< Genesis 31 >

1 And he heard the words of Laban's sons, saying: 'Jacob hath taken away all that was our father's; and of that which was our father's hath he gotten all this wealth.'
Lao esa, Yakob rena Labꞌan ana nara ola-olaꞌ rae, “Yakob namasuꞌi seli, huu ana ao nabasaꞌ hita ama na hata-heto nara.”
2 And Jacob beheld the countenance of Laban, and, behold, it was not toward him as beforetime.
Yakob o mete ama ari na matan nda matetuꞌ sa ena, ma nda malole onaꞌ feꞌesaꞌan sa.
3 And the LORD said unto Jacob: 'Return unto the land of thy fathers, and to thy kindred; and I will be with thee.'
Basa ma, LAMATUALAIN olaꞌ no Yakob nae, “Ia naa, fai na losa ena. Ho musi baliꞌ misiꞌ ina-ama mara. Dei fo Au o nggo.”
4 And Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah to the field unto his flock,
Basa naa ma, Yakob denu reu roꞌe Rahel no Lea, fo reu randaa ro e sia mooꞌ mamana banda ra.
5 and said unto them: 'I see your father's countenance, that it is not toward me as beforetime; but the God of my father hath been with me.
Boe ma nafadꞌe se nae, “Fai maꞌabui na ia, au mete hei ama ma mata na nasat, ma nda maloleꞌ no au sa onaꞌ maꞌahulu na. Te Lamatualain fo ama ngga namahereꞌ a, no au.
6 And ye know that with all my power I have served your father.
Hei ruꞌa nggi bubꞌuluꞌ, doo basa ia, au tao ues itaꞌ mamate ngga fee hei ama ma!
7 And your father hath mocked me, and changed my wages ten times; but God suffered him not to hurt me.
Te onaꞌ naa o, ana eꞌedik au lao hetar ena. Ana nggati au bebꞌengge ngga losa lao sanahulu. Mae onaꞌ naa o, Lamatualain nanea nahereꞌ au.
8 If he said thus: The speckled shall be thy wages; then all the flock bore speckled; and if he said thus: The streaked shall be thy wages; then bore all the flock streaked.
Leleꞌ hei ama ma olaꞌ nae, ‘Banda kokotoꞌ ra, seba neu ho,” boe ma, banda ra bꞌonggi na basa se kokotoꞌ. Faiꞌ ruma te, ana olaꞌ fai nae, ‘Ia naa, banda eꞌeꞌta ra dadꞌi ena ma,’ boe ma banda ra bꞌonggi na akaꞌ a eꞌeꞌta ra.
9 Thus God hath taken away the cattle of your father, and given them to me.
Lamatualain tao taꞌo naa, fo Ana haꞌi nala ama ma banda nara, fee neu au.
10 And it came to pass at the time that the flock conceived, that I lifted up mine eyes, and saw in a dream, and, behold, the he-goats which leaped upon the flock were streaked, speckled, and grizzled.
Lao esa, leleꞌ banda ra fula-fai rahoo na, au ulumein, ae basa banda mone mana mahooꞌ ra, akaꞌ a kokotoꞌ ma eꞌetaꞌ.
11 And the angel of God said unto me in the dream: Jacob; and I said: Here am I.
Au ulumein onaꞌ a Lamatualain ate na mia sorga noꞌe au nae, ‘We! Yakob!’ De au utaa ae, ‘Taꞌo bee, Lamatuaꞌ?’
12 And he said: Lift up now thine eyes, and see, all the he-goats which leap upon the flock are streaked, speckled, and grizzled; for I have seen all that Laban doeth unto thee.
Ma ana nafadꞌe nae, ‘Mete dei! Basa banda mana mahooꞌ ra, akaꞌ a kokotoꞌ ma eꞌetaꞌ ra. Au mana tao naa ra, huu Au ita Labꞌan tatao na neu nggo.
13 I am the God of Beth-el, where thou didst anoint a pillar, where thou didst vow a vow unto Me. Now arise, get thee out from this land, and return unto the land of thy nativity.'
Au ia, Lamatualain mana natudꞌu Ao na neu nggo mia Betel. Sia naa, ho muririi fatu, ma mbori mina neu ata, de beꞌutee neu Au. Boe ma ho tao hehelu-fufuliꞌ mo Au sia naa. Ia naa, ho musi lao hela nusaꞌ ia, fo baliꞌ misiꞌ ina-ama ma nusa na.’”
14 And Rachel and Leah answered and said unto him: 'Is there yet any portion or inheritance for us in our father's house?
Boe ma Lea no Rahel rataa rae, “Neu! Hai tunggaꞌ a! Hai nda afiꞌ miꞌena hata-hetoꞌ saa-saa mia ama Labꞌan sa ena.
15 Are we not accounted by him strangers? for he hath sold us, and hath also quite devoured our price.
Dꞌoo na basa ia, toulasiꞌ a tao hai onaꞌ a atahori feaꞌ. Ana seo hendi hai ma naa hendi hai feli ma ena.
16 For all the riches which God hath taken away from our father, that is ours and our children's. Now then, whatsoever God hath said unto thee, do.'
Basa hata-heto fo Lamatualain haꞌi mia ama Labꞌan, ia naa dadꞌi hita to tititi-nonosiꞌ tara hata-heto na ena. De mete ma Lamatualain nae taꞌo bee, naa, hai tunggaꞌ a!”
17 Then Jacob rose up, and set his sons and his wives upon the camels;
Basa naa ma, Yakob mbedꞌaꞌ-nggao sudꞌi a saa nara, de nafufuaꞌ sao-ana nara reu banda onta ata. Ana o mboo nendi basa banda nara, ma nendi sudꞌi a saa nara fo ana hambu mia Padan Aram, fo baliꞌ Kanaꞌan reu.
18 and he carried away all his cattle, and all his substance which he had gathered, the cattle of his getting, which he had gathered in Paddan-aram, to go to Isaac his father unto the land of Canaan.
19 Now Laban was gone to shear his sheep. And Rachel stole the teraphim that were her father's.
Leleꞌ naa, Labꞌan neu nggute hiek-lombo ra fulu nara. De Rahel namanaꞌo nendi ama na paton sosonggo na.
20 And Jacob outwitted Laban the Aramean, in that he told him not that he fled.
Basa ma, Yakob se lao neneeꞌ a, nda rafadꞌe ama ari na sa.
21 So he fled with all that he had; and he rose up, and passed over the River, and set his face toward the mountain of Gilead.
Ana haꞌi nendi basa hata-heto nara, ma lao haelalai tungga loe Efrat, mbali lete Gilead reu.
22 And it was told Laban on the third day that Jacob was fled.
Seli fai telu ma, Labꞌan hambu haraꞌ oi, Yakob se rela ena.
23 And he took his brethren with him, and pursued after him seven days' journey; and he overtook him in the mountain of Gilead.
Ana naꞌabꞌue atahori nara, de reu oi tungga ana mone feu na. Ara oi tungga se basa fai hitu, dei de hambu se mia lete-leteꞌ mana sia Gilead.
24 And God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream of the night, and said unto him: 'Take heed to thyself that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.'
Tetembaꞌ naa, Lamatualain natudꞌu ao na neu Labꞌan mia meit rala. Ana nae, “Labꞌan! Mete ma olaꞌ mo Yakob, naa, munea mulolole bafa ma.”
25 And Laban came up with Jacob. Now Jacob had pitched his tent in the mountain; and Laban with his brethren pitched in the mountain of Gilead.
Tetembaꞌ naa, Yakob naririi lalaat sia lete Gilead. Ma Labꞌan se o raririi sira lalaat na nda naꞌadꞌodꞌooꞌ no naa sa.
26 And Laban said to Jacob: 'What hast thou done, that thou hast outwitted me, and carried away my daughters as though captives of the sword?
Basa ma, Labꞌan nema nandaa no Yakob. Ana olaꞌ nae, “He! Yakob! Taꞌo bee de ho mela mendi au ana feto nggara neuꞌ ena taꞌo ia? Onaꞌ a rambas mala se mia musu a.
27 Wherefore didst thou flee secretly, and outwit me; and didst not tell me, that I might have sent thee away with mirth and with songs, with tabret and with harp;
Hieꞌ o ho mela neeneeꞌ a, nda mutea au saꞌ boe! Onaꞌ a ho mufadꞌe au no malolole na, au tao fefetas, fo ro hei mo lii-liiꞌ ra, basa fo mboꞌi hei lao.
28 and didst not suffer me to kiss my sons and my daughters? now hast thou done foolishly.
Ho sala ma esa fai, ho nda fee au idꞌu umbu-ana nggara, dei fo mboꞌi hei sa. Tatao ma ia, nggoaꞌ!
29 It is in the power of my hand to do you hurt; but the God of your father spoke unto me yesternight, saying: Take heed to thyself that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.
Au bisa tao deꞌulaka neu nggo no mudaꞌ! Te tembaꞌ a, Lamatualain, fo ama ma namahereꞌ a, ai au nae, mete ma au olaꞌ o nggo, naa, musi unea bafa ngga malolole.
30 And now that thou art surely gone, because thou sore longest after thy father's house, wherefore hast thou stolen my gods?'
Memaꞌ ho mae lao o nda saa saꞌ boe, huu hii maeꞌ a baliꞌ ena. Te taꞌo bee de ho feꞌe mumunaꞌo mendi au paton sosonggo nggara?”
31 And Jacob answered and said to Laban: 'Because I was afraid; for I said: Lest thou shouldest take thy daughters from me by force.
Yakob nataa nae, “Toꞌo afiꞌ mumunasa au! Au lao nenee na, huu umutau, afiꞌ losa toꞌo ai hela ana nggara, naa, taꞌo bee?”
32 With whomsoever thou findest thy gods, he shall not live; before our brethren discern thou what is thine with me, and take it to thee.' — For Jacob knew not that Rachel had stolen them. —
Te Yakob nda nahine nae sao na Rahel haꞌi nendi paton naa ra sa. De ana nae, “Toꞌo! Paton naa ra sangga neuꞌ ena! Mete ma hambu sia seka, naa, hukun misa e. Lengga-ofe basa e! Mete ma toꞌo hambu bua pusaka feaꞌ mara, naa, haꞌi mala baliꞌ se. Hela fo basa atahori ia ra, dadꞌi sakasii.”
33 And Laban went into Jacob's tent, and into Leah's tent, and into the tent of the two maid-servants; but he found them not. And he went out of Leah's tent, and entered into Rachel's tent.
Boe ma Labꞌan neu lengga-ofe esa-esaꞌ lalaat na. Naꞌahuluꞌ mia Yakob lalaat na. Basa de, mia Lea lalaat na. Dei de ate ina karuaꞌ ra lalaat nara. Te nda nita paton na sa. Dei de, ana nisiꞌ Rahel lalaat na.
34 Now Rachel had taken the teraphim, and put them in the saddle of the camel, and sat upon them. And Laban felt about all the tent, but found them not.
Te Rahel funi paton naa ra sia banda onta lalakat na raeꞌ. De ana endoꞌ neu lalakat naa ataꞌ. Labꞌan lengga-ofe lutuꞌ-leloꞌ sia Rahel lalaat na, te nda nita sa.
35 And she said to her father: 'Let not my lord be angry that I cannot rise up before thee; for the manner of women is upon me.' And he searched, but found not the teraphim.
Ma Rahel olaꞌ no ama na nae, “Amaꞌ afiꞌ mumunasa. Au nda umburiiꞌ ala sa, te au hambu hedꞌi inaꞌ.” Boe ma Labꞌan sangga fai, te nda nita paton naa ra sa.
36 And Jacob was wroth, and strove with Laban. And Jacob answered and said to Laban: 'What is my trespass? what is my sin, that thou hast hotly pursued after me?
Boe ma Yakob namanasa, de bua Labꞌan nae, “Au tao salaꞌ saa o toꞌo? De toꞌo nema oi tungga au, onaꞌ au atahori deꞌulakaꞌ!
37 Whereas thou hast felt about all my stuff, what hast thou found of all thy household stuff? Set it here before my brethren and thy brethren, that they may judge betwixt us two.
Toꞌo lengga-ofe basa sudꞌi a saa ra ena. De toꞌo hambu saa? Tao sobꞌa se reu mataꞌ ia fo basa nggita mete! Naa fo atahori ia ra raꞌetuꞌ, sudꞌiꞌ a saa ra, seka ena na.
38 These twenty years have I been with thee; thy ewes and thy she-goats have not cast their young, and the rams of thy flocks have I not eaten.
Au dadꞌi toꞌo kuli na, too rua nulu ena. Au unea toꞌo banda nara, esa nda hendir saꞌ boe. Ma au nda ua esa saꞌ boe!
39 That which was torn of beasts I brought not unto thee; I bore the loss of it; of my hand didst thou require it, whether stolen by day or stolen by night.
Mete ma banda fui ra tao risa toꞌo banda na esa, au nda ufadꞌe toꞌo sa, te au nggati. Ma mete ma atahori ramanaꞌo toꞌo banda na, toꞌo fee au nggati, mae au nda sala sa o.
40 Thus I was: in the day the drought consumed me, and the frost by night; and my sleep fled from mine eyes.
Rereloꞌ na, relo a haa au. Ma tetembaꞌ na, au maꞌarini huu maꞌasufuꞌ a. Au beꞌe nda sungguꞌ ala sa, huu unea toꞌo banda nara.
41 These twenty years have I been in thy house: I served thee fourteen years for thy two daughters, and six years for thy flock; and thou hast changed my wages ten times.
Memaꞌ taꞌo naa, losa too rua nulu. Au tao ues too sanahulu haa, de hambu toꞌo ana feto nara. Basa ma, tao ues too nee fai, de hambu banda nggara. Tao ues doo basa na, te toꞌo nggati naꞌamiminaꞌ au sesebꞌa ngga lao sanahulu.
42 Except the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the Fear of Isaac, had been on my side, surely now hadst thou sent me away empty. God hath seen mine affliction and the labour of my hands, and gave judgment yesternight.'
Andiꞌ a Lamatualain, fo baꞌi Abraham no baꞌi Isak ramahereꞌ a. Onaꞌ Ana nda nanea au sa, naa, toꞌo denu oi hendi au ena, no lima rouꞌ. Te Lamatualain nda naꞌapopokeꞌ mata Na neu au sususa ngga sa, ma Ana nita basa ue-taos nggara. Naa de, tembaꞌ a, Ana nema ai toꞌo.”
43 And Laban answered and said unto Jacob: 'The daughters are my daughters, and the children are my children, and the flocks are my flocks, and all that thou seest is mine; and what can I do this day for these my daughters, or for their children whom they have borne?
Labꞌan rena Yakob olaꞌ taꞌo naa ma, ana nataa nae, “Taꞌo ia! Ana ina karuaꞌ ra naa ra, au ana nggara. Ara bꞌonggi ralaꞌ ra, au umbu nggara. Basa banda ia ra, au ena nggara. Basa ho mitaꞌ ra, memaꞌ au ena ngga. Te au ae tao saa? Au nda bisa ai se sa.
44 And now come, let us make a covenant, I and thou; and let it be for a witness between me and thee.'
Malole lenaꞌ, ruꞌa nggita tao hehelu-fufuliꞌ, fo tasodꞌa tungga e.”
45 And Jacob took a stone, and set it up for a pillar.
Basa ma, Yakob haꞌi fatu monaeꞌ esa, de naririi neu naa, dadꞌi tatandaꞌ.
46 And Jacob said unto his brethren: 'Gather stones'; and they took stones, and made a heap. And they did eat there by the heap.
Ana o denu atahori nara, reu kumbu fatu, fo lutu mbatu. Basa ma, ara endoꞌ raa deka fatu naa ra.
47 And Laban called it Jegar-sahadutha; but Jacob called it Galeed.
Labꞌan babꞌae lutu mbatu naa, Yegar Sahaduta. Te Yakob babꞌae naran, Galeed.
48 And Laban said: 'This heap is witness between me and thee this day.' Therefore was the name of it called Galeed;
Boe ma Labꞌan nae, “Fatu nenelutu mbatuꞌ ia dadꞌi sakasii fee ruꞌa nggita.” Naa de, mamanaꞌ naa, naran, Galeed.
49 and Mizpah, for he said: 'The LORD watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another.
Labꞌan o babꞌae mamanaꞌ naa naran, Mispa (onaꞌ dedꞌea feaꞌ esa, fo sosoa na ‘mamana nenea naruꞌ’), huu ana olaꞌ nae, “Dei fo LAMATUALAIN nanea ruꞌa nggita, fo mae hita esa naꞌadooꞌ no esa o, ata afiꞌ liliꞌ hehelu-fufuliꞌ ia.
50 If thou shalt afflict my daughters, and if thou shalt take wives beside my daughters, no man being with us; see, God is witness betwixt me and thee.'
Mete ma ho tao deꞌulakaꞌ neu au ana ngga ia ra, do sao mo ina feaꞌ fai, naa, au nda bubꞌuluꞌ sa. Te musunedꞌa! Lamatualain dadꞌi sakasii neu rua nggita.
51 And Laban said to Jacob: 'Behold this heap, and behold the pillar, which I have set up betwixt me and thee.
Mete sobꞌa fatu mana ririiꞌ ia, no fatu manalutu mbatuꞌ ia. Musunedꞌa, fatu ia ra, o dadꞌi lalaneꞌ. Ho afiꞌ lao seli fatu lalaneꞌ ia ra, fo tao deꞌulakaꞌ neu au. Ma au o afiꞌ lao seli fatu ia ra, fo tao deꞌulakaꞌ neu nggo.
52 This heap be witness, and the pillar be witness, that I will not pass over this heap to thee, and that thou shalt not pass over this heap and this pillar unto me, for harm.
53 The God of Abraham, and the God of Nahor, the God of their father, judge betwixt us.' And Jacob swore by the Fear of his father Isaac.
Hita tao hehelu-fufuliꞌ ia, tendiꞌ hita bei-baꞌi nara Lamatualain na. Eni, ho baꞌi ma Abraham, ma au baꞌi ngga Nahor Lamatualain na. Dei fo Ana dadꞌi mana maꞌetuꞌ hita dedꞌea na.” Yakob rena taꞌo naa ma, ana soꞌu susumbaꞌ, nendiꞌ Lamatualain naran fo ama na Isak beꞌutee neuꞌ a.
54 And Jacob offered a sacrifice in the mountain, and called his brethren to eat bread; and they did eat bread, and tarried all night in the mountain.
Basa naa ma, Yakob hala banda, de nendi dadꞌi tutunu-hohotuꞌ fee Lamatualain sia leteꞌ naa ata. Ana noꞌe basa atahori ra, de raa raꞌabꞌue, ma beꞌe losa fefetun.
55 And early in the morning Laban rose up, and kissed his sons and his daughters, and blessed them. And Laban departed, and returned unto his place.
Mbila fefetu na ma, Labꞌan neu holu-idꞌu basa umbu-ana nara. Ana olaꞌ fee se papala-babꞌanggiꞌ, de baliꞌ nisiꞌ nusa na.

< Genesis 31 >