< Romans 7 >

1 Knowe yee not, brethren, (for I speake to them that knowe the Lawe) that the Lawe hath dominion ouer a man as long as he liueth?
Shi ni henu, ita shi inzin tize nan ande sa wa rusa u'inko utize vat unu un uvengize u'inko utize wa cukuno imum iwuza.
2 For the woman which is in subiection to a man, is bound by the Lawe to the man, while he liueth: but if the man bee dead, shee is deliuered from the lawe of the man.
Kasi vanaa u'e wa anya, ubara utize wa tirza me ahira uruma umeme inki mavengize. Inki uruma umeme ma wono, ma suro ani zin na nya.
3 So then, if while the man liueth, she taketh another man, she shalbe called an adulteresse: but if the man be dead, she is free from the Law, so that shee is not an adulteresse, though shee take another man.
A, anime, inki uruma me ma vengize ma wuza anya nan uye atiti me une utarsa ahanaa aruma. Inki uruma me ma wono, ma suro ani zin na nya mada ke ma wuzi are anya.
4 So yee, my brethren, are dead also to the Law by ye body of Christ, that ye should be vnto an other, euen vnto him that is raised vp from the dead, that we should bring foorth fruite vnto God.
A, ani me nihenu, ya cukuno anu wujo anyimo ubara utize ani pum ni ugomo asere. Barki ani me ya cukuno apum a'inde nan desa ahirza me iwono, barki ti nya ugomo Asere imum ihuma.
5 For when we were in ye flesh, the affections of sinnes, which were by the Law, had force in our members, to bring foorth fruit vnto death.
Uganiya sa ta rani anyimo anipum abanga ati mumum tu unee areki acece aru anyimo me, i ne ini yaa hunguko duru iwono.
6 But now we are deliuered from the Lawe, he being dead in whom we were holden, that we should serue in newnesse of Spirite, and not in the oldnesse of the letter.
Ani me asuzon duru anyimo u'inko utize. Ta wi aseser imum me sa ya tiri duru. Barki ti nonzo Asere anyimo abi be biriri bi soo daki u'inko utize tikuzu sa anyertike ba.
7 What shall we say then? Is the Lawe sinne? God forbid. Nay, I knewe not sinne, but by the Lawe: for I had not knowen lust, except the Lawe had sayd, Thou shalt not lust.
Nyanini ti di buki nani u'inko utize me imum ima dini mani? Ane ani, i da cukuno inda rusa me imum be sa izi ima dini sarki u'inko utize ba. Inda taa me ni'eru, sarki u'inko utize ba, u'inko utize wa gu kati ti wuzi ni'eru ba.
8 But sinne tooke an occasion by ye commandement, and wrought in me all maner of concupiscence: for without the Lawe sinne is dead.
Barki anime madini ma kem ana tukum ahira u'inko utizee ine ini ya ayen unu rizo ahira am. Gusi sarki u'inko utize ba madini mada cukuno iwono ini.
9 For I once was aliue, without the Law: but when the commandement came, sinne reuiued,
Ure uganiya sa mazi unu uhuma mani sarki urusa u'ingizo utize, sa ma rusa uwuza imum iriri, madini ma cukuno ma huma mi induku wi.
10 But I died: and the same commandement which was ordeined vnto life, was found to be vnto me vnto death.
Kadura ka Asere sa kazi kadi nyam uvengize ka cukuno iwono ahira am.
11 For sinne tooke occasion by the commandement, and deceiued me, and thereby slewe me.
Madini ma kem ana tukum usuro u'inko utize, ma dusa ma ragizum. Usuro u'inko utize wa bezum iwono im.
12 Wherefore the Lawe is holy, and that commandement is holy, and iust, and good.
Ani me, u, inko utize urizi lau, nan unu inko utize me uzi lau, rep nan unu rii.
13 Was that then which is good, made death vnto me? God forbid: but sinne, that it might appeare sinne, wrought death in me by that which is good, that sinne might be out of measure sinfull by the commandement.
Uwuza imum ihuma, idi hungukom iwono? Kati i cukuno ani me, madini mane mani ma cukuno imum izenze madi bezi nice ni mani a hira uwuza imum me sa irizi, ya ayen ini wono ani ce num usuro u'inko utize, madini madi cukuno izeze sarki imum ubata.
14 For we knowe that the Law is spirituall, but I am carnall, solde vnder sinne.
Ti sa rusa u'inko utize imum ibibe ba Asere ini, mi in ra ani pum, m a ziza nice num anirere ni madini.
15 For I alow not that which I do: for what I would, that do I not: but what I hate, that do I.
Daki ma rusa imum be sa inzini wuza me ba, barki sa daki imum be sa ma inko iriba ini inzini uwuza me ba.
16 If I doe then that which I woulde not, I consent to the Lawe, that it is good.
Inki imum be sa inda nyaram ini, ine ini inwuza, ma hem innu inko utize imum ini iriri.
17 Nowe then, it is no more I, that doe it, but sinne that dwelleth in me.
Ana me, daki mi mani in wuza ba, madini mani sa ma ra anyimo am. In rusa daa imumu ihuma ya cukuno ani pum nim ba.
18 For I know, that in me, that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing: for to wil is preset with me: but I find no meanes to perform that which is good.
In nyara in wuzi imum ihuma. Daki ma ken ace uwuza me ba.
19 For I doe not the good thing, which I would, but the euil, which I would not, that do I.
Imumu ihuma me sa ma inko iriba in wuzi, daki ma wuza ba, imum izenze me ini sa inda nyara in wuzi ba ine ini in zini wuza me.
20 Nowe if I do that I would not, it is no more I that doe it, but the sinne that dwelleth in me.
Ana me ingi ma wuna imum be sa daki ma nyara in wu ini, ya cukuno daki mi mani ma wuna ini ba. Madini mani sa ma raa anyimo am.
21 I finde then that when I would doe good, I am thus yoked, that euill is present with me.
In ke basa anyimo iriba im in guna in wu imum iriri, ikem izenze ini ma wuna.
22 For I delite in the Law of God, concerning the inner man:
In kunna urunta utize ta Asere nan unuu me sa ma raa iriba im.
23 But I see another Law in my members, rebelling against the Lawe of my minde, and leading me captiue vnto the lawe of sinne, which is in my members.
Ma ira tire ti mumum anyimo am sa ti zin in nikono nan ti mumum ti riri anyimo iriba im. Yaduku sokum anyimo ani rere imum imadini sa ira ani pum num.
24 O wretched man that I am, who shall deliuer me from the body of this death!
Mi unu mani sa inda zom iri imum ba. Barki ani me aveni madi benkum ma karti iwono ini pum ni geme?
25 I thanke God through Iesus Christ our Lord. Then I my selfe in my minde serue the Lawe of God, but in my flesh the lawe of sinne.
Ma wuna iriba irum unu ugomo Asere usuro UYesu barki ani me indi tarsi tize ta Asere anyimo iriba im. Anyimo ani pum in tarsa timumum ti madini.

< Romans 7 >