< Acts 12 >
1 But at this time king Herod reached forth his hands to persecute some of those from the church.
Laa yogunu o bado Elodo den cili ki wangi kilisiti nitaanli yaaba bi tianba fala.
2 And he slew James the brother of John with a sword.
O den teni ke bi kpa Jaka, Jan ciamo leni ki jugisiega
3 And seeing that it is pleasing to the Jews, he proceeded to arrest Peter also: and those were the days of the unleavened bread:
Wan den laa ke laa bonla mangi Jufinba pala, o go den teni ke bi cuo PIELI. Li den tieya dupen n ki pia daliali jaanma dana.
4 whom having seized, he also put in prison, having committed him to four quaternions of soldiers to guard him; wishing to bring him out to the people after the passover.
Wan den cuo PIELI ki kuani o li kadidieli nni, o den puogi minteela caga naa ke ban ya guu o. Cagiyenli kuli den pia niba naa ke bi guudi ki lebidi. Elodo den jagi ke mi pendima jaanma ya pendi, o ba jia PIELI buudi bi niba kuli nintuali.
5 Then indeed Peter was kept in prison: but prayer to God in his behalf was incessantly made by the church.
Bi den guu PIELI li kadidieli nni; ama KILISITI nitaanli den miadi opo U TIENU kaa cedi.
6 But when Herod was about to lead him forth, and Peter was sleeping that night between two soldiers, and bound with two chains; and the guards were keeping guard before the door.
Ya ǹiagu ke li ba faa Elodo n jia PIELI buudibi niba kuli nintuali, PIELI den luo leni kuseseli lie, ki dua ki goa minteela lie siiga; ya minteela n guu mo den se li kadidieli buliǹoabu kani.
7 And, behold, the angel of the Lord stood over him, and a light shone in the house; and having touched the side of Peter, he raised him up, saying; Rise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.
Lani o DIODO maleki den doagidi PIELI po ke mi yenma yendi li kadidieli nni. Maleki den maa PIELI kalu ki fundi o ki yedi o: Fii jalijali! i kuseseli den pidi o nii kani ki baa.
8 And the angel said to him, Gird thyself, and put on thy sandals. And he thus did. And he says to him, Throw thy cloak about thee, and follow me.
Lani maleki den yedi o: loli a gbanǹagidiguki pili a cacaadi. o den tieni yeni. maleki den yedi o: goli a kpalibu ki ŋoadi nni.
9 And having come out, he was following; and did not know that it is true which was done by the angel; but he was thinking that he saw a vision.
Pieli den ǹani ki ŋua o kaa bani maleki n tieni yaala ya tie moamoani, o den tama ke o laa li bonlekaala yeni.
10 And having come through the first guard and the second, they came to the iron gate leading into the city; which opened to them of its own accord: and having come out, they came on to the first street; and the angel immediately departed from him.
Ban den pendi o jiidikakpialo, leni yua n Hŋua, bi den pundi ya buliǹoabu n luo ti kuboandi bonluodigu, ki tiegi o dociamu, bu buliǹoabu den luodi buni buba bi po. Bi den ǹani ki tagi u sanu. Lanyogunu maleki den ŋaa Pieli
11 And Peter coming to himself, said, Now I know truly, that the Lord sent his angel, and delivered me out of the hand of Herod, out of all the expectation of the people of the Jews.
Pieli yama n den guni o den yedi: n bandi moala ke n Diodo n soani o maleki ki gaa nni Elodo nuu nni, leni jufinba n bua ki tieni nni yaala kuli po.
12 And recognizing his whereabouts, he came to the house of Mary, the mother of John, called Mark; where many were assembled and praying.
Wan den bungi yaala n tieni yeni, o den gedi Jan ban go yi yua Maka yaa naa Maliyama denpo naan kani ke niba boncianla den taani ki miadi U Tienu.
13 And he knocking at the door of the gate, a damsel, by name Rhoda, came to hearken:
Pieli den pua bu buliǹoajabu, ya jafaano n tuuni ku diegu nni ke bi yi o Loda den nagini ki ba cengi.
14 and recognizing the voice of Peter, from joy did not open the gate, but running in, she proclaimed that Peter stands before the gate.
O den bandi Pieli nialu, o pamanli po waa den luodi bu buliǹoabu, o den sani ki ban waani ke Pieli ye bu nuliǹoajabu kani.
15 And they said to her, You are gone mad; but she persisted that it was so. And they said, It is his angel.
Bi den yedi o: a gadi, ama o waani ke wan maadi yaala yeni tie moamoani.
16 But Peter remained knocking: and having opened, they saw him, and were astonished.
Lani bi den yedi: li tie o maleki yo. Ama Pieli n den suagi ki pua bu buliǹoabu, bi den luodi ki la o ke li pakili cuo ba.
17 And he, beckoning to them with his hand to keep silent, related how the Lord led him out from the prison: and said, Proclaim these things to James, and the brethren. And having gone out, he departed into another place.
Pieli den tia ba o nuu ban ŋmini, ki togidiba o Dielo n den ǹani o li kadidieli nni maama. o go den yedi: yin waani mani Jan leni ti kpiiba yaaba n sieni. Lani o den ǹani ki gedi potogu.
18 And it being day, there was no small commotion among the soldiers, as to where Peter then was.
Lan den fii ki fa, a minteela yama den yagi boncianla ke bi bua ki bandi PIELI n den tua yaala.
19 And Herod having sought him, and found him not, condemning the guards, commanded that they should be put to death; and having gone down from Judea to Caesarea, he tarried.
Elodo n den teni ke bi lingi o kaa laa o, o den buni ti buudi li kadidieli guudikaaba, ki jia bi buudi ke ban ǹani ba ki kpa ba. Lani n pendi o den ǹani Jude dida nni ki gedi Sesale ki ban ye lanpo.
20 And he was very angry with the Tyrians and Sidonians: and they unanimously came to him, and having persuaded Blastus who was over the chamber of the king, they continued to seek peace; because their country is supported by the kings.
Elodo den pia li koanli leni Tili yaaba leni Sidoni yaaba. Ama bi den taani ki cua o kani ki boadi o ku danligu leni Elodo badibaanlo yua n yi Balutusa, bi den mia o mi yanduanma, kelima bi diema jiema den ǹa Elodo ya diema nne.
21 But on an appointed day, Herod, invested with his royal apparel, sitting on his tribunal, delivered a discourse to them:
Elodo n den bili ya daali mi taanma po n den pundi, o den bobi o baditiadi ki kali o balikalikaanu po ki maadi ke li waagi.
22 and the people shouted, It is the voice of God and not of man.
Ku niligu den kpaani: u tienu ya nialu n maadi laa tie nisaalo nialu ka.
23 And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not the glory to God; and being eaten by worms, he breathed out his soul.
Lanyogunu, o Diodo maleki den pua o kelima waa den teni u Tienu ti kpiagidi. A sidibila den lugi o ke o kpe.
24 And the word of the Lord increased and multiplied.
Lani U Tienu maama den pugidi, ki yadi i kaani kuli, ke bi ŋoadikaaba coali den pugidi.
25 And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem, having filled their ministry, taking with them John, called Mark.
Solo leni Banabasa n den caa ba bi tondu, bi den taa Jan ban go yi yua Maka ke o yegi leni ba ki fii Jelusalema ki guani ki kuni.