< Habakkuk 3 >

1 A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet. Upon Shigionoth.
Amo da balofede dunu Ha: bagage ea sia: ne gadosu afae gala.
2 O LORD, I have heard the report of Thee, and am afraid; O LORD, revive Thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make it known; in wrath remember compassion.
“Hina Gode! Na da Dia hamoi amo nabi dagoi. Amola na da baligiwane fofogadigisa. Wali, ninia esalebe eso amoga, Dia musa: gasa bagade hamoi amo bu hamoma. Di da ninima ougi gala, be amomane ninima asigima!
3 God cometh from Teman, and the Holy One from mount Paran. (Selah) His glory covereth the heavens, and the earth is full of His praise.
Gode da bu Idome soge amoganini mana. Hadigi Gode da Ba: ila: ne agolo amoganini mana. Ea noga: idafa isisima: goi hou da mu amo dedebosa. Amola osobo bagade da Ema nodone sia: ne gadosu amoga nabai gala.
4 And a brightness appeareth as the light; rays hath He at His side; and there is the hiding of His power.
E da ha: ha: na ea nenegala: be defele maha. Ea gasa da Ea lobo ganodini wamolegei. Amoga hadigi da digaga: gala: !
5 Before him goeth the pestilence, and fiery bolts go forth at His feet.
E da olo bisili iasisa! E da Bogosu Ema fa: no bobogema: ne sia: sa!
6 He standeth, and shaketh the earth, He beholdeth, and maketh the nations to tremble; and the everlasting mountains are dashed in pieces, the ancient hills do bow; His goings are as of old.
E da aligisia, osobo bagade da fogosa. E da hedolole ba: legasea, fifi asi gala ilia da fofogosa. Eso huluane dialumu goumi da goudane sa: i ba: sa. Eso huluane dialumu agolo (amogawi E da musa: hemonega lalu) da magufalala.
7 I see the tents of Cushan in affliction; the curtains of the land of Midian do tremble.
Na da Gusia: ne fi dunu beda: igia: be ba: i. Na da Midia: ne fi dunu beda: ga yagugulalebe ba: i.
8 Is it, O LORD, that against the rivers, is it that Thine anger is kindled against the rivers, or Thy wrath against the sea? that Thou dost ride upon Thy horses, upon Thy chariots of victory?
Hina Gode! Di da hano ilia houba: le ougibala: ? Di da hano wayabo bagade ea hou ba: beba: le, bagadewane ougibala: ? Di da mu mobi da: iya fila heda: le ahoasu. Mulu mobi ginafoi amo da Dia ‘sa: liode’ hamoi. Amanoba, Di da Dia fi dunuma hasanasisu hou i dagoi.
9 Thy bow is made quite bare; sworn are the rods of the word. (Selah) Thou dost cleave the earth with rivers.
Di da Dia oulali amoga gala: musa: dadi momagei. Dia ha: ha: na amoga da osobo bagade odahidale yalesi.
10 The mountains have seen Thee, and they tremble; the tempest of waters floweth over; the deep uttereth its voice, and lifteth up its hands on high.
Goumi alelaloi da Di ba: loba, fofogosu. Hano da mu da: iya gadonini sogadigi. Osobo bagade hagudu hano da goi. Amola amo hano gafului da gado heda: i.
11 The sun and moon stand still in their habitation; at the light of Thine arrows as they go, at the shining of Thy glittering spear.
Dia dadi da dogona ahoa foloa gala: loba amola Dia goge agei da dogona ahoa digagala: loba, eso amola oubi da mae fogole lelu.
12 Thou marchest through the earth in indignation, Thou threshest the nations in anger.
Dia da ougiliwane, osobo bagade amodili mogodigili asi. Di da ougi bagadedafa agoane, fifi asi gala ilima ososa: gisa asi.
13 Thou art come forth for the deliverance of Thy people, for the deliverance of Thine anointed; Thou woundest the head out of the house of the wicked, uncovering the foundation even unto the neck. (Selah)
Di da Dia fi dunu gaga: musa: gadili asi. Amola Dia ilegei hina bagade dunu gaga: musa: gadili asi. Be Di da wadela: i hamosu dunu ilia ouligisu dunu amo fane sali. Amola ema fa: no bobogesu dunu amo Di da wadela: lesili, gugunufinisi dagoi.
14 Thou hast stricken through with his own rods the head of his rulers, that come as a whirlwind to scatter me; whose rejoicing is as to devour the poor secretly.
Wadela: i hamosu dunu ouligisu dunu ea dadi gagui wa: i da mulu agoane nini afagogolesimusa: manebe ba: i. Ilia da hidale, dunu amo da hame gagui dunu wamowane banenesisu defele, ninima osa: le heda: musa: manebe ba: i. Be amo dadi gagui wa: i ilia ouligisu dunu amo, Dia da Dia dadiga sone, fane sali dagoi.
15 Thou hast trodden the sea with Thy horses, the foaming of mighty waters.
Di da Dia hosiga hano wayabo bagade ososa: gi dagoi. Amola hano bagade da dubu hamonesi.
16 When I heard, mine inward parts trembled, my lips quivered at the voice; rottenness entereth into my bones, and I tremble where I stand; that I should wait for the day of trouble, when he cometh up against the people that he invadeth.
Na da amo huluane naba amola yagugusa. Na lafi gadofo da beda: ga yagugusa. Na da: i da fofogosu agoane hamosa, amola na emoga ahoasea, gigiawasa. Gode da Ea eso ilegei amoga, ninima doagala: su dunu ilima se dabe imunu. Na da amo eso doaga: ma: ne, asabole ouligimu.
17 For though the fig-tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no food; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls;
Be amomane, figi ifa da fage hame legei galea, amola waini efe da dulu hame legei galea, amola olife ifa da fage hame legei galea, amola bugili nasu sogega, gagoma da hame heda: i galea, amola sibi huluane da bogogia: i dagoi galea, amola bulamagau sanasisu gagili amo ganodini bulamagau hamedafa esalebe ba: sea,
18 Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will exult in the God of my salvation.
na da amoma mae dawa: le, gebewane, nodone hahawane esalumu. Bai Hina Gode da na Gaga: sudafa esala.
19 God, the Lord, is my strength, and He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and He maketh me to walk upon my high places. For the Leader. With my string-music.
Ouligisudafa Hina Gode da nama gasa iaha. Ea hamobeba: le, na da ‘dia’ ohe agoane noga: le ososa: ahoa. Na da goumi da: iya ahoasea, Hina Gode da na noga: le gaga: le ouligisa. Sia ama dagoi

< Habakkuk 3 >