< Romans 13 >
1 Let euery soule be subiect vnto the higher powers: for there is no power but of God: and the powers that be, are ordeined of God.
Omnis anima potestatibus sublimioribus subdita sit: Non est enim potestas nisi a Deo: quae autem sunt a Deo, ordinata sunt.
2 Whosoeuer therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist, shall receiue to themselues condemnation.
Itaque qui resistit potestati, Dei ordinationi resistit. Qui autem resistunt, ipsi sibi damnationem acquirunt:
3 For Magistrates are not to be feared for good workes, but for euill. Wilt thou then bee without feare of the power? doe well: so shalt thou haue praise of the same.
nam principes non sunt timori boni operis, sed mali. Vis autem non timere potestatem? Bonum fac: et habebis laudem ex illa:
4 For he is ye minister of God for thy wealth, but if thou do euill, feare: for he beareth not the sworde for nought: for he is the minister of God to take vengeance on him that doeth euill.
Dei enim minister est tibi in bonum. Si autem malum feceris, time: non enim sine causa gladium portat. Dei enim minister est: vindex in iram ei, qui malum agit.
5 Wherefore ye must bee subiect, not because of wrath only, but also for conscience sake.
Ideo necessitate subditi estote non solum propter iram, sed etiam propter conscientiam.
6 For, for this cause ye pay also tribute: for they are Gods ministers, applying themselues for the same thing.
Ideo enim et tributa praestatis: ministri enim Dei sunt, in hoc ipsum servientes.
7 Giue to all men therefore their duetie: tribute, to whome yee owe tribute: custome, to whom custome: feare, to whome feare: honour, to whom ye owe honour.
Reddite ergo omnibus debita: cui tribulatum, tributum: cui vectigal, vectigal: cui timorem, timorem: cui honorem, honorem.
8 Owe nothing to any man, but to loue one another: for he that loueth another, hath fulfilled the Lawe.
Nemini quidquam debeatis: nisi ut invicem diligatis: qui enim diligit proximum, legem implevit.
9 For this, Thou shalt not commit adulterie, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steale, Thou shalt not beare false witnes, Thou shalt not couet: and if there be any other commandement, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, euen in this, Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe.
Nam: Non adulterabis: Non occides: Non furaberis: Non falsum testimonium dices: Non concupisces: et si quod est aliud mandatum, in hoc verbo instauratur: Diliges proximum tuum sicut teipsum.
10 Loue doeth not euill to his neighbour: therefore is loue the fulfilling of the Lawe.
Dilectio proximi malum non operatur. Plenitudo ergo legis est dilectio.
11 And that, considering the season, that it is now time that we should arise from sleepe: for now is our saluation neerer, then when we beleeued it.
Et hoc scientes tempus: quia hora est iam nos de somno surgere. Nunc enim propior est nostra salus, quam cum credidimus.
12 The night is past, and the day is at hande, let vs therefore cast away the workes of darkenesse, and let vs put on the armour of light,
Nox praecessit, dies autem appropinquavit. Abiiciamus ergo opera tenebrarum, et induamur arma lucis.
13 So that wee walke honestly, as in the day: not in gluttonie, and drunkennesse, neither in chambering and wantonnes, nor in strife and enuying.
Sicut in die honeste ambulemus: non in comessationibus, et ebrietatibus, non in cubilibus, et impudicitiis, non in contentione, et aemulatione:
14 But put yee on the Lord JESUS CHRIST, and take no thought for the flesh, to fulfill the lustes of it.
sed induimini Dominum Iesum Christum, et carnis curam ne feceritis in desideriis.