< Romans 5 >
1 Then being iustified by faith, we haue peace toward God through our Lord Iesus Christ.
vizvAsEna sapuNyIkRtA vayam IzvarENa sArddhaM prabhuNAsmAkaM yIzukhrISTEna mElanaM prAptAH|
2 By who also through faith, we haue had this accesse into this grace, wherein we stand, and reioyce vnder ye hope of the glory of God.
aparaM vayaM yasmin anugrahAzrayE tiSThAmastanmadhyaM vizvAsamArgENa tEnaivAnItA vayam IzvarIyavibhavaprAptipratyAzayA samAnandAmaH|
3 Neither that onely, but also we reioyce in tribulations, knowing that tribulation bringeth forth patience,
tat kEvalaM nahi kintu klEzabhOgE'pyAnandAmO yataH klEzAd dhairyyaM jAyata iti vayaM jAnImaH,
4 And patience experience, and experience hope,
dhairyyAcca parIkSitatvaM jAyatE, parIkSitatvAt pratyAzA jAyatE,
5 And hope maketh not ashamed, because the loue of God is shed abroade in our heartes by the holy Ghost, which is giuen vnto vs.
pratyAzAtO vrIPitatvaM na jAyatE, yasmAd asmabhyaM dattEna pavitrENAtmanAsmAkam antaHkaraNAnIzvarasya prEmavAriNA siktAni|
6 For Christ, when we were yet of no strength, at his time died for the vngodly.
asmAsu nirupAyESu satsu khrISTa upayuktE samayE pApinAM nimittaM svIyAn praNAn atyajat|
7 Doutles one will scarce die for a righteous man: but yet for a good man it may be that one dare die.
hitakAriNO janasya kRtE kOpi praNAn tyaktuM sAhasaM karttuM zaknOti, kintu dhArmmikasya kRtE prAyENa kOpi prANAn na tyajati|
8 But God setteth out his loue towards vs, seeing that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for vs.
kintvasmAsu pApiSu satsvapi nimittamasmAkaM khrISTaH svaprANAn tyaktavAn, tata IzvarOsmAn prati nijaM paramaprEmANaM darzitavAn|
9 Much more then, being now iustified by his blood, we shalbe saued from wrath through him.
ataEva tasya raktapAtEna sapuNyIkRtA vayaM nitAntaM tEna kOpAd uddhAriSyAmahE|
10 For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Sonne, much more being reconciled, we shalbe saued by his life,
phalatO vayaM yadA ripava Asma tadEzvarasya putrasya maraNEna tEna sArddhaM yadyasmAkaM mElanaM jAtaM tarhi mElanaprAptAH santO'vazyaM tasya jIvanEna rakSAM lapsyAmahE|
11 And not onely so, but we also reioyce in God through our Lord Iesus Christ, by whom we haue nowe receiued the atonement.
tat kEvalaM nahi kintu yEna mElanam alabhAmahi tEnAsmAkaM prabhuNA yIzukhrISTEna sAmpratam IzvarE samAnandAmazca|
12 Wherefore, as by one man sinne entred into ye world, and death by sinne, and so death went ouer all men: in who all men haue sinned.
tathA sati, EkEna mAnuSENa pApaM pApEna ca maraNaM jagatIM prAvizat aparaM sarvvESAM pApitvAt sarvvE mAnuSA mRtE rnighnA abhavat|
13 For vnto the time of the Law was sinne in the worlde, but sinne is not imputed, while there is no lawe.
yatO vyavasthAdAnasamayaM yAvat jagati pApam AsIt kintu yatra vyavasthA na vidyatE tatra pApasyApi gaNanA na vidyatE|
14 But death reigned from Adam to Moses, euen ouer them also that sinned not after the like maner of that transgression of Adam, which was the figure of him that was to come.
tathApyAdamA yAdRzaM pApaM kRtaM tAdRzaM pApaM yai rnAkAri Adamam Arabhya mUsAM yAvat tESAmapyupari mRtyU rAjatvam akarOt sa Adam bhAvyAdamO nidarzanamEvAstE|
15 But yet the gift is not so, as is the offence: for if through the offence of that one, many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man Iesus Christ, hath abounded vnto many.
kintu pApakarmmaNO yAdRzO bhAvastAdRg dAnakarmmaNO bhAvO na bhavati yata Ekasya janasyAparAdhEna yadi bahUnAM maraNam aghaTata tathApIzvarAnugrahastadanugrahamUlakaM dAnanjcaikEna janEnArthAd yIzunA khrISTEna bahuSu bAhulyAtibAhulyEna phalati|
16 Neither is the gift so, as that which entred in by one that sinned: for the fault came of one offence vnto condemnation: but the gift is of many offences to iustification.
aparam Ekasya janasya pApakarmma yAdRk phalayuktaM dAnakarmma tAdRk na bhavati yatO vicArakarmmaikaM pApam Arabhya daNPajanakaM babhUva, kintu dAnakarmma bahupApAnyArabhya puNyajanakaM babhUva|
17 For if by the offence of one, death reigned through one, much more shall they which receiue that abundance of grace, and of that gift of that righteousnesse, reigne in life through one, that is, Iesus Christ.
yata Ekasya janasya pApakarmmatastEnaikEna yadi maraNasya rAjatvaM jAtaM tarhi yE janA anugrahasya bAhulyaM puNyadAnanjca prApnuvanti ta EkEna janEna, arthAt yIzukhrISTEna, jIvanE rAjatvam avazyaM kariSyanti|
18 Likewise then as by the offence of one, the fault came on all men to condemnation, so by the iustifying of one, the benefite abounded toward all men to the iustification of life.
EkO'parAdhO yadvat sarvvamAnavAnAM daNPagAmI mArgO 'bhavat tadvad EkaM puNyadAnaM sarvvamAnavAnAM jIvanayuktapuNyagAmI mArga Eva|
19 For as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners, so by that obedience of that one shall many also be made righteous.
aparam Ekasya janasyAjnjAlagghanAd yathA bahavO 'parAdhinO jAtAstadvad EkasyAjnjAcaraNAd bahavaH sapuNyIkRtA bhavanti|
20 Moreouer the Law entred thereupon that the offence shoulde abound: neuerthelesse, where sinne abounded, there grace abounded much more:
adhikantu vyavasthAgamanAd aparAdhasya bAhulyaM jAtaM kintu yatra pApasya bAhulyaM tatraiva tasmAd anugrahasya bAhulyam abhavat|
21 That as sinne had reigned vnto death, so might grace also reigne by righteousnesse vnto eternall life, through Iesus Christ our Lord. (aiōnios )
tEna mRtyunA yadvat pApasya rAjatvam abhavat tadvad asmAkaM prabhuyIzukhrISTadvArAnantajIvanadAyipuNyEnAnugrahasya rAjatvaM bhavati| (aiōnios )