< Titus 1 >
1 Paul a seruaunt of God, and an Apostle of Iesus Christ, according to the faith of Gods elect, and the acknowledging of the trueth, which is according vnto godlines,
Paul, a bondservant of God and an Apostle of Jesus Christ for building up the faith of God's own people and spreading a full knowledge of the truths of religion,
2 Vnto the hope of eternall life, which God that cannot lie, hath promised before the world began: (aiōnios )
in hope of the Life of the Ages which God, who is never false to His word, promised before the commencement of the Ages. (aiōnios )
3 But hath made his worde manifest in due time through the preaching, which is committed vnto me, according to the commandement of God our Sauiour:
And at the appointed time He clearly made known His Message in the preaching with which I was entrusted by the command of God our Saviour:
4 To Titus my naturall sonne according to the common faith, Grace, mercie and peace from God the Father, and from the Lord Iesus Christ our Sauiour.
To Titus my own true child in our common faith. May grace and peace be granted to you from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Saviour.
5 For this cause left I thee in Creta, that thou shouldest continue to redresse the thinges that remaine, and shouldest ordeine Elders in euery citie, as I appointed thee,
I have left you behind in Crete in order that you may set right the things which still require attention, and appoint Elders in every town, as I directed you to do;
6 If any be vnreproueable, the husband of one wife, hauing faithfull children, which are not slandered of riot, neither are disobedient.
wherever there is a man of blameless life, true to his one wife, having children who are themselves believers and are free from every reproach of profligacy or of stubborn self-will.
7 For a Bishop must bee vnreproueable, as Gods steward, not froward, not angrie, not giuen to wine, no striker, not giuen to filthie lucre,
For, as God's steward, a minister must be of blameless life, not over-fond of having his own way, not a man of a passionate temper nor a hard drinker, not given to blows nor greedy of gain,
8 But harberous, one that loueth goodnesse, wise, righteous, holy, temperate,
but hospitable to strangers, a lover of goodness, sober-minded, upright, saintly, self-controlled;
9 Holding fast that faithfull worde according to doctrine, that he also may bee able to exhort with wholesome doctrine, and conuince them that say against it.
holding fast to the faithful Message which he has received, so that he may be well qualified both to encourage others with sound teaching and to reply successfully to opponents.
10 For there are many disobedient and vaine talkers and deceiuers of mindes, chiefly they of the Circumcision,
For there are many that spurn authority--idle, talkative and deceitful persons, who, for the most part, are adherents of the Circumcision.
11 Whose mouthes must bee stopped, which subuert whole houses, teaching things, which they ought not, for filthie lucres sake.
You must stop the mouths of such men, for they overthrow the faith of whole families, teaching what they ought not, just for the sake of making money.
12 One of themselues, euen one of their owne prophets said, The Cretians are alwaies liars, euill beastes, slowe bellies.
One of their own number--a Prophet who is a countryman of theirs--has said, "Cretans are always liars, dangerous animals, idle gluttons."
13 This witnesse is true: wherefore conuince them sharply, that they may be sound in ye faith,
This testimony is true. Therefore sternly denounce them, that they may be robust in their faith,
14 And not taking heede to Iewish fables and commandements of men, that turne away from the trueth.
and not give attention to Jewish legends and the maxims of men who turn their backs on the truth.
15 Vnto the pure are all things pure, but vnto them that are defiled, and vnbeleeuing, is nothing pure, but euen their mindes and consciences are defiled.
To the pure everything is pure; but to the polluted and unbelieving nothing is pure, but on the contrary their very minds and consciences are polluted.
16 They professe that they know God, but by works they deny him, and are abominable and disobedient, and vnto euery good worke reprobate.
They profess to know God; but in their actions they disown Him, and are detestable and disobedient men, and for any good work are utterly useless.