< Esther 7 >

1 So the king and Haman came to banquet with Esther the queen.
Amola hina bagade Segesisi amola Ha: ima: ne da Eseda ea lolo nabe eno amoga asi.
2 And the king said again unto Esther on the second day at the banquet of wine: 'Whatever thy petition, queen Esther, it shall be granted thee; and whatever thy request, even to the half of the kingdom, it shall be performed.'
Ilia da gilisili waini nana, hina bagade da Esedama bu adole ba: i, “Hina bagade uda, Eseda di! Adi lama: bela: ? Dia hanai adole ba: sea, na da dima imunu. Di da na fifi asi gala dogoa fili, la: idi digili ima: ne sia: sea, na da dima imunu.”
3 Then Esther the queen answered and said: 'If I have found favour in thy sight, O king, and if it please the king, let my life be given me at my petition, and my people at my request;
Hina bagade uda Eseda amane adole i, “Hina bagade noga: idafa! Di da na asaboi adole ba: su liligi nama imunusa: hanai galea, na da na amola na fi dunu da mae bogole esaloma: ne hanai.
4 for we are sold, I and my people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish. But if we had been sold for bondmen and bondwomen, I had held my peace, for the adversary is not worthy that the king be endamaged.'
Na fi dunu amola na, ninia da medole legemusa: bidi lai dagoi. Ninia da udigili hawa: hamomusa: bidi lai dagoi ganiaba, na da dima hame sia: na: noba. Be nini da enoga gadenenewane medole lelegemu galebe.”
5 Then spoke the king Ahasuerus and said unto Esther the queen: 'Who is he, and where is he, that durst presume in his heart to do so?'
Amalalu, hina bagade Segesisi da hina bagade uda Eseda ema fofogadigili, amane adole ba: i, “Nowa da agoane hamoma: ne sia: bela: ? Amo dunu da habila: ?”
6 And Esther said: 'An adversary and an enemy, even this wicked Haman.' Then Haman was terrified before the king and the queen.
Eseda bu adole i, “Ninia ha lai dunu amola ninima se iasu dunu da amo wadela: i dunu Ha: ima: ne, e fawane.” Ha: ima: ne da fofogadigili beda: ne, hina bagade amola iduama sosodolaligi.
7 And the king arose in his wrath from the banquet of wine and went into the palace garden; but Haman remained to make request for his life to Esther the queen; for he saw that there was evil determined against him by the king.
Hina bagade da baligili bagadedafa ougili wa: legadole, moia gadili asi. Ha: ima: ne ea ba: loba, hina bagade da dafawane ema se imunu ba: i. Amaiba: le, e da mae asili, Esedama e fidima: ne, ema adole ba: musa: dawa: i galu.
8 Then the king returned out of the palace garden into the place of the banquet of wine; and Haman was fallen upon the couch whereon Esther was. Then said the king: 'Will he even force the queen before me in the house?' As the word went out of the king's mouth, they covered Haman's face.
E da Eseda ea ema asigima: ne adole ba: musa: , Eseda ea fisu fafai amo bega: hisu gala: la sa: i. Amalalu, hina bagade da bu ganodini golili misi. E da ba: loba, Ha: ima: ne da Eseda ea fisu fafai amo bega: gala: la sa: i dialebe ba: beba: le, e da ha: giwane ougili halale sia: i, “Amo dunu da na uda ni ba: lea, na diasu ganodini, wadela: lesima: bela: ?” Hina bagade da amo sia: noba, ea gulusu danai hawa: hamosu dunu da misini, Ha: ima: ne ea odagi dofoga: i.
9 Then said Harbonah, one of the chamberlains that were before the king: 'Behold also, the gallows fifty cubits high, which Haman hath made for Mordecai, who spoke good for the king, standeth in the house of Haman.' And the king said: 'Hang him thereon.'
Amalalu, hina bagade ea gulusu danai hawa: hamosu dunu afae ea dio amo Habona, da amane sia: i, “Hina bagade! Modigai da dia esalusu gaga: i dagoi. Be Ha: ima: ne da amo mae dawa: le, Modigai fuga: musa: , ifa duni bugili fugalegei amo 22 mida sedade defei gagula heda: i dagoi.” Hina bagade da amane sia: i, “Defea! Ha: ima: ne amoga fuga: musa: hegoa: nesima!”
10 So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then was the king's wrath assuaged.
Amalalu, ilia da Modigai hegoa: nesimusa: fafai, amoga Ha: ima: ne galogoaga hegoa: nesi dagoi. Amalalu, Segesisi ea ougi da gumina sa: i.

< Esther 7 >