< Hosea 6 >

1 'Come, and let us return unto the LORD; for He hath torn, and He will heal us, He hath smitten, and He will bind us up.
»Kom, vi vil tilbage til HERREN! Han sønderrev, han vil og læge, han slog os, vil ogsaa forbinde.
2 After two days will He revive us, on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His presence.
Om to Dage gør han os levende, rejser os op den tredje; da lever vi for hans Aasyn.
3 And let us know, eagerly strive to know the LORD, His going forth is sure as the morning; and He shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter rain that watereth the earth.'
Saa lad os da kende, jage efter at kende HERREN! Som Morgenrøden er hans Opgang vis. Da kommer han til os som Regn, som Vaarregn, der væder Jorden.«
4 O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Judah, what shall I do unto thee? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the dew that early passeth away.
Hvor kan jeg hjælpe dig, Efraim, hvor kan jeg hjælpe dig, Juda? Eders Kærlighed er Morgentaage, Dug, som aarle svinder!
5 Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets, I have slain them by the words of My mouth; and thy judgment goeth forth as the light.
Thi hugged jeg løs ved Profeter, dræbte med Ord af min Mund, min Ret straaler frem som Lys:
6 For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than burnt-offerings.
Ej Slagtoffer — Kærlighed vil jeg, ej Brændofre — Kendskab til Gud!
7 But they like men have transgressed the covenant; there have they dealt treacherously against Me.
De bryder Pagten i Adam, er mig utro der;
8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, it is covered with footprints of blood.
Gilead er Udaadsmænds By, den er sølet i Blod.
9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so doth the company of priests; they murder in the way toward Shechem; yea, they commit enormity.
Som en Stimandsflok er Præsternes Flok, de myrder paa Vejen til Sikem, gør Niddingsværk.
10 In the house of Israel I have seen a horrible thing; there harlotry is found in Ephraim, Israel is defiled.
Grufulde Ting har jeg set i Israels Hus, der har Efraim bolet, Israel blev uren.
11 Also, O Judah, there is a harvest appointed for thee! When I would turn the captivity of My people,
Juda, ogsaa for dig er der fastsat en Høst, naar jeg vender mit Folks Skæbne, naar jeg læger Israel.

< Hosea 6 >