< Isaiah 28 >

1 Woe to the crown of pride of the drunkards of Ephraim, and to the fading flower of his glorious beauty, which is on the head of the fat valley of them that are smitten down with wine!
Ve Efraims berusedes stolte Krans og dets herlige Smykkes visnende Blomster paa Tindingen af de druknes fede Dal!
2 Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, as a storm of hail, a tempest of destruction, as a storm of mighty waters overflowing, that casteth down to the earth with violence.
Se, Herren har en vældig Kæmpe til Rede; som Skybrud af Hagl, som hærgende Storm, som Skybrud af mægtige skyllende Vande slaar han til Jorden med Vælde.
3 The crown of pride of the drunkards of Ephraim shall be trodden under foot;
Med Fødderne trampes de ned, Efraims berusedes stolte Krans
4 And the fading flower of his glorious beauty, which is on the head of the fat valley, shall be as the first-ripe fig before the summer, which when one looketh upon it, while it is yet in his hand he eateth it up.
og dets herlige Smykkes visnende Blomster paa Tindingen af den fede Dal; det gaar den som en tidligmoden Figen før Frugthøst: Hvo der faar Øje paa den, plukker den, og knap er den i Haanden, før han har slugt den.
5 In that day shall the LORD of hosts be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty, unto the residue of His people;
Paa hin Dag bliver Hærskarers HERRE en smuk Krans og en herlig Krone for sit Folks Rest
6 And for a spirit of judgment to him that sitteth in judgment, and for strength to them that turn back the battle at the gate.
og en Rettens Aand for dem, som sidder til Doms, og Styrke for dem, der driver Krigen tilbage til Portene.
7 But these also reel through wine, and stagger through strong drink; the priest and the prophet reel through strong drink, they are confused because of wine, they stagger because of strong drink; they reel in vision, they totter in judgment.
Ogsaa disse raver af Vin, er svimle af Drik, Præst og Profet, de raver af Drik, fra Samling af Vin og svimle af Drik; de raver under Syner, vakler, naar de dømmer.
8 For all tables are full of filthy vomit, and no place is clean.
Thi alle Borde er fulde af Spy, Uhumskhed flyder paa hver en Plet.
9 Whom shall one teach knowledge? And whom shall one make to understand the message? Them that are weaned from the milk, them that are drawn from the breasts?
»Hvem vil han belære, hvem tyder han Syner — mon afvante Børn, nys tagne fra Brystet?
10 For it is precept by precept, precept by precept, line by line, line by line; here a little, there a little.
Kun hakke og rakke, rakke og hakke, lidt i Vejen her og lidt i Vejen der!«
11 For with stammering lips and with a strange tongue shall it be spoken to this people;
Ja, med lallende Læber, med fremmed Maal vil han tale til dette Folk,
12 To whom it was said: 'This is the rest, give ye rest to the weary; and this is the refreshing'; yet they would not hear.
han, som dog sagde til dem: »Her er der Hvile, lad den trætte hvile, her er der Ro!« — men de vilde ej høre.
13 And so the word of the LORD is unto them precept by precept, precept by precept, line by line, line by line; here a little, there a little; that they may go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.
Saa bliver for dem da HERRENS Ord: »Hakke og rakke, rakke og hakke, lidt i Vejen her og lidt i Vejen der!« saa de gaar hen og styrter bagover, sønderslaas, fanges og hildes.
14 Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scoffers, the ballad-mongers of this people which is in Jerusalem:
Hør derfor HERRENS Ord, I spotske Mænd, I Nidvisens Mestre blandt dette Jerusalems Folk!
15 Because ye have said: 'We have made a covenant with death, and with the nether-world are we at agreement; when the scouring scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us; for we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood have we hid ourselves'; (Sheol h7585)
Fordi I siger: »Vi slutted en Pagt med Døden, Dødsriget gjorde vi Aftale med; naar den susende Svøbe gaar frem, da naar den ej os, thi Løgn har vi gjort til vort Ly, vi har gemt os i Svig; « (Sheol h7585)
16 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD: Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a costly corner-stone of sure foundation; he that believeth shall not make haste.
derfor, saa siger den Herre HERREN: Se, jeg lægger i Zion en prøvet Sten, en urokkelig, kostelig Hjørnesten; tror man, haster man ikke.
17 And I will make justice the line, and righteousness the plummet; and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding-place.
Og jeg gør Ret til Maalesnor, Retfærd til Blylod; Hagl skal slaa Løgnelyet ned, Vand skylle Gemmestedet bort.
18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled and your agreement with the nether-world shall not stand; when the scouring scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it, (Sheol h7585)
Eders Pagt med Døden skal brydes, Aftalen med Dødsriget glippe. Naar den susende Svøbe gaar frem, skal den slaa jer til Jorden, (Sheol h7585)
19 As often as it passeth through, it shall take you; for morning by morning shall it pass through, by day and by night; and it shall be sheer terror to understand the message.
jer skal den ramme, hver Gang den gaar frem; thi Morgen efter Morgen gaar den frem, ved Dag og ved Nat, idel Angst skal det blive at faa Syner tydet.
20 For the bed is too short for a man to stretch himself; and the covering too narrow when he gathereth himself up.
Vil man strække sig, er Lejet for kort; vil man dække sig, er Tæppet for smalt.
21 For the LORD will rise up as in mount Perazim, He will be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon; that He may do His work, strange is His work, and bring to pass His act, strange is His act.
Thi som paa Perazims Bjerg vil HERREN staa op, som i Gibeons Dal vil han vise sin Vrede for at gøre sin Gerning — en underlig Gerning, og øve sit Værk — et sælsomt Værk.
22 Now therefore be ye not scoffers, lest your bands be made strong; for an extermination wholly determined have I heard from the Lord, the GOD of hosts, upon the whole land.
Derfor hold inde med Spot, at ej eders Baand skal snære; thi om hele Landets visse Undergang hørte jeg fra Herren, Hærskarers HERRE.
23 Give ye ear, and hear my voice; attend, and hear my speech.
Lyt til og hør min Røst, laan Øre og hør mit Ord!
24 Is the plowman never done with plowing to sow, with the opening and harrowing of his ground?
Bliver Plovmanden ved med at pløje til Sæd, med at bryde og harve sin Jord?
25 When he hath made plain the face thereof, doth he not cast abroad the black cummin, and scatter the cummin, and put in the wheat in rows and the barley in the appointed place and the spelt in the border thereof?
Mon han ikke, naar den er jævnet, saar Dild og udstrør Kommen, lægger Hvede, Hirse og Byg paa det udsete Sted og Spelt i Kanten deraf?
26 For He doth instruct him aright; his God doth teach him.
Hans Gud vejleder ham, lærer ham det rette.
27 For the black cummin is not threshed with a threshing-sledge, neither is a cart-wheel turned about upon the cummin; but the black cummin is beaten out with a staff, and the cummin with a rod.
Thi med Tærskeslæde knuser man ikke Dild, lader ikke Vognhjul gaa over Kommen; nej, Dilden tærskes med Stok og Kommen med Kæp.
28 Is bread corn crushed? Nay, he will not ever be threshing it; and though the roller of his wagon and its sharp edges move noisily, he doth not crush it.
Mon Brødkorn knuses? Nej, det bliver ingen ved med at tærske; Vognhjul og Heste drives derover, man knuser det ikke.
29 This also cometh forth from the LORD of hosts: Wonderful is His counsel, and great His wisdom.
Ogsaa dette kommer fra Hærskarers HERRE, underfuld i Raad og stor i Visdom.

< Isaiah 28 >