< Song of Solomon 4 >

1 Behold, thou art faire, my loue: behold, thou art faire: thine eyes are like the doues: among thy lockes thine heare is like the flocke of goates, which looke downe from the mountaine of Gilead.
Kako si lijepa, prijateljice moja, kako si lijepa! Imaš oči kao golubica (kad gledaš) ispod koprene. Kosa ti je kao stado koza što izađoše na brdo Gilead.
2 Thy teeth are like a flocke of sheepe in good order, which go vp from the washing: which euery one bring out twinnes, and none is barren among them.
Zubi su ti kao stado ovaca ostriženih kad s kupanja dolaze: idu dvije i dvije kao blizanke i nijedna nije osamljena.
3 Thy lippes are like a threede of scarlet, and thy talke is comely: thy temples are within thy lockes as a piece of a pomegranate.
Usne su tvoje kao trake od grimiza i riječi su tvoje dražesne, kao kriške mogranja tvoji su obrazi pod koprenom tvojom.
4 Thy necke is as the tower of Dauid builte for defence: a thousand shieldes hang therein, and all the targates of the strong men.
Vrat ti je kao kula Davidova, za obranu sagrađena: tisuću štitova visi na njoj, sve oklopi junački.
5 Thy two breastes are as two young roes that are twinnes, feeding among the lilies.
Tvoje su dvije dojke kao dva laneta, blizanca košutina, što pasu među ljiljanima.
6 Vntill the day breake, and the shadowes flie away, I wil go into the mountaine of myrrhe and to the mountaine of incense.
Prije nego dan izdahne i sjene se spuste, poći ću na brdo smirne, na brežuljak tamjana.
7 Thou art all faire, my loue, and there is no spot in thee.
Sva si lijepa, prijateljice moja, i nema mane na tebi.
8 Come with me from Lebanon, my spouse, euen with me from Lebanon, and looke from the toppe of Amanah, from the toppe of Shenir and Hermon, from the dennes of the lyons, and from the mountaines of the leopards.
Pođi sa mnom s Libana, nevjesto, pođi sa mnom s Libana. Siđi s vrha Amane, s vrha Senira i Hermona, iz lavljih spilja, s planina leopardskih.
9 My sister, my spouse, thou hast wounded mine heart: thou hast wounded mine heart with one of thine eyes, and with a chaine of thy necke.
Srce si mi ranila, sestro moja, nevjesto, srce si mi ranila jednim pogledom svojim, jednim samim biserom kolajne svoje.
10 My sister, my spouse, how faire is thy loue? howe much better is thy loue then wine? and the sauour of thine oyntments then all spices?
Kako je slatka ljubav tvoja, sestro moja, nevjesto! Slađa je ljubav tvoja od vina, a miris ulja tvojih ugodniji od svih mirisa.
11 Thy lippes, my spouse, droppe as honie combes: honie and milke are vnder thy tongue, and the sauoure of thy garments is as the sauoure of Lebanon.
S usana tvojih, nevjesto, saće kapa, pod jezikom ti je med i mlijeko, a miris je haljina tvojih kao miris libanski.
12 My sister my spouse is as a garden inclosed, as a spring shut vp, and a fountaine sealed vp.
Ti si vrt zatvoren, sestro moja, nevjesto, vrt zatvoren i zdenac zapečaćen.
13 Thy plantes are as an orchard of pomegranates with sweete fruites, as camphire, spikenarde,
Mladice su tvoje vrt mogranja pun biranih plodova:
14 Euen spikenarde, and saffran, calamus, and cynamon with all the trees of incense, myrrhe and aloes, with all the chiefe spices.
nard i šafran, mirisna trska i cimet, sa svim stabljikama tamjanovim, smirna i aloj s najboljim mirisima.
15 O fountaine of the gardens, O well of liuing waters, and the springs of Lebanon.
Zdenac je u mom vrtu, izvor žive vode koja teče s Libana.
16 Arise, O North, and come O South, and blowe on my garden that the spices thereof may flow out: let my welbeloued come to his garden, and eate his pleasant fruite.
Ustani, sjevernjače, duni, južni vjetre, duni nad vrtom mojim, neka poteku njegovi mirisi. Neka dragi moj dođe u vrt svoj, neka jede najbolje plodove u njemu.

< Song of Solomon 4 >