< Romans 12 >
1 I BESEECH you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
Vkvlvgabv, ngokv ajin vdwv, ngonu gvlo Pwknvyarnv gv kairungbv aya nam lvgabv ngo nonuam lvbu dunv: Nonuno atubonga Pwknvyarnv gvlo turdubv erinlwksu toka, tulwksula ninyigv kudungkua lo rila okv ninyia mvngken mootoka. Sibv nonuno ho tulwksula rirungnamv jvjv rungnv kumnamjonamv.
2 And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renovation of your mind, that you may prove by experience what is the will of God, that is good, acceptable, and perfect. (aiōn )
Nyiamooku kaaputain gv ridungdodung nga lvkin gobv ribamdobam mabvka, vbvritola nonugv mongramara lokv mvngdin gvrikula Pwknvyarnvnyi ogumvnwng nga arwng lokv mvdwk mooto kuka. Vbvrikubolo Pwknvyarnv gv mvnglwka— alvnv ogudw, ninyia mvngpu monama okv rvbwngching monama um nonu chinreku. (aiōn )
3 For, I say, by the grace which is given unto me, to every one that is among you, not to think of himself above what he ought to think; but to think soberly, as God has divided to every one the measure of faith.
Okv Pwknvyarnv gv anyuaya rungnv amin am ngo gvlo jinam lvgabv ngo nonu mvnwng nga mindunv: Nonu ogu nvgobv risovngso mvngdudw um lvvya yabv nonuno atubongv kaiyabv mvngbo suyoka. Vbvmabvya, nonugv mvngnamv tapvtalv bv mvngtoka, okv Pwknvyarnv gv mvngjwng dubv jinam ho nonuno atubongv jwngkadaka sutoka.
4 For as we have in one body many members, but the members, though many, have not the same function,
Ngonugv aw akin lo angu angusibv nanababa go doolindu, okv oogv nanababa mvnwng ngv atu atugv adung lo rinampanam am risudosu dunv.
5 so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one reciprocally members of each other.
Oogv apiabv, ngonuka achialv gobv nyiv rijeka, vbvrijvka ngonu kristo gvlo adwn dinkin gobv ridu, okv oguaingbv adwn dinkin lokv angu angusibv rinv ngv akin gobv ridudw oogv apia bv ngonuka angu angusinv ngv akin gobvku ridukunv.
6 Having then different gifts according to the grace which is given unto us, if it be prophecy, speak according to the analogy of faith;
Vkvlvgabv oogv Pwknvyarnv gv aya jikunam angu angusinv amin gv lokv atu atugv ridung lo ngonu risudosu tvka. Pwknvyarnv gv doin am ngonu mila jidubolo, ngonugv mvngjwng namgv lokv ngv ngonu minto laka.
7 or if the deacon’s office, be active in the service; or he that teacheth, in teaching;
Riji rungdubv ridubolo, ngonu riji rungtoka, tamsarkinu dubv ridubolo, ngonu tamsarkinu jirung tvlaka;
8 or he that exhorteth, in exhortation; he that distributes, let him do it with simplicity; he that presideth, with diligence; he that is employed in acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.
Si kvvbi am mintvmiru minsu dubv ridubolo, ngonu rirung jidu bv ritoka. Yvvdw kvvbi am jila nyodubolo, vv jirung toka; yvvgvlo tujupkunam bv ridudw um dinchi rungbv rirung jitoka; yvvnyi aya nga kvvbiya kaatam nyola dubv jipvdw, vv mvngpu gvrila kaatam rungdubv rirung tvka.
9 Let love be undissembled. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.
Pakmi sinama dinchi alvbv ritoka. Rimur namv ogudw vkvnv um kaanwng mabv ritoka, alvnv ogudw um gakbwngla ritoka.
10 In brotherly affection be tenderly attached to each other; in honour preferring one another:
Kristan bv rirung dubolo agurusok bv pakmi sitoka, okv ajin anyingnga mvngdv minsu dubv kaatamritam nwngmi sutoka.
11 not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord:
Kudungkua nga rai tvlaka okv kamdung yoka. Pwknvyarnv Ahtu gv kudungkua nga haapok lokv dinchi rungbv ritoka.
12 rejoicing in hope; patient in affliction; persevering in prayer:
No mvngtin sinamv nam mvngpu gvilaka, noogv hirukaya nama saktv gvto laka, okv dvbvdwkibv kumbv tvlaka.
13 communicating to the wants of the saints; prompt to hospitality.
Noogv heemanv ajin kristan vdwa yikungyira nga orpinorin sitoka okv nyen am noogv naam lo aadu bv mvkuk jitoka.
14 Bless them who persecute you; bless, and curse not.
Yvvdw nam mvdwkmvku dudw Pwknvyarnv gvlo vkvgv lvgabv aya gvnv boktalwkji dubv kumji yatoka—vm, ninyia boktalwkji dubv kootoka, beema bvka.
15 Rejoice with those that rejoice, and weep with those that weep.
Yvvdw himpudw um himpu minggv tvka, yvvdw kapdudw um kaaming gvtoka.
16 Be of the same mind among each other. Affect not high things, but be condescending to the lowly. Be not wise in your own conceits.
Mvnwng gv lvgabv akinching bv mvngto ritoka. Kaimvngsu mabvka, vbvritola angam bv kudungkua laarwk sitoka. Nonu atubongv chinvpanv bv mvngsu yoka.
17 Render to no man evil for evil. Be provident of things laudable in the sight of all men.
Nyigonv nam rimur dubolo, ninyi gvlo rimur ngurv dubv riyoka. Mvnwng gv alvbv mvngnama um ridubv gwngtoka.
18 If possible, as far as you can, be at peace with all men.
Mvnwng gv lvkobv sarsopoyo bv doobamdakbam nam lvgabv nonu gvbv ogumvnwng nga vdwnvgo rila pvdw ritolaka.
19 Avenge not yourselves, beloved, but give place unto wrath: for it is written, “Vengeance belongeth to me; I will recompence, saith the Lord.”
Vdwloka mvrwk siyoka, ngokv ajin vdwv, vbvritola vbvmayabv Pwknvyarnv gv haachia um rimu toka. Holvgabv Darwknv kitap vbv mindu, “ngo mvrwk sire, ngo rirwk sireku, Ahtu vbv mindu.”
20 If therefore thine enemy hunger, give him food; if he thirst, give him drink: for so doing, thou shalt heap up coals of fire on his head.
Vbvmayabv, Darwknv kitap vbv mindu: “noogv nyimak vv kano dubolo, bunua dvnam dvmu tvka; bunu tvngnwng dubolo, bunua tvngnamgo tvngmu tvka; holvgabv so vbvrinam lokv bunua hinying bvku vmv gobv gureku.”
21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
Alvmanv nga rigam koyoka; vbvmayabv, alvnam lokv alvmanv nga riya yatoka.