< Hebrews 10 >

1 For the law having the shadow of good things to come, not the real image of the things, annually with the same sacrifices which they offer continually, is by no means able to make perfect those coming to it:
Ndava Malagizu ga Musa ndi chimuwili ndu cha mambu gabwina gegibwela, na lepi mambu gene chakaka, yilangisa padebe ndu mambu gala chakaka chegavili, luteta lulalula lwa Malagizu ga Musa zeziwusiwa mwaka hati mwaka. Yihotoleka lepi kutu kuvakita vala vevakumuyupa Chapanga vavyai vakamilifu.
2 since in that case would they not have ceased being offered, because the worshipers having once been purified would have had no more conscience of sins?
Ngati vandu vala vevakumuyupa Chapanga ngavanyambiswi njwe kuhuma mukumbudila Chapanga, ngavalekili kujilola kavili ngati vabudili, na luteta lula lweviwusa ngalumaliki.
3 But in the same sacrifices there is a remembrance of sins annually;
Nambu luteta lwenulo luhengeka kila mwaka, ndava ya kuvakumbusa vandu kumbudila Chapanga kwavi.
4 for it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins.
Muni ngasi ya ng'ombi yigosi na mene vihotola lepi kuwusa kumbudila Chapanga.
5 Therefore, coming into the world, he says; Sacrifice an offering thou willest not, but thou hast perfected for me a body:
Ndava yeniyo Kilisitu peavili mukubwela pamulima, amjovili Chapanga, “Veve waganili lepi luteta amala luteta lwa kuhinja hinyama, nambu wanitendelekili higa.
6 whole burnt offerings and offerings for sins thou wast not pleased with:
Luteta lwa kutinyiswa hinyama palusanja lwa luteta, amala za kulekekesa kubuda zakuganisi lepi.
7 then I said, Lo, I come in the volume of the Book it has been written of me to do thy will, O God.
Kangi najovili, ‘Nivii apa ee Chapanga, kukita gewigana ngati cheyiyandikwi muchitabu cha Malagizu ga Musa kunivala nene.’”
8 Saying above, that Sacrifices and offerings and whole burnt offerings and offerings for sin thou didst not will, neither wast well pleased with; whatsoever are offered according to law;
Kilisitu ajovili hoti, “Waganili lepi amala waganisiwi lepi na luteta lwa kuhinjwa hinyama, luteta lwa kutinyiswa na luteta la kulekekesa mabudilu.” Ajovili genago hati ngati luteta lungi lwawusiwi kulandana na malagizu ga Musa.
9 then he has said, Lo, I come to do thy will. He takes away the first, that he may establish the second;
Kangi akajova, “Nene nivii apa veve Chapanga, kukita gala gewigana.” Ndi Chapanga avikili pamuhana luteta lwa kadeni, pandu paki akamvika Kilisitu avya luteta.
10 by which will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
Ndava Yesu Kilisitu ahengili geigana Chapanga, tete tinyambiswi mabudilu gitu kwa tambiko la higa yaki mwene yeyiwusiwi luteta mala yimonga ndu kwa vandu voha.
11 And every high priest indeed stands daily ministering, and frequently offering the same sacrifices, which are never able to take away sins:
Kila Mteta ihenga lihengu kila ligono na kuwusa teta zilazila pamahele, tambiko zenizo zihotola lepi katu kuwusa kubuda.
12 and he, having offered up one sacrifice for sins, forever sat down on the right hand of God;
Nambu Kilisitu mwene awusili luteta lumonga ndava ya kuwusa mabudilu, luteta lwa makakala la magono goha gangali mwishu, kangi itama pahala pa utopesa chiwoko cha kulyelela kunani.
13 finally waiting until his enemies may be made the foot-stool of his feet.
Tangia lukumbi lwenulo akumlindila Chapanga avavika vamakoko vaki pahi ngati chigoda cha kuvikila magendelu gaki.
14 For by one offering he has forever perfected the sanctified.
Ndava yeniyo kwa luteta lwa kutinyisa yimonga, avakitili vala vevanyambiswi kuvya vakamilifu vala voha vevanyambiswi.
15 And the Holy Ghost truly does witness to us: for afterward he said,
Na Mpungu Msopi mweakuvajovela vandu lijambu lenili, hoti ijova
16 This is the covenant that I will make unto them after these days, says the Lord; having given my laws on their hearts, and I will also write them in their mind;
“Lenili ndi lilaganu lenihenga nawu, magono gegibwela, ijova Bambu: Yati nivika Malagizu gangu mumitima yavi, na kuziyandika mumitima yavi.”
17 and I will remember their sins and iniquities no more.
Kangi akayonjokesa kujova, “Yati nikumbuka lepi kangi mabudilu gavi na uhakau wevauhengili.”
18 But where there is removal of these, there is no more offering for sin.
Hinu, gevambudili Chapanga gakamala kulekekeswa, kawaka kuwusa luteta ndava ya kulekekesa kumabudila Chapanga.
19 Then, brethren, having boldness unto the entering in of the holies through the blood of Jesus,
Hinu, valongo, tivii na ukekesi wa kuyingila Pandu Pamsopi Neju kwa njila ya ngasi ya Yesu.
20 by which he has opened unto us a new and living way, through the veil, that is, of his flesh,
Mwene atidindulili njila ya mupya, njila yeyikutilongosa muwumi, kupitila lipazia lila ndi higa yaki mwene.
21 and having a great high priest over the house of God;
Hinu, tivii na Mteta Mkulu mweavi na uhotola mu Nyumba ya Chapanga.
22 let us draw nigh with a true heart in a full assurance of faith, having been sprinkled as to our hearts from an evil conscience,
Hinu, timuhegelela Chapanga kwa mitima ya uchakaka na sadika yeyitimili, kwa mitima yeyinyambiswi, ndi mitima yangavahamula kavili kuvya mumbudili Chapanga na higa yeyinyambiswi na manji gabwina.
23 and washed as to our body with purifying water: let us hold fast the testimony of hope steadfast; for the one having promised is faithful;
Tikamulila njwe huvalila yitu yetikuyisadika na yetijova, muni Chapanga mweavikili lilaganu laki ndi msadikika.
24 and let us recognize one another in the provocation of divine love and good works:
Titangatilana tavete, tikangamalisana mtima, kuvya na uganu na kuhenga gabwina.
25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as is the custom to some; but exhorting: and this the more, as you see the days drawing nigh.
Kangi tikotoka kuleka kukonganeka pamonga na kumuyupa Bambu, ngati chevikita vandu vangi. Nambu tiganikiwa kukangamalisana mtima, ngati neju chemwilola, ligono la Bambu kubwela lihegelela.
26 For we sinning willingly after we have received the perfect knowledge of the truth, there is left no more sacrifice for sins,
Muni, takayendelela kuhenga mabudilu kwa kugana kuni timanya uchakaka, kawaka luteta lweluhotola kuwusiwa kavili ndava ya kuwusa getimbudili Chapanga.
27 but a certain fearful anticipation of judgment and violence of fire, about to devour the adversaries.
Nambu lelisigalila ndi kulindila kwa wogohi, uhamula wa Chapanga kwa motu ukali weukuvatinyisa voha vevakumbela Chapanga.
28 The one having rejected the law of Moses dies without mercy before two or three witnesses:
Mundu yeyoha mweangayidakila Malagizu ga Musa, akomiwi changali lipyana hati ngati kuvi na vandu vavili amala vadatu vevaliweni na kujova akitili lijambu lenilo.
29 of how much more terrible punishment, do you think, the one having trodden under foot the Son of God, and counted the blood of the covenant, by which he was sanctified, common, and insulted the Spirit of grace; be counted worthy!
Wu, mundu yula mweakumvevesa Mwana wa Chapanga na kuyiyivevesa ngasi ya lilaganu la Chapanga yeyivanyambisi? Wu, Mundu mweakumliga Mpungu wa ubwina wa Chapanga, holalela iganikiwa lepi kupewa mbunu ukali neju?
30 For we know him who said, Vengeance belongs to me, I will repay; and again, The Lord will judge his people.
Muni tikuchimanya chila cheajovili Chapanga, “Nene yati nikuvabuna, nikumkiliwusila cheatinihengili,” Kangi ajovili, “Bambu yati akuvahamula vandu vaki.”
31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Ndi lijambu la kuyogofya neju kugwilila mu mawoko ga Chapanga mweavi mumi!
32 But remember the former days, in which, you being illuminated by the Spirit, endured a great fight of afflictions;
Mkumbuka pemwagubukuliwi uchakaka wa Chapanga magono gala ga utumbula. Pamonga mwapatili mang'ahiso gamahele, nyenye mwakangamili kuyima.
33 both indeed in reproaches and tribulations being exposed as a theater, and having become the companions of those being thus exercised.
Lukumbi lungi mwaligiwi na kukola soni pavandu, magono gangi mwayidakili kuvya pamonga na vala vevang'aiswi namuna yiyoyo.
34 For you suffered along with the prisoners, and received with joy the spoliation of your goods, knowing that you have a better and abiding possession.
Mwavahengili lipyana vala vevavi muchifungu, pemywagiwa vindu vinu mwayidakili kwa luheku ndava muni mwamanyili muvi na vindu vyabwina neju vyevisindimala magono goha gangali mwishu.
35 Therefore cast not away your confidence, which has great reward.
Hinu, muvya na ukekesi yati yikuvapela njombi yivaha.
36 For you have need of patience, in order that, having done the will of God, you will inherit the promise.
Mganikiwa kusindimala muni muhengayi geigana Chapanga na pahala pa apo mupokela chila cheavalagazili.
37 For yet a little while, the one coming will come, and will not tarry.
Muni ngati chegijova Mayandiku Gamsopi, “Pakona padebe ndu, na yula mweibwela yati ibwela, na ikavila lepi.
38 My righteous man shall live by faith: and if he may draw back, my soul has no pleasure in him.
Nambu mundu mbwina palongolo yangu yati isadika na kutama, nambu akalekayi kunisadika, nene nakuganikiwa nayu.”
39 But we are not of the drawing back unto perdition; but of faith unto the salvation of the soul.
Hinu, tete lepi vandu vetikuyileka sadika na kuyaga, nambu tete ndi vandu vetisadika na kusanguliwa.

< Hebrews 10 >