< Acts 19 >
1 And it came to pass, while Apollos was in Corinth, Paul having come through the upper regions came down into Ephesus: and found certain disciples,
Men det skete, medens Apollos var i Korinth, at Paulus efter at være dragen igennem de højereliggende Landsdele kom ned til Efesus
2 and said to them, Have you received the Holy Ghost, having believed? And they said to him, But we have not heard if the Holy Ghost is (given).
og fandt nogle Disciple, og han sagde til dem: „Fik I den Helligaand, da I bleve troende?” Men de sagde til ham: „Vi have ikke engang hørt, at der er en Helligaand.”
3 And he said, Into what then were you baptized? And they said, Into the baptism of John.
Og han sagde: „Hvortil bleve I da døbte?” Men de sagde: „Til Johannes's Daab.”
4 And Paul said, John baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on the one coming after him, that is Jesus.
Da sagde Paulus: „Johannes døbte med Omvendelses-Daab, idet han sagde til Folket, at de skulde tro paa den, som kom efter ham, det er paa Jesus.”
5 And they, having heard, were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus;
Men da de hørte dette, lode de sig døbe til den Herres Jesu Navn.
6 and Paul having laid his hands on them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they continued to speak with tongues, and prophesy.
Og da Paulus lagde Hænderne paa dem, kom den Helligaand over dem, og de talte i Tunger og profeterede.
7 And they were all about twelve men.
Men de vare i det hele omtrent tolv Mænd.
8 And having come into the synagogue, he preached boldly three months, expounding and persuading them as to the things concerning the kingdom of God.
Og han gik ind i Synagogen og vidnede frimodigt i tre Maaneder, idet han holdt Samtaler og overbeviste om det, som hører til Guds Rige.
9 But when some were becoming hardened and disbelieving, speaking evil of the way in the presence of the multitude, departing from them he separated his disciples, daily expounding in the school of Tyrannus.
Men da nogle forhærdede sig og strede imod og over for Mængden talte ilde om Vejen, forlod han dem og skilte Disciplene fra dem og holdt daglig Samtaler i Tyrannus's Skole.
10 And this took place two years; so that all dwelling in Asia heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks.
Men dette varede i to Aar, saa at alle, som boede i Asien, baade Jøder og Grækere, hørte Herrens Ord.
11 And God was working great miracles through the hands of Paul;
Og Gud gjorde usædvanlige kraftige Gerninger ved Paulus's Hænder,
12 so that napkins and aprons were carried from his body and placed on the sick, and diseases departed from them, and evil spirits went out of them.
saa at man endog bragte Tørklæder og Bælter fra hans Legeme til de syge, og Sygdommene vege fra dem, og de onde Aander fore ud.
13 And certain ones of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to call the name of the Lord Jesus, over those having evil spirits saying, I adjure you in the name of Jesus whom Paul is preaching.
Men ogsaa nogle af de omløbende jødiske Besværgere forsøgte at nævne den Herres Jesu Navn over dem, som havde de onde Aander, idet de sagde: „Jeg besværger eder ved den Jesus, som Paulus prædiker.”
14 And there were certain seven sons of one Sceva, a Jewish high priest, doing this.
Men de, som gjorde dette, vare syv Sønner af Skeuas, en jødisk Ypperstepræst.
15 But the evil spirit responding said to them, I know Jesus, and am acquainted with Paul; but who are you?
Men den onde Aand svarede og sagde til dem: „Jesus kender jeg, og om Paulus ved jeg; men I, hvem ere I?”
16 And the man in whom was the evil spirit, leaping on them, domineering over both of them, prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.
Og det Menneske, i hvem den onde Aand var, sprang ind paa dem og overmandede dem begge og fik saadan Magt over dem, at de flygtede nøgne og saarede ud af Huset.
17 And this became known to all, both Jews and Greeks, dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell upon them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified;
Men dette blev vitterligt for alle dem, som boede i Efesus, baade Jøder og Grækere; og der faldt en Frygt over dem alle, og den Herres Jesu Navn blev ophøjet,
18 and many of those having believed came, confessing, and renouncing their practices.
og mange af dem, som vare blevne troende, kom og bekendte og fortalte om deres Gerninger.
19 And many of those practicing curious arts, having brought their books, burnt them before all: and they estimated the price of them, and found it to be fifty thousand pieces of silver.
Men mange af dem, som havde drevet Trolddom, bare deres Bøger sammen og opbrændte dem for alles Øjne; og man beregnede deres Værdi og fandt dem halvtredsindstyve Tusinde Sølvpenge værd.
20 Thus the word of the Lord increased and accumulated strength according to His power.
Saa kraftigt voksede Herrens Ord og fik Magt.
21 And when these things were fulfilled, Paul purposed in spirit, having traveled through Macedonia and Achaia, to go on into Jerusalem, saying that, After I am there it behooves me also to see Rome.
Men da dette var fuldbragt, satte Paulus sig for i Aanden, at han vilde rejse igennem Makedonien og Akaja og saa drage til Jerusalem, og han sagde: „Efter at jeg har været der, bør jeg ogsaa se Rom.”
22 And having sent two of those ministering to him, Timothy and Erastus, into Macedonia, himself spent the time in Asia.
Og han sendte to af dem, som gik ham til Haande, Timotheus og Erastus, til Makedonien; men selv blev han nogen Tid i Asien.
23 And at that time there was no small commotion concerning the way.
Men paa den Tid opstod der et ikke lidet Oprør i Anledning af Vejen.
24 For a certain Demetrius by name, a silversmith, making silver shrines of Diana, was bringing no small gain to the mechanics,
Thi en Sølvsmed ved Navn Demetrius gjorde Artemistempler af Sølv og skaffede Kunstnerne ikke ringe Fortjeneste.
25 whom having assembled and the laborers about such things, he said, Men, you know that it is from this work that prosperity is to us:
Disse samlede han tillige med de med saadanne Ting sysselsatte Arbejdere og sagde: „I Mænd! I vide, at vi have vort Udkomme af dette Arbejde.
26 and you see and hear, that not only at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, that this Paul having persuaded them has turned away a great multitude, saying that there are no gods made with hands.
Og I se og høre, at ikke alene i Efesus, men næsten i hele Asien har denne Paulus ved sin Overtalelse vildledt en stor Mængde, idet han siger, at de ikke ere Guder, de, som gøres med Hænder.
27 And not only is this interest in danger to us to come into disrepute; but even the temple of the great goddess Diana to be considered for nought, and they are about even to despise the majesty of her, whom all Asia and the world worships.
Men der er ikke alene Fare for, at denne vor Haandtering skal komme i Foragt, men ogsaa for, at den store Gudinde Artemis's Helligdom skal blive agtet for intet, og at den Gudindes Majestæt, hvem hele Asien og Jorderige dyrker, skal blive krænket.”
28 And hearing and being filled with rage, they continued to cry out, saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians.
Men da de hørte dette, bleve de fulde af Vrede og raabte og sagde: „Stor er Efesiernes Artemis!”
29 And the city was filled with commotion: and they rushed of one accord into the theatre, seizing Gaius and Aristarchus, the Macedonians, the companions of Paul.
Og Byen kom i fuldt Oprør, og de stormede endrægtigt til Teatret og reve Makedonierne Kajus og Aristarkus, Paulus's Rejsefæller, med sig.
30 And Paul wishing to go in unto the people, the disciples suffered him not;
Men da Paulus vilde gaa ind iblandt Folkemængden, tilstedte Disciplene ham det ikke.
31 and certain ones of the Asiatic rulers, also being friends to him, having sent to him, continued to entreat him not to give himself up into the theatre.
Men ogsaa nogle af Asiarkerne, som vare hans Venner, sendte Bud til ham og formanede ham til ikke at vove sig hen til Teatret.
32 Then indeed they continued to cry out some one thing, and some another: for the church was confused; and the most of them did not know on account of what they had come together.
Da skrege nogle eet, andre et andet; thi Forsamlingen var i Forvirring, og de fleste vidste ikke, af hvad Aarsag de vare komne sammen.
33 And some from the crowd forced in Alexander, the Jews precipitating him forward; and Alexander, beckoning with his hand, wished to apologize to the people.
Men de trak Aleksander, hvem Jøderne skøde frem, ud af Skaren; men Aleksander slog til Lyd med Haanden og vilde holde en Forsvarstale til Folket.
34 But recognizing that he is a Jew, there was one voice from all crying out about two hours, Great is Diana of the Ephesians.
Men da de fik at vide, at han var en Jøde, raabte de alle med een Røst i omtrent to Timer: „Stor er Efesiernes Artemis!”
35 And the city clerk having dismissed the multitudes, said, Ephesian men, for what one of men is there that does not know that the city of the Ephesians is a worshiper of the great goddess Diana, and of the statue having fallen down from Jupiter?
Men Byskriveren fik Skaren beroliget og sagde: „I Mænd i Efesus! hvilket Menneske er der vel, som ikke ved, at Efesiernes By er Tempelværge for den store Artemis og det himmelfaldne Billede?
36 Therefore these things being unquestionable, it is necessary that you become calm, and do nothing rashly.
Naar altsaa dette er uimodsigeligt, bør I være rolige og ikke foretage eder noget fremfusende.
37 For you have led in these men, who are neither robbers of temples, nor are they blaspheming your goddess.
Thi I have ført disse Mænd hid, som hverken ere Tempelranere eller bespotte eders Gudinde.
38 If indeed therefore Demetrius, and the mechanics along with him, have a charge against any one, the courts are in session, and there are lawyers: let them implead one another.
Dersom nu Demetrius og hans Kunstnere have Klage imod nogen, da holdes der Tingdage, og der er Statholdere; lad dem kalde hinanden for Retten!
39 But if you are seeking something concerning other things, it shall be settled in the lawful church.
Men have I noget Forlangende om andre Sager, saa vil det blive afgjort i den lovlige Forsamling.
40 For indeed we are in danger of prosecution for the disturbance this day, there being no cause concerning which we shall be able to give a reason for this uproar.
Vi staa jo endog i Fare for at anklages for Oprør for, hvad der i Dag er sket, da der ingen Aarsag er dertil; herfor, for dette Opløb, ville vi ikke kunne gøre Regnskab.”
41 And having said these things, he dismissed the church.
Og da han havde sagt dette, lod han Forsamlingen fare.