< Zechariah 8 >

1 Againe the worde of the Lord of hostes came to me, saying,
Awa ndi mawu amene Yehova Wamphamvuzonse ananena.
2 Thus saith the Lord of hostes, I was ielous for Zion with great ielousie, and I was ielous for her with great wrath.
Yehova Wamphamvuzonse akuti, “Ine ndikuchitira nsanje yayikulu Ziyoni. Mtima wanga ukupweteka chifukwa cha nsanje pa iyeyo.”
3 Thus saith the Lord, I wil returne vnto Zion, and wil dwel in the mids of Ierusalem: and Ierusalem shalbe called a citie of trueth, and the Mountaine of the Lord of hostes, the holy Mountaine.
Yehova akuti, “Ndidzabwerera ku Ziyoni ndi kukakhala ku Yerusalemu. Pamenepo Yerusalemu adzatchedwa Mzinda wa Choonadi ndipo phiri la Yehova Wamphamvuzonse lidzatchedwa Phiri Lopatulika.”
4 Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, There shall yet olde men and olde women dwell in the streetes of Ierusalem, and euery man with his staffe in his hand for very age.
Yehova Wamphamvuzonse akuti, “Abambo ndi amayi okalamba adzakhalanso mʼmisewu ya mu Yerusalemu, aliyense ali ndi ndodo mʼmanja mwake chifukwa cha kuchuluka kwa masiku ake.
5 And the streetes of the citie shalbe full of boyes and girles, playing in the streetes thereof.
Ndipo misewu ya mu mzindamo idzadzaza ndi anyamata ndi atsikana akusewera.”
6 Thus saith the Lord of hostes, Though it be vnpossible in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these dayes, should it therefore be vnpossible in my sight, sayth the Lord of hostes?
Yehova Wamphamvuzonse akuti, “Ngati zikuoneka kuti nʼzosatheka kwa anthu otsala pa nthawi ino, kodi zidzakhala zosathekanso kwa Ine?” akutero Yehova Wamphamvuzonse.
7 Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, Beholde, I will deliuer my people from the East countrey, and from the West countrey.
Yehova Wamphamvuzonse akuti, “Taonani ndidzapulumutsa anthu anga kuchokera ku mayiko a kummawa ndi kumadzulo.
8 And I wil bring them, and they shall dwel in the mids of Ierusalem, and they shalbe my people, and I wil be their God in trueth, and in righteousnes.
Ndidzawabweretsa kuti adzakhale mu Yerusalemu; adzakhala anthu anga, ndipo Ine ndidzakhala Mulungu wawo, wokhulupirika ndi wolungama pakati pawo.”
9 Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, Let your hands be strong, ye that heare in these dayes these words by the mouth of the Prophets, which were in the day, that the foundation of the House of the Lord of hostes was laide, that the Temple might be builded.
Yehova Wamphamvuzonse akuti, “Inu amene tsopano mukumva mawu awa amene akuyankhula aneneri amene analipo pamene ankayika maziko a nyumba ya Yehova Wamphamvuzonse, ‘limbani mtima kuti mumange Nyumba ya Yehova.’
10 For before these dayes there was no hire for man nor any hire for beast, neither was there any peace to him that went out or came in because of the affliction: for I set all men, euery one against his neighbour.
Mpaka nthawi imeneyi panalibe munthu wolandira malipiro pa ntchito kapena ndalama zolipirira nyama zogwira ntchito. Panalibe munthu amene ankadzigwirira ntchito mwamtendere chifukwa choopa adani ake, pakuti Ine ndinkawayambanitsa.
11 But nowe, I wil not intreate the residue of this people as aforetime, saith the Lord of hostes.
Koma tsopano sindidzachitira otsala mwa anthu awa zomwe ndinachita kale,” akutero Yehova Wamphamvuzonse.
12 For the seede shall be prosperous: the vine shall giue her fruite, and the ground shall giue her increase, and the heauens shall giue their dewe, and I will cause the remnant of this people to possesse all these things.
“Pakuti mbewu zidzamera bwino, mpesa udzabala zipatso zake, nthaka idzatulutsa zomera zake, ndi thambo lidzagwetsa mame. Ndidzapereka zonse kukhala cholowa cha otsala mwa anthu awa.
13 And it shall come to passe, that as ye were a curse among the heathen, O house of Iudah, and house of Israel, so wil I deliuer you, and ye shalbe a blessing: feare not, but let your hands be strong.
Monga mwakhala muli chinthu chotembereredwa pakati pa mitundu ina ya anthu, inu Yuda ndi Israeli, choncho ndidzakupulumutsani, ndipo mudzakhala dalitso. Musachite mantha, koma limbani mtima.”
14 For thus sayth the Lord of hostes, As I thought to punish you, when your fathers prouoked me vnto wrath, sayth the Lord of hostes, and repented not,
Yehova Wamphamvuzonse akuti, “Monga ndinatsimikiza mtima kubweretsa choyipa pa inu, komanso osakuchitirani chisoni pamene makolo anu anandikwiyitsa,” akutero Yehova,
15 So againe haue I determined in these daies to doe well vnto Ierusalem, and to the house of Iudah: feare ye not.
“Choncho tsopano ndatsimikiza mtima kuchitiranso zabwino Yerusalemu ndi Yuda. Musachite mantha.
16 These are ye things that ye shall doe. Speake ye euery man the trueth vnto his neighbour: execute iudgement truely and vprightly in your gates,
Zinthu zoti muchite ndi izi: Muziwuzana zoona zokhazokha, muziweruza moona ndi mwachilungamo mʼmabwalo anu;
17 And let none of you imagine euill in your hearts against his neighbour, and loue no false othe: for all these are the things that I hate, saith the Lord.
musamachitire mnzanu chiwembu, musamakonde kulumbira zonama. Zonsezi Ine ndimadana nazo,” akutero Yehova.
18 And the worde of the Lord of hostes came vnto me, saying,
Yehova Wamphamvuzonse anayankhulanso nane.
19 Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, The fast of the fourth moneth, and the fast of the fift, and the fast of the seuenth, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Iudah ioy and gladnes, and prosperous hie feasts: therefore loue the trueth and peace.
Ndipo ananena kuti, “Kusala zakudya kwa pa mwezi wachinayi, chisanu, chisanu ndi chiwiri ndi wakhumi, kudzakhala nthawi yachimwemwe, ya chisangalalo ndi nthawi ya madyerero chikondwerero kwa Yuda. Nʼchifukwa chake muzikonda choonadi ndi mtendere.”
20 Thus saith the Lord of hostes, That there shall yet come people, and the inhabitants of great cities.
Yehova Wamphamvuzonse akuti, “Anthu a mitundu yambiri ndi anthu okhala mʼmizinda yambiri adzabwerabe,
21 And they that dwell in one citie, shall go to another, saying, Vp, let vs go and pray before the Lord, and seeke the Lord of hostes: I wil go also.
ndipo nzika za mzinda wina zidzapita ku mzinda wina, kukanena kuti, ‘Tiyeni mwamsanga tikapemphe madalitso kwa Yehova ndi kukapembedza Yehova Wamphamvuzonse. Inenso ndikupita kumeneko.’
22 Yea, great people and mightie nations shall come to seeke the Lord of hostes in Ierusalem, and to pray before the Lord.
Anthu ambiri ndiponso a ku mayiko amphamvu adzabwera ku Yerusalemu kudzapembedza Yehova Wamphamvuzonse ndi kudzapempha madalitso.”
23 Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, In those dayes shall ten men take holde out of all languages of the nations, euen take holde of the skirt of him that is a Iewe, and say, We will go with you: for we haue heard that God is with you.
Yehova Wamphamvuzonse akuti, “Masiku amenewo anthu khumi ochokera ku mitundu ya anthu a ziyankhulo zosiyana adzagwira mkanjo wa Myuda ndi kunena kuti, ‘Tipite nawo, chifukwa tamva kuti Mulungu ali nanu.’”

< Zechariah 8 >