< Galatians 2 >

1 Then after fourteen years, I again went up to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking also Titus with me;
Imiakha kumi na nne nalutile khavili khu Yelusalemu paninie nu Barnaba. Nitolile uTito paninye nune.
2 but I went up according to revelation; and I presented to them the gospel which I am preaching among the Gentiles, but privately to the prominent ones, lest perhaps I am running, or did run, in vain.
Nikhalutile pakhuva uNguluve aevonisie khuliune ukhuta ni khanogiwa ukhuluta. Navikhile khuvulongolo ilimenyu avapanji nachoviwaga avalongochi navombile ewo ukhuhakekesia ukhuta saninyila au nikhanyilile vuvule.
3 But neither was Titus the one with me, being a Greek, compelled to be circumcised:
Vope u Tito, uviakhale paninie nune, uviakhale Myunani, andasimiswa ukhutahiliwa.
4 but on account of the false brethren having crept in, who came in to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, in order that they shall bring us into bondage:
Ilijambo ili ukhahumile mkhekolo ikia vudesi vainchile khusile khupelelesia uvu huru uvutwale nao mgati mwa Yesu Klisite. Vanogilwe ukhutuveka pasi pa ndagelo.
5 to whom I rendered not submission for an hour; in order that the truth of the gospel may abide with you.
Satukhihumia ukhuva pulikha khusekhi gumo ukhuta ilimenyu lya lueli lisigale lijige vulevule lisite ukhubadelekha khuliumwe.
6 But of those seeming to be something what they were at that time makes no difference to me: God does not receive the face of man: for those seeming to me to be prominent added nothing extra:
Vala ava choviwe ukhuta vakhale valongonchi savanchagele khikhioni khuliune. Nkhinkhoni ekheva likhuvomba sakhi khale ne mana khuliane. UNguluve sinkhuikha uvupelelo wa vanu.
7 but on the contrary, seeing that I am intrusted with the gospel of the uncircumcision, like Peter of the circumcision,
Vakha mbona ukhuta niaminiwe ukhulumbelela ilimenyu khuvala awa savalanchiwe. Ekhava ndu uPetro alumbilile ilimenyu khuvala avavalanchiwe.
8 for the one having wrought with Peter unto the apostleship of the circumcision also wrought with me unto the Gentiles:
Ulwakhuva uNguluve, avombile embombo mgati mwa Petro savuli ya vuvanda nkhuvala avavalanche, nkhange avombile imbombo mugati mundiune khuvanu avapanchi.
9 and having known the grace of God which was given unto me, James and Cephas and John, who seem to be pillars, gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the circumcision;
Usinkhi uYakobo, u Kefa, nu Yohana, vamanyikhikhi ukhuta vancheengile itembile, valumanyile ulukhungu une, vatupokhile mugati mululundamano une nu Barnaba. Vagakhile ewo ukhuta putulutage khuvanu avapanchi avava chiwe.
10 only that we should remember the poor; which very thing I was also zealous to do.
Vatunogilwe ufue ukhuvakumbukha avatolwe. Une na yune nilikhunogwa ukhuvomba embombo iye.
11 And when Cephas came into Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to blame.
Usikhi Kefa avilenchile Antiokia, nakiline inave pavuvalafu ulwakhuva ale intula nongwa.
12 For before certain ones came from James, he was eating along with the Gentiles: but when they came, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision.
Badala ya vanu avadebe ukhuitsa ukhuhuma kua Yakobo, Kefa alikuva ilya paninie na vapanchi. Ingave avanu avavile vinchile alekhine ukhukhega ukhuma khu vanu avapanji. Akhava idwada avanu avano guaga indagelo.
13 And the rest of the Jews also reciprocated with him; so that even Barnabas was led away by their dissimulation.
Vulevule Avayuta avange valungine nuvusongerenie uvu paninie nu Kefa. Pulikha humela leno Barnaba atoliwe nuvusongerehani wa vene.
14 But when I saw that they are not walking uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in the presence of all, If you being a Jew are living like the Gentiles and not like the Jews, how do you compel the Gentiles to judaize?
Uluava nelolile ukhuta valekhuva savikonga elivangeliilwa lweli, niambulile uKefa pamiho ga vene voni, “Ingave umwe mule Vayahudi mbona imitamilo gevile gya lugevaanu avapanchi ukutama nda vanu avayuta?”
15 We being Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles,
Ufwe yufwe tuli Vayahudi tuhaliwe satuli “Vanu va panzi avale mbivi”
16 knowing that a man is not justified by works of law, but through the faith of Christ Jesus, and we have believed into Christ Jesus, in order that we may be justified by faith of Christ, and not by works of law, because by works of law no flesh shall be justified.
ulumanye ukhuta asikhuli uviivalilwa ale pavuye lweli pa mbombo ncha ndagelo. Pulino vivaliwa uwayelweli mulwidekho igati mwa Yesu Klisite. Tukhinchile khu luedekho mgati mwa Klisite Yesu ukhuta tuvaleliwa uvuyelweli mugati mwa Klisite pasita khuvaliwa ni mbombo khu mivombelo gusikhuli umbili, ugukhi guvaliwa uwa yelweli.
17 But if seeking to be justified in Christ, we may also be found sinners, then is Christ the minister of sin? it could not be so.
Pulino tungave tukhundanda uNguluve khwa khutu valela inonu mugati mwa Klisite, tukhevona yufwe ukhuta tulini mbivi Klisite awekhiwe isuhiwa wa mbivi? Ate!
18 For if I again build the things which I have destroyed, I constitute myself a transgressor.
Ningave nivikha uluhuvelo luango ukhutuncha indagelo, ikhinu ikhi namalile ukhukhencha, nikhivonesya yune ukhuta nivomba imbivi.
19 For I through law died to law, in, order that I may live unto God.
Ukhukhuma khululagelo nikhafua khululagelo, lino ninogiwa ukhutama nu Nguluve.
20 I am crucified along with Christ; and I live no longer, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
Nitasiwa paninye nu Yesu sio une leno, yune nitama uKlisite. Viitama mnumbula yango. Amaisha ugunitama mu mbili nitama nulwidikho munumbula ya umwana va uNguluve, uvanganile akhihumia khu njela yango une.
21 I do not make void the grace of God: for if righteousness was through law, then Christ died gratuitiously.
Sanibela ulukhungu lwa uNguluve, ulugano lwa lenkho, ukhuhumila ingave ilweli yekhale puile ukhumila Klisite vuapule.

< Galatians 2 >