< 2 Chronicles 4 >

1 Moreover he made an altar of brass, twenty cubits the length thereof, and twenty cubits the breadth thereof, and ten cubits the height thereof.
Fia Solomo wɔ akɔblivɔsamlekpui aɖe; edidi mita asieke, keke mita asieke eye wòkɔ mita ene kple afã.
2 Also he made the molten sea of ten cubits from brim to brim, round in compass, and the height thereof was five cubits; and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about.
Etsɔ gayibɔ wɔ gazɔ si le nogo, eƒe ta ƒe kekeme anɔ mita eve kple afã kpe ɖo, gazɔ la ƒe kɔkɔme anɔ mita ɖeka kple afã. Ne wodzidze zɔ la ƒe kekeme blibo la, anɔ mita wuietɔ̃ kple afã.
3 And under it was the similitude of oxen, which did compass it round about, for ten cubits, compassing the sea round about. The oxen were in two rows, cast when it was cast.
Wowɔ nyitsu siwo ƒe lolome anɔ mita afã la, ɖe zɔ la te. Wowɔ nyitsuawo ɖe fli eve me eye fliawo tsyia ɖe wo nɔewo nu, abe gazɔ la ke ene.
4 It stood upon twelve oxen, three looking toward the north, and three looking toward the west, and three looking toward the south, and three looking toward the east; and the sea was set upon them above, and all their hinder parts were inward.
Wotsɔ zɔ la da ɖe nyitsu wuieve dzi. Etɔ̃ dze ŋgɔ anyiehe, etɔ̃ dze ŋgɔ ɣetoɖoƒe, etɔ̃ dze ŋgɔ dziehe eye etɔ̃ dze ŋgɔ ɣedzeƒe. Wotsɔ zɔ la da ɖe wo tame eye zɔ la ƒe afɔwo le woƒe titina.
5 And it was a handbreadth thick; and the brim thereof was wrought like the brim of a cup, like the flower of a lily: it received and held three thousand baths.
Zɔ la tri sentimita enyi, eƒe to le abe tsinokplu tɔ ene eye wowɔe abe ale si dzogbenya ƒe seƒoƒo le ene. Exɔa tsi kilolita blaade-vɔ-ade.
6 He made also ten lavers, and put five on the right hand, and five on the left, to wash in them; such things as belonged to the burnt-offering they washed in them; but the sea was for the priests to wash in.
Solomo gawɔ gagba ewo da ɖi be woaklɔ numevɔsanuwo ɖe wo me; atɔ̃ le dziehe gome eye atɔ̃ hã le dziehe gome na gazɔ gã la. Nunɔlawo mewɔa gagbawo ŋudɔ le tsilele me o, ke boŋ wowɔa gazɔ la ŋu dɔ.
7 And he made the ten candlesticks of gold according to the ordinance concerning them; and he set them in the temple, five on the right hand, and five on the left.
Solomo wɔ Mawu ƒe ɖoɖowo dzi eye wòwɔ sikakaɖiti ewo da ɖe gbedoxɔ la me, atɔ̃ nɔ gli ŋu le dziehe gome eye atɔ̃ hã nɔ gli ŋu le anyiehe gome.
8 He made also ten tables, and placed them in the temple, five on the right side, and five on the left. And he made a hundred basins of gold.
Ewɔ kplɔ̃ ewo hã; eda atɔ̃ ɖe gli ŋu le dziehe gome, atɔ̃ hã nɔ gli ŋu le anyiehe gome eye wòwɔ sikatre ewo hã.
9 Furthermore he made the court of the priests, and the great court, and doors for the court, and overlaid the doors of them with brass.
Ewɔ xɔxɔnu ɖeka na nunɔlawo, bubu na ame mamlɛawo eye wòfa akɔbli ɖe xɔxɔnu sia ƒe gliwo ŋu.
10 And he set the sea on the right side of the house eastward, toward the south.
Gazɔ gã la nɔ gbedoxɔ la ƒe gotaxɔwo ƒe dzogoe si nɔ dziehe kple ɣedzeƒe dome.
11 And Huram made the pots, and the shovels, and the basins. So Huram made an end of doing the work that he wrought for king Solomon in the house of God:
Huram gawɔ zewo, sofiwo kple tre siwo ŋudɔ woawɔ le vɔsasa me. Ale wòwu dɔ si Fia Solomo de asi nɛ le Mawu ƒe gbedoxɔ la ŋu nu.
12 the two pillars, and the bowls, and the two capitals which were on the top of the pillars; and the two networks to cover the two bowls of the capitals that were on the top of the pillars;
Dɔ siawoe nye sɔti eveawo tutu; tameɖonu ɖeka ɖeka na sɔti eveawo; wotsi kɔsɔkɔsɔ eve ɖe tameɖonu nogoawo ŋu le sɔtiawo tame,
13 and the four hundred pomegranates for the two networks: two rows of pomegranates for each network, to cover the two bowls of the capitals that were upon the top of the pillars.
yevuboɖa alafa ene le agbaka eve me le gaɖɔ ɖeka ŋu ne woxe ta mligo eve siwo le sɔtiawo tame la ŋu.
14 He made also the bases, and the lavers made he upon the bases;
Gagbawo kple woƒe zɔwo,
15 one sea, and the twelve oxen under it.
gazɔ ɖeka kple nyitsu wuieve siwo le ete;
16 The pots also, and the shovels, and the flesh-hooks, and all the vessels thereof, did Huram his master craftsman make for king Solomon for the house of the LORD of bright brass.
zewo, sofiwo kple gaflowo. Huram Abi, aɖaŋutɔ gã la wɔ nu siawo katã kple akɔbli si woƒo la na Fia Solomo hena Yehowa ƒe gbedoxɔ la.
17 In the plain of the Jordan did the king cast them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredah.
Fia la na wololõ ga la kɔ ɖe nu si wowɔ ɖe nuawo ƒe nɔnɔme me le Yɔdan tɔsisi la ƒe balime le Sukɔt kple Zereda dome.
18 Thus Solomon made all these vessels in great abundance; for the weight of the brass could not be found out.
Akɔbli siwo ŋu dɔ Solomo wɔ la sɔ gbɔ ale gbegbe be, womete ŋu dae o.
19 And Solomon made all the vessels that were in the house of God, the golden altar also, and the tables whereon was the showbread;
Solomo na wotsɔ sika nyuitɔ wɔ Mawu ƒe gbedoxɔ la me nuwo katã. Nu siawoe nye: vɔsamlekpui kple kplɔ̃ siwo dzi wodaa Ŋkumeɖobolo ɖo.
20 and the candlesticks with their lamps, that they should burn according to the ordinance before the Sanctuary, of pure gold;
Etsɔ sika nyuitɔ wɔ akaɖitiawo kple woƒe akaɖiawoe be woanɔ bibim le Kɔkɔeƒe ƒe kɔkɔeƒe la ŋgɔ abe ale si woɖoe da ɖi ene.
21 and the flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs, of gold, and that perfect gold;
Wotsɔ sika wɔ seƒoƒowo eye wotsɔ sika nyuitɔ wɔ akaɖiawo kple ɖovulãnuwo.
22 and the snuffers, and the basins, and the pans, and the fire-pans, of pure gold. And as for the entry of the house, the inner doors thereof for the most holy place, and the doors of the house, that is, of the temple, were of gold.
Wotsɔ sika nyuitɔ wɔ akaɖimeɖovulãnuwo, ʋuhlẽgbawo, nuɖugbawo kple dzudzɔdonuwo eye wotsɔ sika wɔ gbedoxɔ la ƒe ʋɔtruwo, ʋɔtru emetɔ si le Kɔkɔeƒe ƒe Kɔkɔeƒe la nu kple ʋɔtru siwo le akpata gã la nu.

< 2 Chronicles 4 >