< Mark 11 >

1 AND when he drew nigh to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage and Bethany, to the mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples,
Un kad tie tuvu pie Jeruzālemes nāca, pie Betfagas un Betanijas pie Eļļas kalna, tad Viņš sūtīja divus no Saviem mācekļiem,
2 and saith unto them, Go into the village opposite to you: and immediately as you enter it, you will find a foal tied, on which no man yet hath rode; loose him, and bring him hither.
Un uz tiem sacīja: “Noejat tanī miestā, kas jūsu priekšā, un iegājuši jūs tūdaļ atradīsiet piesietu kumeļu, uz kā vēl neviens cilvēks nav sēdējis. Atraisījuši to atvediet.
3 And if any man say to you, Why do ye this? say, That the Lord hath need of it; and immediately he will send it hither.
Un ja kas jums sacīs: Kāpēc jūs to dariet? Tad atsakāt: Tam Kungam tā vajag; un tūdaļ tas to atsūtīs šurp.”
4 And they went, and found the foal tied to a gate without, where two ways met; and they untie him.
Un tie nogāja un atrada to kumeļu ārā pie durvīm piesietu uz ielas, un to atraisīja.
5 Then some of those who stood by, said unto them, What are ye about, untying the colt?
Un kādi no tiem, kas tur stāvēja, uz viņiem sacīja: “Ko jūs darāt, ka atraisiet to kumeļu?”
6 Then they said unto them, as Jesus commanded them: and they permitted them to do it.
Un viņi uz tiem sacīja, kā Jēzus bija pavēlējis. Un tie tos atlaida.
7 And they brought the colt to Jesus, and put on him their garments; and he rode upon it.
Un viņi to kumeļu atveda pie Jēzus un savas drēbes uzlika un To sēdināja virsū.
8 And multitudes spread their garments on the road: and others cut off boughs from the trees, and strewed them on the road.
Un daudzi savas drēbes izklāja uz ceļu; un citi zarus cirta no kokiem un tos izkaisīja uz ceļu.
9 And they who went before, and who followed after, cried, saying, Hosanna: blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Un tie, kas gāja priekšā un pakaļā, kliedza un sauca: “Ozianna, slavēts, kas nāk Tā Kunga Vārdā!
10 Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that is coming in the name of the Lord: hosanna in the highest.
Slavēta ir mūsu tēva Dāvida valstība, kas nāk! Ozianna augstībā!”
11 And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and looking round about upon all things, it being now even-tide, he departed to Bethany with the twelve.
Un Jēzus iegāja Jeruzālemē un Dieva namā. Un kad Viņš visu visapkārt bija uzlūkojis, un jau vakars bija, tad Viņš izgāja ar tiem divpadsmit uz Betaniju.
12 And on the morrow, as they were coming out of Bethany, he was hungry:
Un otrā dienā, kad tie no Betanijas izgāja, tad Viņam gribējās ēst.
13 and seeing a fig-tree at a distance, full of leaves, he went to it, expecting probably that he might find some fruit upon it: and when he came to it, he found none, only leaves: for it was not a good season for figs.
Un no tālienes redzēdams vienu vīģes koku, kam lapas bija, Viņš nāca, lai Viņš tanī ko atrastu; un pie tā piegājis Viņš neatrada nenieka kā vien lapas: jo nebija vīģu laiks.
14 And Jesus spake and said to it, Let no man eat fruit from thee henceforth for ever. And his disciples heard him. (aiōn g165)
Un Jēzus uzrunāja un uz to sacīja: “Lai neviens nemūžam vairs neēd augļus no tevis.” Un Viņa mācekļi klausījās. (aiōn g165)
15 And they came to Jerusalem and Jesus entered into the temple, and began to cast out those who sold and bought in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money-changers, and the seats of those who sold doves;
Un tie nāca uz Jeruzālemi, un Dieva namā iegājis Viņš iesāka izdzīt visus, kas pārdeva un pirka Dieva namā, un apgāza to mijēju galdus un to baložu pārdevēju krēslus.
16 and would not suffer that any person should carry a vessel through the temple.
Un neļāva nevienu lietu nest caur Dieva namu.
17 And he taught them, saying, Is it not written, that “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations?” but ye have made it a den of thieves.
Un mācīja un uz tiem sacīja: “Vai nav rakstīts: “Mans nams taps nosaukts lūgšanas nams visām tautām?” Bet jūs to esat darījuši par slepkavu bedri.”
18 And the scribes and chief priests heard him, and sought how they might destroy him: for they were afraid of him, because all the people were exceedingly struck with his teaching,
Un tie rakstu mācītāji un augstie priesteri to dzirdēja un meklēja, kā Viņu nomaitātu; jo tie bijās no Viņa, tāpēc ka visi ļaudis izbrīnījās par Viņa mācību.
19 And when the evening came, he went away out of the city.
Un kad vakars metās, tad Viņš izgāja no pilsētas ārā.
20 And in the morning, as they were passing by, they saw the fig-tree withered from the roots.
Un no rīta agrumā garām iedami tie redzēja to vīģes koku nokaltušu no pašām saknēm.
21 And Peter reminding him said, Rabbi, behold, the fig-tree which thou cursedst is withered away.
Pēteris atminējies uz Viņu sacīja: “Mācītāj, redzi, tas vīģes koks, ko Tu esi nolādējis, tas ir nokaltis.”
22 And Jesus answering said to them, Have faith in God.
Un Jēzus atbildēja un uz tiem sacīja: “Ticat uz Dievu.
23 For verily I say to you, That whosoever shall say to this mountain, Be thou lifted up, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall harbour no doubt in his heart, but believe that what he saith shall come to pass; whatsoever he may speak shall be done for him.
Jo patiesi, Es jums saku: ja kas šim kalnam sacīs: celies un meties jūrā! un nešaubīsies savā sirdī, bet ticēs, ka notiks, ko viņš saka: tad viņam notiks, ko viņš saka.
24 Therefore I say unto you, That all things whatever ye ask in prayer, believe that ye shall receive them, and they shall be given you.
Tāpēc Es jums saku: visu, ko jūs lūgdami lūgsiet, ticat, ka jūs dabūsiet, tad tas jums notiks.
25 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have a matter against any man: that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
Un kad jūs stāvat, Dievu lūgdami, tad piedodat, ja jums kas ir pret kādu, lai arī jūsu Tēvs, kas debesīs, jums piedod jūsu noziegumus.
26 But if ye forgive not, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.
Bet ja jūs nepiedodat, tad arī jūsu Tēvs debesīs jūsu noziegumus nepiedos.”
27 And they come again to Jerusalem: and as he was walking in the temple, the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders, come to him,
Un tie nāca atkal uz Jeruzālemi, un Viņam Dieva namā staigājot, nāca pie Viņa tie augstie priesteri un rakstu mācītāji un tie vecaji,
28 and say to him, By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority, that thou shouldest do these things?
Un uz To sacīja: “Kādā varā Tu šo visu dari? Un kas Tev šo varu devis, ka Tu to dari?”
29 Then Jesus answering said unto them, I also will ask you one question; and answer me; and I will tell you by what authority I do these things.
Bet Jēzus atbildēja un uz tiem sacīja: “Es arīdzan jums vienu vārdu vaicāšu, un atbildiet Man; tad Es jums arīdzan sacīšu, kādā varā Es to daru.
30 The baptism of John, was it of heaven, or of men? answer me.
Vai Jāņa kristība bija no debesīm, vai no cilvēkiem? Atbildiet Man.”
31 And they reasoned among themselves, saying, If we reply, From heaven; he will say, Why then did ye not believe him?
Un tie domāja savā starpā un sacīja: ja mēs sakām: “No debesīm,” tad Viņš sacīs: “Kāpēc tad jūs viņam neesat ticējuši?”
32 but if we say of men―they feared the people: for all men held John to be in truth a prophet.
Bet ja sacīsim: “No cilvēkiem,” - viņi bijās no tiem ļaudīm. Jo visi to Jāni turēja, ka tas patiesi pravietis bijis.
33 And they answering said to Jesus, We do not know. And Jesus in reply said to them, Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.
Un tie atbildēja un uz Jēzu sacīja: “Mēs nezinām.” Un Jēzus atbildēja un uz tiem sacīja: “Tad Es arīdzan jums nesaku, kādā varā Es to daru.”

< Mark 11 >