< Jude 1 >

1 Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to the called beloved in God the Father, and kept in Jesus Christ.
yIshukhrIShTasya dAso yAkUbo bhrAtA yihUdAstAteneshvareNa pavitrIkR^itAn yIshukhrIShTena rakShitAMshchAhUtAn lokAn prati patraM likhati|
2 Mercy to you, and peace, and divine love be multiplied.
kR^ipA shAntiH prema cha bAhulyarUpeNa yuShmAsvadhitiShThatu|
3 Beloved, making all haste to write to you concerning our common salvation, I had need to write to you, exhorting you to agonize for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
he priyAH, sAdhAraNaparitrANamadhi yuShmAn prati lekhituM mama bahuyatne jAte pUrvvakAle pavitralokeShu samarpito yo dharmmastadarthaM yUyaM prANavyayenApi sacheShTA bhavateti vinayArthaM yuShmAn prati patralekhanamAvashyakam amanye|
4 For certain men have crept in, who long ago were written down to this judgment, ungodly, transforming the grace of God into impurity, even denying Jesus Christ, our only Sovereign and Lord.
yasmAd etadrUpadaNDaprAptaye pUrvvaM likhitAH kechijjanA asmAn upasR^iptavantaH, te. adhArmmikalokA asmAkam IshvarasyAnugrahaM dhvajIkR^itya lampaTatAm Acharanti, advitIyo. adhipati ryo. asmAkaM prabhu ryIshukhrIShTastaM nA NgIkurvvanti|
5 But I wish you to remember, once having known all these things, that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, destroyed them that believed riot, the second time:
tasmAd yUyaM purA yad avagatAstat puna ryuShmAn smArayitum ichChAmi, phalataH prabhurekakR^itvaH svaprajA misaradeshAd udadhAra yat tataH param avishvAsino vyanAshayat|
6 and the angels who kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, has he kept in eternal chains unto darkness unto the judgment of the great day: (aïdios g126)
ye cha svargadUtAH svIyakartR^itvapade na sthitvA svavAsasthAnaM parityaktavantastAn sa mahAdinasya vichArArtham andhakAramaye. adhaHsthAne sadAsthAyibhi rbandhanairabadhnAt| (aïdios g126)
7 as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them, in a manner like unto them committing fornication, and going after other flesh, present an example receiving the vengeance of eternal fire. (aiōnios g166)
aparaM sidomam amorA tannikaTasthanagarANi chaiteShAM nivAsinastatsamarUpaM vyabhichAraM kR^itavanto viShamamaithunasya cheShTayA vipathaM gatavantashcha tasmAt tAnyapi dR^iShTAntasvarUpANi bhUtvA sadAtanavahninA daNDaM bhu njate| (aiōnios g166)
8 Likewise indeed these dreamers also pollute the flesh, and reject lordship, and blaspheme glories.
tathaiveme svapnAchAriNo. api svasharIrANi kala Nkayanti rAjAdhInatAM na svIkurvvantyuchchapadasthAn nindanti cha|
9 But Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed over the body of Moses, did not dare to bring against him a judgment of blasphemy, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.
kintu pradhAnadivyadUto mIkhAyelo yadA mUsaso dehe shayatAnena vivadamAnaH samabhAShata tadA tisman nindArUpaM daNDaM samarpayituM sAhasaM na kR^itvAkathayat prabhustvAM bhartsayatAM|
10 But these blaspheme so many things as they know not: and so many things as they understand naturally, like irrational animals, in these they are corrupted.
kintvime yanna budhyante tannindanti yachcha nirbbodhapashava ivendriyairavagachChanti tena nashyanti|
11 Woe unto them! because they have gone off in the way of Cain, and in the delusion of Balaam they have been seduced by reward, and they perished in the gainsaying of Korah.
tAn dhik, te kAbilo mArge charanti pAritoShikasyAshAto biliyamo bhrAntimanudhAvanti korahasya durmmukhatvena vinashyanti cha|
12 These are rocks in your love-feasts, feasting along with you without fear shepherdizing themselves, clouds without water, driven away by the winds; withered trees, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;
yuShmAkaM premabhojyeShu te vighnajanakA bhavanti, Atmambharayashcha bhUtvA nirlajjayA yuShmAbhiH sArddhaM bhu njate| te vAyubhishchAlitA nistoyameghA hemantakAlikA niShphalA dvi rmR^itA unmUlitA vR^ikShAH,
13 wild waves of the sea, foaming out their own disgraces; wandering stars, for which the blackness of darkness has been reserved forever. (aiōn g165)
svakIyalajjApheNodvamakAH prachaNDAH sAmudratara NgAH sadAkAlaM yAvat ghoratimirabhAgIni bhramaNakArINi nakShatrANi cha bhavanti| (aiōn g165)
14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied against these, saying, Behold, the Lord came with his myriads of saints,
AdamataH saptamaH puruSho yo hanokaH sa tAnuddishya bhaviShyadvAkyamidaM kathitavAn, yathA, pashya svakIyapuNyAnAm ayutai rveShTitaH prabhuH|
15 to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly of them for all the works of their ungodliness which they have impiously done, and for all their hard speeches which they have spoken against him, being ungodly sinners.
sarvvAn prati vichArAj nAsAdhanAyAgamiShyati| tadA chAdhArmmikAH sarvve jAtA yairaparAdhinaH| vidharmmakarmmaNAM teShAM sarvveShAmeva kAraNAt| tathA tadvaiparItyenApyadharmmAchAripApinAM| uktakaThoravAkyAnAM sarvveShAmapi kAraNAt| parameshena doShitvaM teShAM prakAshayiShyate||
16 These are querulous grumblers, going forth according to their own lusts; and their mouth speaking swelling words, admiring persons for the sake of gain.
te vAkkalahakAriNaH svabhAgyanindakAH svechChAchAriNo darpavAdimukhavishiShTA lAbhArthaM manuShyastAvakAshcha santi|
17 But you, beloved, remember the words which have hitherto been spoken by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;
kintu he priyatamAH, asmAkaM prabho ryIshukhrIShTasya preritai ryad vAkyaM pUrvvaM yuShmabhyaM kathitaM tat smarata,
18 that they said to you, At the last time there will be mockers, walking according to their own lusts after ungodly things.
phalataH sheShasamaye svechChAto. adharmmAchAriNo nindakA upasthAsyantIti|
19 These are they who are sidetracking [the people], intellectual, not having the Spirit.
ete lokAH svAn pR^ithak kurvvantaH sAMsArikA AtmahInAshcha santi|
20 But you, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
kintu he priyatamAH, yUyaM sveShAm atipavitravishvAse nichIyamAnAH pavitreNAtmanA prArthanAM kurvvanta
21 keep yourselves in the divine love of God, receiving the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
Ishvarasya premnA svAn rakShata, anantajIvanAya chAsmAkaM prabho ryIshukhrIShTasya kR^ipAM pratIkShadhvaM| (aiōnios g166)
22 And some of whom indeed convict, being judged:
aparaM yUyaM vivichya kAMshchid anukampadhvaM
23 and some save, seizing them out of the fire; and some pity in their fear, you indeed hating the garment having been spotted by carnality.
kAMshchid agnita uddhR^itya bhayaM pradarshya rakShata, shArIrikabhAvena kala NkitaM vastramapi R^itIyadhvaM|
24 But to him who is able to keep you from falling, and to establish you blameless in the presence of his glory with rejoicing.
apara ncha yuShmAn skhalanAd rakShitum ullAsena svIyatejasaH sAkShAt nirddoShAn sthApayitu ncha samartho
25 to God our only Saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and power, before every age, both now, and unto all the ages. Amen. (aiōn g165)
yo. asmAkam advitIyastrANakarttA sarvvaj na Ishvarastasya gauravaM mahimA parAkramaH kartR^itva nchedAnIm anantakAlaM yAvad bhUyAt| Amen| (aiōn g165)

< Jude 1 >