< 1 John 4 >
1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spirits if they are of God: because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
he priyatamāḥ, yūyaṁ sarvveṣvātmasu na viśvasita kintu te īśvarāt jātā na vetyātmanaḥ parīkṣadhvaṁ yato bahavo mṛṣābhaviṣyadvādino jaganmadhyam āgatavantaḥ|
2 In this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God:
īśvarīyo ya ātmā sa yuṣmābhiranena paricīyatāṁ, yīśuḥ khrīṣṭo narāvatāro bhūtvāgata etad yena kenacid ātmanā svīkriyate sa īśvarīyaḥ|
3 and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of God: and this is the spirit of antichrist, which you have heard that he is coming; and now he is already in the world.
kintu yīśuḥ khrīṣṭo narāvatāro bhūtvāgata etad yena kenacid ātmanā nāṅgīkriyate sa īśvarīyo nahi kintu khrīṣṭārerātmā, tena cāgantavyamiti yuṣmābhiḥ śrutaṁ, sa cedānīmapi jagati varttate|
4 You are of God, little children, and you have conquered them; because he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
he bālakāḥ, yūyam īśvarāt jātāstān jitavantaśca yataḥ saṁsārādhiṣṭhānakāriṇo 'pi yuṣmadadhiṣṭhānakārī mahān|
5 They are of the world: on this account they speak of the world, and the world hears them.
te saṁsārāt jātāstato hetoḥ saṁsārād bhāṣante saṁsāraśca teṣāṁ vākyāni gṛhlāti|
6 We are of God: the one knowing God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. From this we know the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
vayam īśvarāt jātāḥ, īśvaraṁ yo jānāti so'smadvākyāni gṛhlāti yaśceśvarāt jāto nahi so'smadvākyāni na gṛhlāti; anena vayaṁ satyātmānaṁ bhrāmakātmānañca paricinumaḥ|
7 Beloved, let us love one another with divine love: because divine love is of God; and the one loving with divine love has been born of God, and knows God.
he priyatamāḥ, vayaṁ parasparaṁ prema karavāma, yataḥ prema īśvarāt jāyate, aparaṁ yaḥ kaścit prema karoti sa īśvarāt jāta īśvaraṁ vetti ca|
8 The one not loving with divine love does not know God; because God is divine love.
yaḥ prema na karoti sa īśvaraṁ na jānāti yata īśvaraḥ premasvarūpaḥ|
9 In this the divine love of God has been made manifest in us, because God has sent his only begotten Son into the world that we may live through him.
asmāsvīśvarasya premaitena prākāśata yat svaputreṇāsmabhyaṁ jīvanadānārtham īśvaraḥ svīyam advitīyaṁ putraṁ jaganmadhyaṁ preṣitavān|
10 In him is divine love, not because we loved God with divine love, but because he loved us with divine love, and sent his Son an expiation for our sins.
vayaṁ yad īśvare prītavanta ityatra nahi kintu sa yadasmāsu prītavān asmatpāpānāṁ prāyaścirttārthaṁ svaputraṁ preṣitavāṁścetyatra prema santiṣṭhate|
11 Beloved, if God so loved us with divine love, we ought also to love one another with divine love.
he priyatamāḥ, asmāsu yadīśvareṇaitādṛśaṁ prema kṛtaṁ tarhi parasparaṁ prema karttum asmākamapyucitaṁ|
12 No one has seen God at any time; if we love one another with divine love, God abides in us, and his divine love has been made perfect in us.
īśvaraḥ kadāca kenāpi na dṛṣṭaḥ yadyasmābhiḥ parasparaṁ prema kriyate tarhīśvaro 'smanmadhye tiṣṭhati tasya prema cāsmāsu setsyate|
13 In this we know that we abide in him, and he in us, because he has given us of his spirit.
asmabhyaṁ tena svakīyātmanoṁ'śo datta ityanena vayaṁ yat tasmin tiṣṭhāmaḥ sa ca yad asmāsu tiṣṭhatīti jānīmaḥ|
14 And we have seen and we testify that the Father has sent forth his Son the Saviour of the world.
pitā jagatrātāraṁ putraṁ preṣitavān etad vayaṁ dṛṣṭvā pramāṇayāmaḥ|
15 Whosoever may confess that Jesus is the Son of God, in him God abides, and he in God.
yīśurīśvarasya putra etad yenāṅgīkriyate tasmin īśvarastiṣṭhati sa ceśvare tiṣṭhati|
16 And we have known and we have believed the divine love which God has in us. God is divine love; and the one abiding in divine love abides in God, and God abides in him.
asmāsvīśvarasya yat prema varttate tad vayaṁ jñātavantastasmin viśvāsitavantaśca| īśvaraḥ premasvarūpaḥ premnī yastiṣṭhati sa īśvare tiṣṭhati tasmiṁśceśvarastiṣṭhati|
17 In this the divine love has been made perfect in us, that we may have boldness in the day of the judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
sa yādṛśo 'sti vayamapyetasmin jagati tādṛśā bhavāma etasmād vicāradine 'smābhi ryā pratibhā labhyate sāsmatsambandhīyasya premnaḥ siddhiḥ|
18 There is no fear in divine love; but perfect divine love casts out the fear: because the fear has torment; and the one fearing has not been made perfect in the divine love.
premni bhīti rna varttate kintu siddhaṁ prema bhītiṁ nirākaroti yato bhītiḥ sayātanāsti bhīto mānavaḥ premni siddho na jātaḥ|
19 Let us love with divine love, because he himself first loved us with divine love.
asmāsu sa prathamaṁ prītavān iti kāraṇād vayaṁ tasmin prīyāmahe|
20 If any one may say, I love God with divine love, and may hate his brother, he is a liar: for the one not loving his brother whom he has seen, with divine love, is not able to love God, whom he has not seen, with divine love.
īśvare 'haṁ prīya ityuktvā yaḥ kaścit svabhrātaraṁ dveṣṭi so 'nṛtavādī| sa yaṁ dṛṣṭavān tasmin svabhrātari yadi na prīyate tarhi yam īśvaraṁ na dṛṣṭavān kathaṁ tasmin prema karttuṁ śaknuyāt?
21 And we have this precept from him, that the one loving God with divine love also loves his brother with divine love.
ata īśvare yaḥ prīyate sa svīyabhrātaryyapi prīyatām iyam ājñā tasmād asmābhi rlabdhā|