jakob, for Israel ei æveleg pakt,
11 Saying: 'Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance.'
med di han sagde: «Deg vil eg gjeva Kana’ans land til arvlut.»
12 When they were but a few men in number. Yea, very few, and sojourners in it,
Då dei var ein liten flokk, få og framande der,
13 And when they went about from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another people,
og dei vandra frå folk til folk, frå eitt rike til eit anna folk,
14 He suffered no man to do them wrong, yea, for their sake He reproved kings:
let han ingen mann få gjera valdsverk mot deim, og han refste kongar for deira skuld:
15 'Touch not Mine anointed ones, and do My prophets no harm.'
«Rør ikkje dei eg hev salva, og gjer ikkje vondt med mine profetar!»
16 And He called a famine upon the land; He broke the whole staff of bread.
Og han kalla hunger inn yver landet, kvar studnad av brød braut han sund.
17 He sent a man before them; Joseph was sold for a servant;
Han sende ein mann fyre deim, til træl vart Josef seld.
18 His feet they hurt with fetters, his person was laid in iron;
Dei plåga hans føter i lekkjor, i jarn vart han lagd,
19 Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the LORD tested him.
til den tid då hans ord slo til, då Herrens ord viste at han var uskuldig.
20 The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the peoples, and set him free.
Då sende kongen bod og løyste honom, Herren yver folkeslag gav honom fri.
21 He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his possessions;
Han sette honom til herre yver sitt hus, til å råda yver all hans eigedom;
22 To bind his princes at his pleasure, and teach his elders wisdom.
so han skulde binda hans hovdingar etter sin vilje og læra hans eldste visdom.
23 Israel also came into Egypt; and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham.
Og Israel kom til Egyptarland, og Jakob budde som gjest i Khams land.
24 And He increased His people greatly, and made them too mighty for their adversaries.
Og han let folket sitt aukast mykje og gjorde det sterkare enn fiendarne.
25 He turned their heart to hate His people, to deal craftily with His servants.
Deira hjarto vende han um, so dei hata hans folk og lagde løynderåder upp mot hans tenarar.
26 He sent Moses His servant, and Aaron whom He had chosen.
Han sende Moses, sin tenar, Aron som han hadde valt ut.
27 They wrought among them His manifold signs, and wonders in the land of Ham.
Dei gjorde hans teikn imillom deim og under i Khams land.
28 He sent darkness, and it was dark; and they rebelled not against His word.
Han sende myrker og gjorde det myrkt, og dei var ikkje ulyduge imot hans ord.
29 He turned their waters into blood, and slew their fish.
Han gjorde vatni deira til blod, og han drap deira fiskar.
30 Their land swarmed with frogs, in the chambers of their kings.
Deira land kom til å kreka av froskar, jamvel i salarne til deira kongar.
31 He spoke, and there came swarms of flies, and gnats in all their borders.
Han tala, og det kom flugesvermar og my i heile landet deira.
32 He gave them hail for rain, and flaming fire in their land.
Han gav deim hagl for regn, logande eld i landet deira,
33 He smote their vines also and their fig-trees; and broke the trees of their borders.
og han slo ned deira vintre og fiketre og braut trei sund i landet deira.
34 He spoke, and the locust came, and the canker-worm without number,
Han tala, og det kom engsprettor og grashoppar i uteljande mengd,
35 And did eat up every herb in their land, and did eat up the fruit of their ground.
og dei åt upp all grode i deira land, og dei åt upp frukti av marki deira.
36 He smote also all the first-born in their land, the first-fruits of all their strength.
Og han slo alt fyrstefødt i landet deira, fyrstegrøda av all deira kraft.
37 And He brought them forth with silver and gold; and there was none that stumbled among His tribes.
Og han førde deim ut med sylv og gull, og det var ingen i hans ætter som snåva.
38 Egypt was glad when they departed; for the fear of them had fallen upon them.
Egyptarland gledde seg då dei drog ut; for rædsla for deim hadde falle yver deim.
39 He spread a cloud for a screen; and fire to give light in the night.
Han breidde ut ei sky til skyggje og eld til å lysa um natti.
40 They asked, and He brought quails, and gave them in plenty the bread of heaven.
Dei kravde, og han let vaktlar koma, og med himmelbrød metta han deim.
41 He opened the rock, and waters gushed out; they ran, a river in the dry places.
Han opna berget og vatn rann ut, det gjekk som ei elv gjenom turrlendet.
42 For He remembered His holy word unto Abraham His servant;
For han kom i hug sitt heilage ord, Abraham, sin tenar,
43 And He brought forth His people with joy, His chosen ones with singing.
og han førde sitt folk ut med gleda, sine utvalde med fagnadrop,
44 And He gave them the lands of the nations, and they took the labour of the peoples in possession;
og han gav deim landi åt heidningarne, og folkeslags arbeid tok dei til eigedom,
45 That they might keep His statutes, and observe His laws. Hallelujah.
at dei skulde halda hans fyresegner og taka vare på hans lover. Halleluja!

< Psalms 105 >