< 1 Timothy 5 >

1 Rebuke not an elder, but exhort him as a father; the younger men as brothers:
Vana mehega ära kurjusta, vaid manitse teda nagu oma isa, nooremaid mehi kohtle nagu vendi.
2 the elderly women as mothers; the younger women as sisters, in all purity.
Vanemaid naisi kohtle nagu ema, nooremaid nagu õdesid – kõiges meelepuhtuses.
3 Honor widows who are truly widows.
Toeta lesknaisi, kes on tõesti ilma toitjata.
4 But if any widow has children, or grandchildren, let them first learn to show piety to their own house, and to give benefactions to their ancestors: for this is acceptable in the sight of God.
Aga kui kellelgi lesel on lapsi või lapselapsi, siis need õppigu kõigepealt lugupidamist oma perekonna vastu ning tasuma võlga oma vanematele ja vanavanematele, sest see on Jumalale meelepärane.
5 She who is truly a widow, and left alone, hopes in God, and abides in prayers and supplication night and day;
Aga lesk, kes on tõesti puuduses ja üksik, paneb oma lootuse Jumala peale, ta palvetab ööd ja päevad, paludes Jumalalt abi.
6 but she who is wanton is dead though living.
Aga kes elab naudingutes, on juba elusalt surnud.
7 Indeed command these things, in order that they may be blameless.
Anna inimestele need juhised, et keegi ei saaks midagi ette heita.
8 But if any one provides not for his own, and especially those of his own house, he has denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Aga inimene, kes ei hoolitse oma sugulaste eest, eriti perekonna eest, on oma usu maha salanud ja on hullem kui uskmatu.
9 Let a widow not be taken into account under three score years, the wife of one husband,
Leskede hulka arvatagu need, kes on vähemalt kuuekümneaastased ja olnud truud oma mehele
10 being witness in beautiful works; if she has brought up children, if she has entertained strangers, if she has washed the feet of saints, if she has succored those in tribulation, if she has followed in every good work.
ja kes on tuntud heade tegude poolest: nad on üles kasvatanud lapsi, olnud külalislahked, pesnud Jumala rahva jalgu, abistanud hädalisi ja pühendanud end mitmesugustele muudele headele tegudele.
11 But reject the younger widows: for when they may wax wanton against Christ, they wish to marry;
Nooremaid leski ära arvele võta. Kui meelelised ihad neid Kristusest eemale kisuvad, tahavad nad abielluda
12 having condemnation, because they have rejected their first faith:
ja teenivad ära karistuse, rikkudes varem antud tõotust.
13 and at the same time they learn to be idle, going about houses; and not only idle, but also loquacious even busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.
Pealegi õpivad nad majast majja luusides laisklema. Ja mitte ainult laisklema, vaid ka keelt peksma ja teiste ellu sekkuma, rääkides asju, mida ei tohiks.
14 Therefore I wish the younger women to marry, to raise up children, to rule the house, to give no occasion to the adversary for the sake of reproach;
Nii ma soovitan noorematel leskedel minna mehele, sünnitada lapsi, hoolitseda oma kodu eest ja mitte anda meie vastastele põhjust laimamiseks.
15 for already certain ones have turned away after Satan.
Sest mõned ongi juba end saatana poole pööranud.
16 If any faithful woman has widows, let her support them, and let not the church be burdened; in order that she may give her attention to those who are truly widows.
Kui siis usklikul naisel on tema hoole all leseks jäänud sugulasi, peab ta jätkama nende abistamist ja mitte koormama kogudust, et kogudus võiks abistada leski, kes tõesti abi vajavad.
17 Let the elders who stand before the people beautifully, be considered worthy of double remuneration, especially those laboring in the word and teaching.
Vanemad, kes kogudust hästi juhatavad, on kahekordse tasu väärilised, eriti need, kelle töö on kuulutamine ja õpetamine.
18 For the scripture says, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn: and, The laborer is worthy of his hire.
Sest Pühakiri ütleb: „Ära seo kinni pahmast tallava härja suud!“ja „Töötegija on oma palka väärt!“
19 Bring not an accusation against an elder, except before two or three witnesses.
Kogudusevanema vastu süüdistust ära võta kuulda muidu, kui selle esitavad kaks või kolm tunnistajat.
20 Convict those who sin before all, in order that the rest may also have fear.
Aga neid vanemaid, kes pattu teevad, kutsu korrale kõigi ees, et ka teised kardaksid.
21 I testify before God, and Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that you must guard these things without prejudice, doing nothing by partiality.
Ma vannutan sind Jumala, Jeesuse Kristuse ja valitud inglite ees, et sa järgiksid neid juhiseid kedagi eelistamata ega teeks midagi erapoolikult.
22 Lay hands quickly on no one, and be not partaker of other men's sins.
Ära kiirusta käte pealepanemisega ja ära võta osa teiste inimeste pattudest. Hoia end puhtana!
23 Keep yourself pure. No longer drink water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and on account of your frequent sickness.
Ära joo enam ainult vett, vaid tarvita pisut veini oma kõhuhädade ja sagedaste põdemiste pärast.
24 The sins of some men are manifest beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they also follow after:
Mõne inimese patud on kohe nähtavad ja jõuavad kohtusse nende ees, aga mõne patud jälitavad neid.
25 likewise truly are good works manifested beforehand; and those which are otherwise are not able to be hidden.
Samuti on nähtavad head teod, aga ka need, mis pole nähtavad, ei jää igavesti varju.

< 1 Timothy 5 >