< Acts 11 >

1 NOW the apostles and brethren who were in Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God.
फेर प्रेरितां अर बिश्वासी भाईयाँ नै जो यहूदिया परदेस म्ह थे सुण्या के गैर यहूदियाँ नै भी परमेसवर का वचन मान लिया सै।
2 And when Peter went up to Jerusalem, they of the circumcision disputed with him,
आखर म्ह जिब पतरस यरुशलेम नगर म्ह आया, तो खतना किये होए आदमी उसतै बहस करण लाग्गे,
3 saying, Thou hast gone in to men holding uncircumcision, and hast eaten with them.
“तन्नै खतनारहित आदमियाँ कै उरै जाकै उनकै गेल्या खाया।”
4 Then Peter taking up the matter from the beginning, explained it to them regularly, saying,
फेर पतरस नै उन ताहीं शरु तै आखर ताहीं सारा किमे कह सुणाया
5 I was in the city of Joppa praying and I saw in a trance a vision, a certain vessel descending as a vast sheet let down from heaven by its four corners; and it came close to me:
“मै याफा नगर म्ह प्रार्थना करण लागरया था, अर बेसुध होकै एक दर्शन देख्या के एक बड्डी चाद्दर च्यारु कुणयां तै लटकदी होई, अकास तै उतरकै मेरै धोरै आई।”
6 on which looking attentively, I perceived, and saw the quadrupeds of the earth, and the wild beasts, and the reptiles, and the birds of the air.
जिब मन्नै उसपै गौर करया, तो उस म्ह धरती के चार पैरां आळे अर बणपशु अर रेंगण आळे जिनोर अर अकास के पंछी देक्खे,
7 Then I heard a voice saying to me, Rise, Peter; slay and eat.
अर यो बोल भी सुण्या, “हे पतरस उठ, मार अर खा।”
8 But I said, By no means, Lord: for never yet hath any thing common or unclean entered into my mouth.
मन्नै कह्या, “ना प्रभु, ना, क्यूँके कोए अशुद्ध चीज मेरै मुँह म्ह कदे न्ही गई।”
9 But the voice replied the second time from heaven, What God hath cleansed, call not thou common.
इसकै जवाब म्ह अकास तै दुसरी बर आवाज होई, “जो किमे परमेसवर नै शुद्ध ठैहराया सै, उस ताहीं अशुद्ध मतना कहवै।”
10 Now this was repeated thrice: and the whole withdrawn again into heaven.
तीन बर इसा होया, फेर सारा किमे दुबारा अकास पै खींच लिया गया।
11 And, lo! immediately three men stood before the house where I was, sent from Caesarea unto me.
जिब्बे तीन माणस जो कुरनेलियुस नै कैसरिया परदेस तै मेरै धोरै भेज्जे थे, उस घर पै जिसम्ह हम थे, आण खड़े होए।
12 And the Spirit bade me go with them, making no hesitation. But with me went also these six brethren, and we entered into the man’s house:
फेर पवित्र आत्मा नै मेरै तै बेझिझक होकै उनकै गेल्या जाण खात्तर कह्या, अर छ: भाई भी मेरै गेल्या हो लिये, अर हम उस माणस कै घरां गये।
13 and he informed us how he had seen an angel in his house, standing and saying to him, Send men to Joppa, and invite Simon, who is surnamed Peter;
उसनै म्हारै ताहीं बताया, के उसनै एक सुर्गदूत ताहीं अपणे घर म्ह खड्या देख्या, जिसनै उसतै कह्या, “याफा नगर म्ह माणस भेजकै शमौन ताहीं जो पतरस कुह्वावै सै, बुलवा ले।
14 who will speak words to thee, by which thou mayest be saved, and thy house.
वो थारे तै इसी बात कहवैगा, जिनकै जरिये तू अर तेरा सारा घराना उद्धार पावैगा।”
15 So when I had begun to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, just as on us at the beginning.
जिब म्ह बात करण लाग्या, तो पवित्र आत्मा उनपै उस्से तरियां तै उतरया जिस तरियां तै शरु म्ह म्हारै पै उतरया था।
16 Then I recollected the word of the Lord, how he had said, John indeed baptised with water; but ye shall be baptised with the Holy Ghost.
फेर मन्नै प्रभु का यो वचन याद आया, जो उसनै कह्या था, “यूहन्ना नै तो पाणी तै बपतिस्मा दिया, पर थम पवित्र आत्मा तै बपतिस्मा पाओगे।
17 If God then gave an equal gift to them even as to us, on believing on the Lord Jesus Christ; I, indeed, who was I, that I should be able to restrain God?
इस खात्तर जिब परमेसवर नै उन ताहीं भी वोए दान दिया, जो म्हारै ताहीं प्रभु यीशु मसीह पै बिश्वास करण तै मिल्या था, तो मै कौण था जो परमेसवर नै रोक सकदा?”
18 So when they heard these things they were satisfied, and glorified God, saying, Well! then hath God even to the Gentiles given repentance unto life.
यो सुणण कै बाद उसके जवाब म्ह वे यहूदी बिश्वासी कुछ भी न्ही बोल पाए, अर परमेसवर की बड़ाई करकै कहण लाग्गे, “फेर तो परमेसवर नै गैर यहूदियाँ ताहीं भी अनन्त जीवन कै खात्तर पापां की माफी अर यीशु मसीह पै बिश्वास करण का दान दिया सै।”
19 Now those also who were dispersed by the persecution which arose on account of Stephen passed on as far as Phenice, and Cyprus, and Antioch, speaking the word to no man except the Jews only.
जो आदमी उस क्ळेश के मारे जो स्तिफनुस कै कारण पड्या था, खिंड-मिंड हो गये थे, वे हांडदे-हांडदे फीनीके परदेस अर साइप्रस टापू अर अन्ताकिया नगर म्ह पोहचे, पर यहूदियाँ नै छोड़ किसे और ताहीं वचन कोनी सुणावै थे।
20 And some of them were men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who, when they arrived at Antioch, spake to the Grecian proselytes, preaching the Lord Jesus.
पर उन म्ह तै कुछ बिश्वासी साइप्रस टापू अर कुरेनवासी थे, जो अन्ताकिया नगर म्ह आकै यूनानियाँ ताहीं भी प्रभु यीशु का सुसमाचार सुणाण लाग्गे।
21 And the hand of the Lord was with them: and a vast multitude believing, turned to the Lord.
प्रभु का हाथ उनपै था, अर घणे आदमी बिश्वास करकै प्रभु की ओड़ फिरे।
22 And the report concerning them was heard in the ears of the church which was at Jerusalem: and they dispatched Barnabas, to go as far as Antioch.
जिब उनका जिक्र यरुशलेम नगर की कलीसिया के लोग्गां कै सुणण म्ह आया, तो उननै बरनबास ताहीं अन्ताकिया नगर भेज्या।
23 Who, when he arrived there, and beheld the grace of God, rejoiced, and exhorted them all, with full purpose of heart to adhere to the Lord.
वो उड़ै पोहचकै अर परमेसवर के अनुग्रह नै देखकै राज्जी होया, अर सारया ताहीं उपदेश दिया के तन-मन लगाकै प्रभु तै लिपटे रहो।
24 For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith: and a great multitude was added to the Lord.
वो एक भला माणस था, अर पवित्र आत्मा अर बिश्वास तै पूरा भरया था, अर दुसरे घणखरे आदमी प्रभु म्ह आ मिले।
25 Then went forth Barnabas to Tarsus, in search of Saul:
फेर वो शाऊल नै टोह्ण कै खात्तर तरसुस नगर म्ह चल्या गया।
26 and having found him, he brought him to Antioch. And it came to pass, that during a whole year they were jointly employed in that church, and taught a vast multitude, and they called for the first time in Antioch the disciples Christians.
जिब वो उसतै मिल्या तो उस ताहीं अन्ताकिया नगर ल्याया, अर इसा होया के वे एक साल ताहीं कलीसिया कै गेल्या मिलदे अर प्रभु यीशु मसीह का घणे आदमियाँ ताहीं उपदेश देन्दे रहे, अर चेल्लें सारया तै पैहल्या अन्ताकिया नगर ए म्ह मसीह कुहाए।
27 Now there came down in those days prophets from Jerusalem to Antioch.
उननै दिनां म्ह कई नबी यरुशलेम नगर तै अन्ताकिया नगर आए।
28 And one of them named Agabus, rising up, signified by the spirit that a great famine was coming upon the whole habitable globe: which also came in the reign of Claudius Caesar.
उन म्ह तै अगबुस नामक एक नबी नै खड़े होकै आत्मा की प्रेरणा तै न्यू बताया के सारी दुनिया म्ह बड्ड़ा अकाळ पड़ैगा, वो अकाळ (रोम के सम्राट) क्लौदियुस के बखत म्ह पड्या।
29 Then the disciples, as everyman had ability, determined every individual of them to send a sum to be distributed among the brethren who dwelt in Judea:
फेर चेल्यां नै फैसला लिया के हरेक अपणी-अपणी पूंजी कै मुताबिक यहूदिया परदेस म्ह रहण आळे भाईयाँ की मदद कै खात्तर किमे भेज्जै।
30 which also they did, sending it off to the presbyters by the hand of Barnabas and Saul.
उननै इस तरियां ए करया, अर बरनबास अर शाऊल कै हाथ कलीसिया के अगुवां कै धोरै कुछ भेज दिया।

< Acts 11 >