< Revelation 8 >

1 And when he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about half an hour.
Wan den lodi mi maalileleema ya yogunu, li bonla kuli den tua suo tanpoli po ke li nagini leedi boagidima.
2 And I saw the seven angels who stood before God; and seven trumpets were given unto them.
N den laa ya maleki- leleediba n se U Tienu nintuali, ke bi teni ba kakacinba lele.
3 And another angel came and stood before the altar, having a golden censer; and much incense was given to him, that he shall offer with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which is before the throne.
Lani maliki toa den cua, ki sedi li padibinbinli po, ki kubi ban juugi adugibila ya tiagu nni ke ku tie wula. Bi den teni o adugibila boncianla, ke wan taani leni bi nigagidiŋanba jaandi, ki juu la li wula padibinbinli yaali n ye li balikalikaanu nintuali kani po.
4 And the smoke of the incense went up out of the hand of the angel, with the prayers of the saints, before God.
A dugibila yeni fantanñii den ñani maleki nuu nni ki taani leni bi nigagidiŋanba jaandi ki doni U Tienu nintuali.
5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with the fire of the altar, and cast it to the earth: and there were thunders, and voices, and lightnings, and an earthquake.
Maleki yeni den taa a dugibila juutiagu ki gbieni gu leni li padibinbinli ya fantama ki luni ki tinga po. Lani i niali, i tatantani, i tañigi leni mi tindigibima den tieni.
6 And the seven angels, those having the seven trumpets, prepared themselves that they should sound.
Lani bi maleki leleediba, yaaba n den kubi kakacinba lele den bogini ki baa piebi.
7 And the first sounded, and there were hail and fire mingled with blood, and cast to the earth: and the third of the earth was burnt up, and the third of the trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
O maleki - kpialo den piebi o kakaci ke a tatana leni ya fantama n kali ki taani leni mi soama den baa ki tinga po, ke ki tinga boagidima taa kuli siiga boagidiyenma den buodi. Tiidi taa siiga kuli tiyenbu den buodi, ti moasoangidi kuli den buodi cain.
8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;
O maleki-lielo den piebi o kakaci ke bi luni mi ñinciama nni ya bonla n naani leni ya joacianli n cuo yeni, ke mi ñinciama boagidima taa kuli siiga, boagidi yenma tua soama.
9 and the third of the creatures which were in the sea, those having life, died; and the third part of the ships was destroyed.
Lani, ya tagima n den ye mi ñincianma nni ki fo, bonla taa kuli siiga bonyenla den kpe, ñinbiadi taa kuli siiga yengu den bodi.
10 And the third angel sounded; and a great star, burning like a lamp, fell from the heaven, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of the waters.
O maleki-taalo den piebi o kakaci ke ŋmabician-yenli ñani tanpoli po ki baa, li den cuo yo nani u mukaanu yeni, li den baa, kpeni taa siiga kpen yendu nni leni a ñinbuna nni.
11 And the name of the star is called Apsinth. And the third part of the waters became apsinth; and many of the men died from the waters, because they were bitter.
Li ŋmabili yeni yeli yi “u tomu” lani mi ñima kuli, kaani taa siiga kuli kaanyendu den lebidi ki to. Mi ñima yeni den kpa bi niba boncianla, kelima ma n den lebidi ki to yeni yaapo.
12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars, were smitten; and the third part of them was darkened, and the day did not shine the third part of it, and likewise the night.
O maleki naalo den piebi o kakaci. Bi den pua u yienu leni o ŋmaalo, leni a ŋmabila ki teni ke bi kuli boagidima taa siiga kuli boagidi yenma den biigi hali ke li daali yenma boagidima taa siiga boagidi yenma den bodi, ku ñiagu mo den tua yeni.
13 And I saw, and I heard one eagle flying in the midst of heaven, saying with a great voice; Woe, woe, woe, to those dwelling upon the earth, on account of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, who are about to sound.
N den diidi ki go gbadi jiebani ke o yugi tanpoli nni ki tua leni u nialu cianmu: Fala, fala, fala baa ki tinga niba po, kelima ya maleki-taadiba n sieni n baa piebi bi kakacinba ki tieni ya fuugu po.

< Revelation 8 >