< Romans 3 >

1 What is then the preferment of the Iewe? or what is the profite of circumcision?
Su Myawudi kana shishi shongeleka kuliku wamonga? Ama kwingira jandu kwana mota gaa?
2 Much euery maner of way: for chiefly, because vnto them were of credite committed the oracles of God.
Yina, kwana mota zivuwa! Mlungu kawapananiti huti Wayawudi ujumbi wakuwi.
3 For what, though some did not beleeue? shall their vnbeliefe make the faith of God without effect?
Kumbiti hashiweri ashi handa wamu wawu waweriti ndiri wajimirika, hashi, shitwatira ashi hashiwusiyi ujimirika wa Mlungu?
4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, and euery man a lyar, as it is written, That thou mightest be iustified in thy words, and ouercome, when thou art iudged.
Ndala! Mlungu hakasigali gwa nakaka mashaka goseri, tembera wantu woseri wawera wapaya. Malembu Mananagala galembwa, “Kila paguyowera, visoweru vyaku vyavimfiriziya Mlungu, hagukanki masitaka gaku mushizyungu.”
5 Now if our vnrighteousnes comend the righteousnes of God, what shall we say? Is God vnrighteous which punisheth? (I speake as a man.)
Kumbiti payiwera vidoda vyetu vilanguziya kuwera Mlungu kankutenda kwa uheri, su hatulongi kuwera Mlungu kapata ndiri uheri pakatwazibu? Neni nankutakula shimuntu.
6 God forbid: els how shall God iudge ye world?
Ndala! Meyiweri hangu, hashi Mlungu mekawezi kutoza pasipanu?
7 For if the veritie of God hath more abounded through my lye vnto his glorie, why am I yet condemned as a sinner?
Pamonga hagulongi, payiwera neni namwaminika ndiri, wankumlanguziya Mlungu kuwera mwaminika nentu na kumpanana ukwisa, su mentakiwiti ndiri kutozwa kuwera gambira muntu yakana vidoda!
8 And (as we are blamed, and as some affirme, that we say) why doe we not euil, that good may come thereof? whose damnation is iust.
Sawa na kulonga, “Tutendi vidoda su tupati viheri!” Wantu wamonga watuhigilanga kwa kutupayira handa tufunda ntambu ayi. Womberi hawatozwi ntambu yawafiruwa.
9 What then? are we more excellent? No, in no wise: for we haue alreadie prooued, that all, both Iewes and Gentiles are vnder sinne,
“Hashi, tulongi kuwera Wayawudi ndo waheri kuliku wantu yawawera ndiri Wayawudi? Ndala! Nanguziya kala kuwera Wayawudi pamuhera na wantu yawawera ndiri Wayawudi, woseri walongoziwa na vidoda.”
10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no not one.
Ntambu Malembu Mananagala galembwa, “Kwahera ata muntu yumu yakawera muheri kulongolu kwa Mlungu,
11 There is none that vnderstandeth: there is none that seeketh God.
Kwahera muntu yakavimana ama ndomweni yakamsakula Mlungu.
12 They haue all gone out of the way: they haue bene made altogether vnprofitable: there is none that doeth good, no not one.
Woseri wapotoka, woseri wakosa, kwahera yakatenda viheri, kwahera ata muntu yumu.
13 Their throte is an open sepulchre: they haue vsed their tongues to deceit: the poyson of aspes is vnder their lippes.
Makulamiru gawu gawera gambira lipumba lyalupalahera, milimi yawu yimema upayira, na mumilomu mwawu mlawa visoweru vyavilifana gambira usungu wa njoka.
14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitternesse.
Visoweru vyawu vimema virapu vikalipa.
15 Their feete are swift to shead blood.
Magulu gawu gakanongola kulaga,
16 Destruction and calamity are in their waies,
Poseri pawagenda, womberi waleka ntabika na uharibisiya.
17 And ye way of peace they haue not knowen.
Womberi wayimana ndiri njira ya ponga,
18 The feare of God is not before their eies.
Wamtira ndiri Mlungu.”
19 Now we know that whatsoeuer ye Lawe saieth, it saieth it to them which are vnder ye Law, that euery mouth may bee stopped, and all the world be subiect to the iudgement of God.
Vinu tuvimana kuwera kila shintu Mulilagaliru lya Musa, shiwawusu wantu woseri yawawera pasi pa Lilagaliru lya Musa, su kuwanyamaziya wantu woseri na kutenda pasipanu poseri paweri pa utoza wa Mlungu.
20 Therefore by the woorkes of the Lawe shall no flesh be iustified in his sight: for by the Lawe commeth the knowledge of sinne.
Toziya kwahera muntu yoseri yakajimirwa kuwera muheri kulongolu kwa Mlungu kwa kutenda shashilagalirwa Mumalagaliru ga Musa. Lihengu lya Lilagaliru lya Musa ndo kutulanguziya hera twenga handa twana vidoda.
21 But nowe is the righteousnesse, of God made manifest without the Lawe, hauing witnes of the Lawe and of the Prophets,
Kumbiti vinu, Mlungu yakatutenda twenga tuweri waheri kulongolu kwakuwi pota lilagaliru lya Musa. Lilagaliru lya Musa na malembu ga wambuyi wa Mlungu galaviya ukapitawu mushitwatira ashi.
22 To wit, the righteousnesse of God by the faith of Iesus Christ, vnto all, and vpon all that beleeue.
Mlungu kawajimira wantu kuwera waheri kulongolu kwakuwi kupitira njimiru yawu kwa Yesu Kristu. Mlungu katendaga hangu kwa woseri yawamjimira Kristu, toziya kwahera ubagula woseri.
23 For there is no difference: for all haue sinned, and are depriued of the glorie of God,
Wantu woseri watenda vidoda na wapatali na ukwisa wa Mlungu.
24 And are iustified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus,
Kumbiti kwa lifupu lya manemu ga Mlungu, wantu woseri wamfiriziya Mlungu kwa njira ya Yesu Kristu yakawakombola.
25 Whom God hath set forth to be a reconciliation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousnes, by the forgiuenesse of the sinnes that are passed,
Mlungu kamlaviyiti Yesu, su kwa mwazi gwakuwi kaweri njira ya kuwalekiziya wantu vidoda vyawu kwa njimiru yawu kwakuwi. Mlungu katenditi hangu su kapati kulanguziya kuwera mweni ndo muheri. Pamakashu Mlungu kaweriti muhepelera pota na kulishera vidoda vya wantu.
26 Through the patience of God, to shewe at this time his righteousnesse, that hee might be iust, and a iustifier of him which is of the faith of Iesus.
Kwa njira ayi Mlungu kalanguziya kuwera mweni ndo muheri vinu na kamtenda muntu yoseri yakamjimira Yesu, kaweri muheri kulongolu kwakuwi.
27 Where is then the reioycing? It is excluded. By what Lawe? of woorkes? Nay: but by the Lawe of faith.
Hashi, tuweza kulitumbira kwantambu gaa? Ndala! Hashi, tulitumbira shishi? Hashi, tuweza kulitumbira mahengu getu? Ndala! Twenga tulopoziwa kwa njimiru.
28 Therefore we conclude, that a man is iustified by faith, without the workes of the Lawe.
Toziya Mlungu kamtenda muntu kuwera muheri kulongolu kwakuwi kwa njimiru. Mlungu kawatenditi ndiri hangu toziya wankutenda shilii shashilagalirwa Mumalagaliru.
29 God, is he the God of the Iewes onely, and not of the Gentiles also? Yes, euen of the Gentiles also.
Hashi, Mlungu ndo Mlungu gwa Wayawudi hera, ama viraa gwa wantu yawawera ndiri Wayawudi? Yina, Mlungu ndo gwa wantu yawawera ndiri Wayawudi viraa.
30 For it is one God, who shall iustifie circumcision of faith, and vncircumcision through faith.
Mlungu ndo yumu na yomberi hakawatendi Wayawudi kuwera waheri kulongolu kwakuwi kwa njimiru yawu na hakawatendi wantu yawawera ndiri Wayawudi kuwera waheri kulongolu kwakuwi kwa njimiru yawu viraa.
31 Doe we then make the Lawe of none effect through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the Lawe.
Hashi, twankuitendera njimiru kugaleka Malagaliru? Ndala, kumbiti twankugajimira malagaliru gaweri na makakala nentu.

< Romans 3 >