< Ruth 2 >

1 Then Naomis husband had a kinsman, one of great power of the familie of Elimelech, and his name was Boaz.
Basi Elimeleki mme wa Naomi, alikuwa na jamaa aitwaye Boazi, aliye kuwa tajiri, na mtu maarufu.
2 And Ruth ye Moabitesse said vnto Naomi, I pray thee, Let mee goe to the fielde, and gather eares of corne after him, in whose sight I finde fauour. And she said vnto her, Goe my daughter.
Ruth, Mmoabu, alimwambia Naomi, “Ngoja niende nikakusanye mabaki ya chakula katika shamba. Nitamfuata yeyote ambaye nitapata kibali machoni pake.” Hivyo naomi akamwambia, “Nenda, mwanangu.”
3 And she went, and came and gleaned in the fielde after the reapers, and it came to passe, that she met with the portion of the fielde of Boaz, who was of the familie of Elimelech.
Ruth alienda kuvuna kwenye shamba akiwafuata kwa nyuma wavunaji. Na kumbe ile sehemu ya shamba ilikuwa ni mali ya Boazi, aliyekuwa na mahusiano na Elimeleki.
4 And behold, Boaz came from Beth-lehem, and saide vnto the reapers, The Lord be with you: and they answered him, The Lord blesse thee.
Tazama, Boazi alikuja kutoka bethelehemu na kuwaambia wavunaji, “Yahweh awe nanyi.” Wakamjibu, “Yahweh akubariki.”
5 Then saide Boaz vnto his seruant that was appointed ouer the reapers, Whose maide is this?
Ndipo Boazi akamwambia mtumishi wake aliyekuwa akiwasimamia wavunaji, “Vipi bwana huyu msichana ni wa nani?”
6 And the seruant that was appointed ouer the reapers, answered, and said, It is the Moabitish maide, that came with Naomi out of the countrey of Moab:
Mtumishi msimamizi wa wavunaji alijibu na kusema, “Ni msichana Mmoabu aliyerudi na Naomi kutoka nchi ya Moabu.
7 And shee saide vnto vs, I pray you, let mee gleane and gather after the reapers among the sheaues: so shee came, and hath continued from that time in the morning vnto now, saue that she taried a litle in the house.
Aliniambia, 'Tafadhali niruhusu kuvuna na kukusanya mabaki ya wavunaji.' Hivyo alikuja na ameendelea kuvuna toka asubuhi mpaka sasa, isipokuwa amepumzika kidogo katika nyumba.”
8 Then said Boaz vnto Ruth, Hearest thou, my daughter? goe to none other fielde to gather, neither goe from hence: but abide here by my maydens.
Kisha Boazi akamwambia Ruth, “Unanisikiliza, mwanangu? Usiende kuvuna kwenye shamba lingine; usiondoke shambani kwangu. Badala yake, baki hapa na wasichana wangu wa kazi.
9 Let thine eyes be on the field that they do reape, and goe thou after the maidens. Haue I not charged the seruants, that they touche thee not? Moreouer whe thou art a thirst, go vnto ye vessels, and drinke of that which ye seruants haue drawen.
Yaelekeze tu macho yako kwenye shamba ambamo wanaume wanavuna na ufuatie nyuma ya wanawake wengine. Je, sikuwaelekeza wanaume wasikuguse? Na upatapo kiu, unaweza kwenda kunywa maji kwenye mtungi ambao wanaume wamejaza.”
10 Then shee fell on her face, and bowed her selfe to the ground, and said vnto him, How haue I found fauour in thine eyes, that thou shouldest know me, seeing I am a stranger?
Ndipo akapiga magoti mbele ya Boazi, na kugusisha kichwa chake chini. Akamwambia, “Kwa nini nimepata kibali machoni pako, hata unijali mimi mgeni?”
11 And Boaz answered, and said vnto her, All is told and shewed me that thou hast done vnto thy mother in lawe, since the death of thine husband, and how thou hast left thy father and thy mother, and ye land where thou wast borne, and art come vnto a people which thou knewest not in time past.
Boazi akajibu na kumwabia, “Nimekwisha ambiwa, yote uliyo yafanya tangu mme wako afariki. Umewaacha baba yako, mama, na nchi uliyozaliwa kumfuata mama mkwe wako na kuja kwa watu usiowajua.
12 The Lord recompense thy worke, and a ful reward be giuen thee of the Lord God of Israel, vnder whose wings thou art come to trust.
Yahweh akulipe kwa matendo yako. Yahweh akulipe kwa wingi, Mungu wa Israeli, ambaye chini ya mbawa zake umepata kimbilio.”
13 Then she saide, Let me finde fauour in thy sight, my lord: for thou hast comforted mee, and spoken comfortably vnto thy mayde, though I be not like to one of thy maydes.
Ruth akasema, “Nipate kibali machoni pako, bwana wangu, kwa kuwa umenifariji, na umeongea wema kwangu, ingawa mimi sio mmoja wa watumishi wako wa kike.”
14 And Boaz said vnto her, At the meale time come thou hither, and eat of the bread, and dippe thy morsell in the vineger. And she sate beside the reapers, and hee reached her parched corne: and shee did eate, and was sufficed, and left thereof.
Wakati wa chakula Boazi alimwambia Ruth, “Njoo hapa, ule baadhi ya mikate, na uchovye kipande katika divai.” Alikaa kando ya wavunaji, na Boazi akampatia kiasi cha nafaka zilizo kaangwa. Ruth alikula mpaka alipotosheka na kusaza.
15 And when she arose to gleane, Boaz commanded his seruants, saying, Let her gather among the sheaues, and doe not rebuke her.
Alipoinuka kwenda kuvuna, Boazi aliamuru vijana wake, akisema, “Mwacheni avune hata katika masuke, na msimwambie lolote baya.
16 Also let fall some of the sheaues for her, and let it lie, that she may gather it vp, and rebuke her not.
Na pia muachie baadhi ya masuke katika vifurushi kwa ajili yake, na muaache ili ayavune. Msimkemee.”
17 So she gleaned in the fielde vntill euening, and she thresshed that shee had gathered, and it was about an Ephah of barly.
Kwa hiyo alivuna mpaka jioni. Kisha akatenganisha nafaka na majani ambayo amevuna, nazo nafaka zilikuwa kama efa moja ya shairi.
18 And she tooke it vp, and went into the citie, and her mother in law saw what she had gathered: Also she tooke foorth, and gaue to her that which she had reserued, when she was sufficed.
Akazibeba na kwenda katika mji. Ndipo mama mkwe wake aliona kile alichokivuna. Ruth pia alimletea mama mkwe wake nafaka zilizo kaangwa alizobakiza kwenye chakula chake.
19 Then her mother in lawe saide vnto her, Where hast thou gleaned to day? and where wroughtest thou? blessed be he, that knewe thee. And she shewed her mother in lawe, with whome she had wrought, and saide, The mans name, with whom I wrought to day, is Boaz.
Mama mkwe wake akamwambia, “Umevunia wapi uliko vunia leo? Ulienda kufanyia wapi kazi? abarikiwe mtu aliye kusaidia.” Ndipo Ruth akamwambia mama mkwe wake kuhusu mtu aliye miliki shamba alilokuwa akifanya kazi. Alimwambia, “Jina la mtu ambaye alimiliki shamba nililokuwa nikifanya kazi ni Boazi.”
20 And Naomi said vnto her daughter in law, Blessed be he of the Lord: for he ceaseth not to doe good to the liuing and to the dead. Againe Naomi saide vnto her, The man is neere vnto vs, and of our affinitie.
Naomi akamwambia Ruth, “Abarikiwe na Yahweh, ambaye hakuondoa uaminifu wake kwa walio hai na wafu.” Naomi akamwambia, “Huyo mtu ni jamaa wa karibu nasi, ni jamaa yetu mkombozi.”
21 And Ruth the Moabitesse said, He said also certainely vnto mee, Thou shalt be with my seruants, vntill they haue ended all mine haruest.
Ruth Mmoabu akamwambia, “Ni kweli, aliniambia, 'Ukae karibu na vijana wangu wa kiume mpaka watakapo maliza mavuno yangu yote.'”
22 And Naomi answered vnto Ruth her daughter in lawe, It is best, my daughter, that thou goe out with his maides, that they meete thee not in an other fielde.
Naomi akamwambia Ruth mke wa mtoto wake wa kiume, “Ni vizuri, mwanangu, kuwa uende pamoja na wasichana wake wa kazi, ili kwamba usije pata madhara yeyote katika shamba lolote.”
23 Then she kept her by the maides of Boaz, to gather vnto the end of barly haruest, and of wheate haruest, and dwelt with her mother in lawe.
Kwa hiyo alikaa karibu na wafanyakazi wa kike ili avune mpaka mwisho wa mavuno ya shayiri na mavuno ya ngano. Na alikuwa akiishi pamoja na mama mkwe wake.

< Ruth 2 >