Aionian Verses
Genesis 37:35 (Ts'etta ıxhaynbı 37:35)
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Gırgın dixbı, yişba mang'us yik'bı heles savayle. Mang'us manbışil k'ırı alixhes diykkın, eyhen: – Zı ahaleeqa duxayna ak' avqu əlyhəəs. Mana duxayqa geer məxür geşşu. (Sheol )
Genesis 42:38 (Ts'etta ıxhaynbı 42:38)
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Yaaq'ubee eyhen: – Yizda dix Benyamin maqa şokasana ı'qqəs deş. Yizde xhunaşşeyke Raahileyke sa hamana axu, mang'una çoc qik'una. Sayid mang'une vuk'lelqa yəqqə sa kar qadeene, zı q'əsvalee mane uts'uruka ahaleeqa əlyhəəs. (Sheol )
Genesis 44:29 (Ts'etta ıxhaynbı 44:29)
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Şu inasa dixır alyart'vee, mang'uned vuk'lelqa sa kar qadeene, ahaleeqa şu yizda cagvarana vuk'ul uts'uruka quvkees». (Sheol )
Genesis 44:31 (Ts'etta ıxhaynbı 44:31)
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Mana gade şaka g'ıdecveene, yik' qotxu qik'asda. Manke yiğne g'ulaaşe dekkına cagvarana uts'urun gyavts'una vuk'ul ahaleeqa quvkees. (Sheol )
1 Samuel 2:6 (1 Şamuelin 2:6)
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Rəbbee insanıs ı'mı'rıb hoolena, Vuceeyib alyabat'ana, Mang'veecarır nyuq'vneeqa k'yaraççena, Vucecarır alqayhena. (Sheol )
2 Samuel 22:6 (2-Şamuelin 22:6)
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Ahalın t'ü'bı zalqa alitk'ır ıxha, gyapt'asde gugubışeqar zı girxhu ıxha. (Sheol )
Jonah 2:2 (Yunus 2:2)
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Rəbb, zı dağamiyvalenang'a Valqa onu'u, Ğunad alidghıniy quvuyn. Zı ahaleençe ts'ir hav'u, Vak'le yizda ts'ir g'avxhuna. (Sheol )
Matthew 5:22 (Matta 5:22)
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Zımee şok'le eyhen, şavaayiy çoculqa qəl hav'u, hasre mang'uqad məhkama ilekkecen. Şavaayiy çocuk'le «Bəç'ərva» uvhu, hasre mang'uqad nekke xədın məhkama ilekkecen. Çocuk'le «Nişiscar karaı'dəən karva» uvhunar cehinyamne ts'ayee gyoxhxhanas. (Geenna )
Matthew 5:29 (Matta 5:29)
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Yiğne sağne ulen ğu karaı'dəəne yəqqı'lqa ts'ıts'a'axhee, mana ul alqavhu dağepçe. Yiğnemee tanan sa sura atk'ıniy, tan bıkırdacad cehinyameeqa dağeççuyle yugda ixhes. (Geenna )
Matthew 5:30 (Matta 5:30)
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Yiğne sağne xılen ğu karaı'dəəne yəqqı'lqa ts'ıts'a'axhee, man xıl gyatxı dağeççe. Yiğnemee tanan sa sura atk'ıniy, tan bıkırdacad cehinyameeqa atk'ıniyle yugda ixhes. (Geenna )
Matthew 10:28 (Matta 10:28)
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Can gik'as əxənbışile, rı'h gik'as dəxənbışile qı'məəq'ən. Canıkınıd, rı'hı'kınıd cehinyamee ha'as Əxəsıng'ule qəvəəq'ne. (Geenna )
Matthew 11:23 (Matta 11:23)
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Kefernahum, vak'le yiğna ciga xəybışee vuxhesvane ats'a? De'eş, yiğna ciga cehinnyamee vuxhes. Vak'le haguynmeen əlaamatbı Sodomıl haguynbıxhiy, mana şahar g'iyniyne yiğılqamee aaxvasdaniy. (Hadēs )
Matthew 12:32 (Matta 12:32)
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Şavaayiy İnsanne Duxayk'le cuvab uvhu mang'une bınahıle ılyheepç'esınbı, Muq'addas Rı'hı'k'le cuvab uvhuyng'unemee bınahıle ine dyunyeylib şene dyunyeylib ılyheepç'es deş. (aiōn )
Matthew 13:22 (Matta 13:22)
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Ğı'ç'eeqa g'a'aypxhınamee, eyhen g'iyxhene, yiğısiysın işbı ha'ava, var-devletın hoyt'alva, man g'ayxhiyn cuvab cune adcad gek'ane insanık akar. Mançil-allad toxumen şagav hele deş. (aiōn )
Matthew 13:39 (Matta 13:39)
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Xarvak' oozuna duşmanır, iblis vorna. Qiviyşalna gahıb dyunyeyn axır vodun, qiviyşalanbıb malaaikar vobınbı. (aiōn )
Matthew 13:40 (Matta 13:40)
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Xarvak' ulyoodu gyooxhan haa'an xhinne, məxüd dyunyeyn axır qadıyng'a ixhes. (aiōn )
Matthew 13:49 (Matta 13:49)
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Dyunyeyn axır hitxhıring'ad həməxüd ixhes. Malaaikar adı pisınbı qopkuynbışde əreençe g'əvxü, (aiōn )
Matthew 16:18 (Matta 16:18)
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Zı vak'le eyhen, ğu Pyotur (ganz) vorva, Zınab Yizda ummat mane ganzıl oab alyaa'as. Mane ganzıl alyav'uyne Yizde ummatıle, cehinnyamın gucbıd ğameedxhes deş. (Hadēs )
Matthew 18:8 (Matta 18:8)
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Yiğne xılen, g'elin ğu pisde yəqqı'lqa hoyt'alxhee, man gyatxı dağetçe. Qik'uyle qiyğa, Allahne k'ane, xıl, g'el dena ıxhay, q'öne xılekayiy q'öne g'elika gırgıne gahbışis ts'ayeeqa huvorxhuliyle nimeexheeyid yugda eyxhe. (aiōnios )
Matthew 18:9 (Matta 18:9)
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Ğu, yiğne ulen pisde yəqqı'lqa hoyt'alxhee, mana alqavhu dağepçe. Qik'uyle qiyğa, Allahne k'ane, sa uleka ıxhay, q'öne uleka cehinyamne ts'ayeeqa gırgıne gahbışis huvorxhuliyle nimeexheeyid yugda eyxhe. (Geenna )
Matthew 19:16 (Matta 19:16)
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Sa insan I'saysqa arı qiyghanan: – Mə'əllim, zı nəxbına yugvalane haa'as vukkan, zaqa exır ixhecenva? (aiōnios )
Matthew 19:29 (Matta 19:29)
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Şavaayiy Yizdemee xaybı, çocar, yiçubı, dek, yed, uşaxar, con cigabı g'ali'ı məxrıng'us vəş nəəqees mançile geed heles, gırgıne gahbışisda ı'mı'rıb mang'una vuxhes. (aiōnios )
Matthew 21:19 (Matta 21:19)
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Yəqqı'ne mıglek Mang'uk'le inciliyna yiv g'avcu, çisqa qexhe. Mang'uk'le yivel t'eleyle ğayrı vuççud ivdeeke g'acumee, I'see yivek'le eyhen: – Hasre val sayib meyva ılymaalecen! İnciliyna yiv mankecab qooqqana. (aiōn )
Matthew 23:15 (Matta 23:15)
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Şolqa ver ooxas, q'öbvalla haa'an Q'aanunun mə'əllimariy fariseyar! Şu çiyebı-deryahbı gits'idaxhva dinılqa sa xheyir insan sak'ala'asva. Dinılqa sak'al hı'ımeeyir, şu məxrına insan şole q'önəqqees geer cehinyamıs avak'ı ha'a. (Geenna )
Matthew 23:33 (Matta 23:33)
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Şu xoçebışike g'adıyn xoçebı vod! Nəxübne şu cehinyamıke g'attivxhvanas? (Geenna )
Matthew 24:3 (Matta 24:3)
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I'sa Zeytunne suval gyu'uring'a, Mang'usqa telebabı qabı qiyghanan: – Ğu şak'le eyhelan, man Ğu eyhen karbı mısane ixhes? Sayır Ğu qalesnang'a hucoone ixhes, dyunyeyn exır hiyxharang'a? (aiōn )
Matthew 25:41 (Matta 25:41)
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Manke Mang'vee Cune solne suralinbışik'led eyhesın: «Bed-düə alyapt'ıynbı, Yizde ögiyle ts'ıts'eepxhe! İblisısiy çine malaaikaaşis qı'iyn ts'a vod, şunab maqa hudoora. (aiōnios )
Matthew 25:46 (Matta 25:46)
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Manbışis gırgıne gahbışisda cazaa hevles, qopkuynbışismee gırgıne gahbışisda ı'mı'r hevles. (aiōnios )
Matthew 28:20 (Matta 28:20)
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Manbışis Zı şos əmr hav'uyn xhinne, gırgın ha'as xət qe'e. Zınar dyunyeyn axır qalesmee, gırgıne gahbışil şoka ixhes. (aiōn )
that everyone who believes in Him should not die, but have eternal life. (aiōnios )
Man ixhesın, Mang'ulqa inyam ha'ane gırgınbışis gırgıne gahbışisda ı'mı'r vuxhecenva. (aiōnios )
For God so sincerely loved the world that He gave His only born Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (aiōnios )
Allahıs dyunye manimee ıkkiykan, Mang'vee vorna-deşda Cuna sa Dix huvu. Manıd mançil-alla ha'a, Mang'ulqa inyam ha'an nenbıcab hımabat'acenva, manbışiqa gırgıne gahbışisda ı'mı'r vuxhecenva. (aiōnios )
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son won’t see life, for God’s wrath remains on that person.” (aiōnios )
Duxalqa inyam hı'ına gırgıne gahbışisde ı'mrena ixhes. Duxal k'ırı ilydiyxhing'uk'leme ı'mı'r g'avces deş. Allahna qəlıb mang'ul ooğacab vuxhes. (aiōnios )
but whoever drinks the water that I will give will never, ever get thirsty. The water that I will give will become in that person a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” (aiōn , aiōnios )
Zıme helesde xhineke şavaa ulyodğveene, mang'us sayid xhyan mısacad ıkkiykanas deş. Zı huvuyn xhyan mang'une ad gırgıne gahbışis ı'mı'r hoolene xhyan ı'lqəəne cigalqa sak'alas. (aiōn , aiōnios )
He who harvests is already receiving wages, and is gathering fruit for eternal life, so that he who plants and he who harvests may rejoice together. (aiōnios )
Qiviyşalang'vee cuna hək' alyabat'a, mang'vee şagav sa'a. Man şagav gırgıne gahbışisda ı'mı'r alyapt'ıyn insanar vob. Oozunar, qiviyşalnar sacigee şadepxhesınbı. (aiōnios )
“Most assuredly, I tell you, the person who hears my words and believes in Him who sent me has everlasting life, and won’t come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. (aiōnios )
Zı şok'le hək'en eyhe, Yizde cuvabıl k'ırı alixhxhı, Zı G'axuvuyng'ulqa inyam hı'iyne insanıqa gırgıne gahbışisda ı'm'ır vob. Məhrıng'uqa məhkamad ilyakkas deş. Mana qik'uyke g'attirxhın, üç'ür qıxha. (aiōnios )
You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life, and these testify about me. (aiōnios )
Şos Muq'addasın Otk'uniybı xət qeedaxhe. Şosqa həməxüd qöö, mançile ğana şu gırgıne gahbışisde ı'mrenbıme vuxhes. Yic, Mançinıb Yizde hək'ee şahaadat haa'a. (aiōnios )
Don’t labor for perishable food, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him.” (aiōnios )
Sık'ınne gahıle qı'çı' əlyhəəsde otxhuniyna hımaa'a. Gırgıne gahbışis ı'mı'r hevlesde otxhuniyna hee'e. Man şos İnsanne Dixee heles. Mang'ul Dekkın Allahın peçat vod. (aiōnios )
This is also the will of Him who sent me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise them up at the last day.” (aiōnios )
Yizde Dekkıs ıkkanan, Dix g'acu inyam hı'iyne gırgıng'uqa gırgıne gahbışisda ı'mı'r vuxhecen. Zınab manbı nekke qiyğiyne yiğıl üç'üb qee'ecen. (aiōnios )
Most assuredly, I tell you, everyone who believes in me has everlasting life. (aiōnios )
Zı şok'le hək'en eyhe, inyam hı'iyne insanıqa gırgıne gahbışisda ı'mı'r vuxhes. (aiōnios )
I am the living bread that came down from Heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever. The bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.” (aiōn )
Xəənçe qadıyn ı'mı'r hoolen gıney Zı vorna. Şavaamecad ine gıneyke otxhunee, gırgıne gahbışisde ı'mrena ixhes. Dyunyeyne ı'mrenemee helesın gıney Yizın tan vodun. (aiōn )
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise that person up at the last day, (aiōnios )
Yizde çurunuke otxhun, ebake ulyodğuyng'uqa gırgıne gahbışisda ı'mı'r vuxhes. ZI məxrına nekke qiyğiyne yiğıl üç'ür qa'as, (aiōnios )
This is the bread which came down from Heaven, not like the manna your forefathers ate, and died. A person who eats this bread will live forever.” (aiōn )
İn gıney xəənçe qadıyn vod. Man otxhuning'uqame gırgıne gahbışisda ı'mı'r vuxhes. İn gıney vuşde dekkaaşe otxhuniyn xhinnen deş vod. Manbışe man otxhuneeyid, hapt'ıynbı. (aiōn )
Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, who will we go to? You have words of eternal life. (aiōnios )
Şimon-Pyoturee Mang'us cuvab qele: – Xərna, şi şavne k'anyaqane əlyhəəs? Yiğne cuvabın gırgıne gahbışisda ı'mı'r hoole. (aiōnios )
A slave doesn’t remain in the house forever, but a son does belong forever. (aiōn )
Nukar xizanee gırgıne gahbışil deş axva, dixme gırgıne gahbışil axva. (aiōn )
Most assuredly, I tell you, anyone who keeps my word will never see death.” (aiōn )
Zı şok'le hək'en eyhe, şavaayiy Zı uvhuyn hı'ı, mısacar qik'as deş. (aiōn )
Then the Jews answered Him, “Now we know that You have a demon! Abraham is dead, and the prophets, and You say, ‘Anyone who keeps my word will never taste death.’ (aiōn )
Yahudeeşe Mang'uk'le eyhen: – Şak'le həşde ats'axhxhayn, Yiğne ad cinıd. İbrıhımır qik'una, mansa peyğambararıb. Ğumee «Şavaayiy Zı uvhuyn ha'a, mısacar qik'as deşva» eyhe. (aiōn )
Since the beginning of time it has never been heard of that anyone opened the eyes of a person born blind. (aiōn )
Yedike bı'rq'ı'ra ıxhayng'un şavaame uleppı qı'ıva, şak'le mısacad g'ayxhiyn deş. (aiōn )
I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one is able to snatch them out of my hand. (aiōn , aiōnios )
Zı mançis gırgıne gahbışisda ı'mı'r hoole. Manbı mısacad hat'as deş, şavaacadıd manbı Yizde xılençe g'ayşes deş. (aiōn , aiōnios )
and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (aiōn )
Gırgın üç'übınbı, Zalqa inyam ha'anbı mısacab hapt'as deş. Ğu mançilqa inyam ha'anne? (aiōn )
Anyone who loves their life will lose it, and anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. (aiōnios )
Cuna ı'mı'r vukkanang'vee, mana avaak'an haa'as. İne dyunyel cune ı'mrena hidyaa'ang'veeme, mana gırgıne gahbışis havaces. (aiōnios )
Therefore the crowd answered Him, “We have heard from the Law that the Christ is to remain forever, so how can You say, ‘The Son of Man must be lifted up’? Who is this Son of Man?” (aiōn )
Milletın Mang'us alidghıniy qele: – Şak'le Q'aanune g'ayxhiyn, Masixh gırgıne gahbışis axvas. Nya'a Ğu manke «İnsanna Dix ooqa qa'asva» eyhe? İna İnsanna Dix vuşune? (aiōn )
I know that His commandment is eternal life, so the things I speak, I speak just as the Father has told me.” (aiōnios )
Zak'le ats'an, Mang'una əmr gırgıne gahbışisda ı'mı'r vobna. Mançil-allad Dekkee Zak'le nəxüdiy uvhu, Zı həməxüdıd eyhen. (aiōnios )
Peter told Him, “You will never wash my feet!” Jesus answered, “If I don’t wash you, you have no part with me.” (aiōn )
Pyoturee Mang'uk'le eyhen: – Ğu yizın g'elybı mısacad hoğalas deş! I'see mang'us alidghıniy qele: – Zı ğu hudyorğuleene, vasse Yizde k'ane ixhes əxəs deş. (aiōn )
I will then ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor, that He may be with you forever — (aiōn )
Zınad Dekkıke heqqasın, vuşun sura Aqqasda Mang'vee şos merna g'axılece. Mana gırgıne gahbışil şoka ixhes. (aiōn )
as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him. (aiōnios )
Ğu gırgıng'ul oona Mang'us xəbvalla huvu, Mang'veeyib Ğu Cus huvuynbışis gırgıne gahbışisda ı'mı'r hevlecenva. (aiōnios )
This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ who You have sent. (aiōnios )
Gırgıne gahbışisda ı'mı'r mana vob: hasre ats'axhxhecen saccu Ğu hək'ena Allah ıxhay, sayır Ğu g'axuvuna I'sa Masixh qıvaats'ecen. (aiōnios )
James 3:6 (Yaaq'ub 3:6)
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Mizib ts'acab vobna. Miz canane əzaabışde əree nekke qopkuvalla deşin əzaa vod. Mançin insan bıkırra əqə'əna. Mana cehinnyamıke g'ooxha, qiyğab mançin ı'mı'rcab gyooxhan ha'a. (Geenna )
The life was revealed, and we have seen, and testify, and declare to you this eternal life which was with the Father and was revealed to us. (aiōnios )
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The world and its lusts are passing away, but whoever does the will of God stays forever. (aiōn )
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This is the promise that He has promised to us - eternal life. (aiōnios )
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Whoever hates his brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life living in him. (aiōnios )
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This is the witness, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. (aiōnios )
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I have written these things to you who believe in the name of God’s Son, so that you may know that you have eternal life. (aiōnios )
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We know that God’s Son has come, and has given us understanding, so that we might know Him who is true. We are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. (aiōnios )
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because of the truth which lives in us and will be with us forever: (aiōn )
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