< Romans 12 >
1 I Beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that yee giue vp your bodies a liuing sacrifice, holy, acceptable vnto God, which is your reasonable seruing of God.
he bhrAtara Izvarasya kRpayAhaM yuSmAn vinaye yUyaM svaM svaM zarIraM sajIvaM pavitraM grAhyaM balim Izvaramuddizya samutsRjata, eSA sevA yuSmAkaM yogyA|
2 And fashion not your selues like vnto this worlde, but bee yee changed by the renewing of your minde, that ye may prooue what that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God is. (aiōn )
aparaM yUyaM sAMsArikA iva mAcarata, kintu svaM svaM svabhAvaM parAvartya nUtanAcAriNo bhavata, tata Izvarasya nidezaH kIdRg uttamo grahaNIyaH sampUrNazceti yuSmAbhiranubhAviSyate| (aiōn )
3 For I say through the grace that is giuen vnto me, to euery one that is among you, that no man presume to vnderstande aboue that which is meete to vnderstand, but that he vnderstande according to sobrietie, as God hath dealt to euery man the measure of faith.
kazcidapi jano yogyatvAdadhikaM svaM na manyatAM kintu Izvaro yasmai pratyayasya yatparimANam adadAt sa tadanusArato yogyarUpaM svaM manutAm, IzvarAd anugrahaM prAptaH san yuSmAkam ekaikaM janam ityAjJApayAmi|
4 For as wee haue many members in one body, and all members haue not one office,
yato yadvadasmAkam ekasmin zarIre bahUnyaGgAni santi kintu sarvveSAmaGgAnAM kAryyaM samAnaM nahi;
5 So we being many are one body in Christ, and euery one, one anothers members.
tadvadasmAkaM bahutve'pi sarvve vayaM khrISTe ekazarIrAH parasparam aGgapratyaGgatvena bhavAmaH|
6 Seeing then that we haue gifts that are diuers, according to the grace that is giuen vnto vs, whether we haue prophecie, let vs prophecie according to the portion of faith:
asmAd IzvarAnugraheNa vizeSaM vizeSaM dAnam asmAsu prApteSu satsu kopi yadi bhaviSyadvAkyaM vadati tarhi pratyayasya parimANAnusArataH sa tad vadatu;
7 Or an office, let vs waite on the office: or he that teacheth, on teaching:
yadvA yadi kazcit sevanakArI bhavati tarhi sa tatsevanaM karotu; athavA yadi kazcid adhyApayitA bhavati tarhi so'dhyApayatu;
8 Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that distributeth, let him doe it with simplicitie: he that ruleth, with diligence: he that sheweth mercie, with cheerefulnesse.
tathA ya upadeSTA bhavati sa upadizatu yazca dAtA sa saralatayA dadAtu yastvadhipatiH sa yatnenAdhipatitvaM karotu yazca dayAluH sa hRSTamanasA dayatAm|
9 Let loue be without dissimulation. Abhorre that which is euill, and cleaue vnto that which is good.
aparaJca yuSmAkaM prema kApaTyavarjitaM bhavatu yad abhadraM tad RtIyadhvaM yacca bhadraM tasmin anurajyadhvam|
10 Be affectioned to loue one another with brotherly loue. In giuing honour, goe one before another,
aparaM bhrAtRtvapremnA parasparaM prIyadhvaM samAdarAd eko'parajanaM zreSThaM jAnIdhvam|
11 Not slouthfull to do seruice: seruent in spirit seruing the Lord,
tathA kAryye nirAlasyA manasi ca sodyogAH santaH prabhuM sevadhvam|
12 Reioycing in hope, pacient in tribulation, continuing in prayer,
aparaM pratyAzAyAm AnanditA duHkhasamaye ca dhairyyayuktA bhavata; prArthanAyAM satataM pravarttadhvaM|
13 Distributing vnto the necessities of the Saintes: giuing your selues to hospitalitie.
pavitrANAM dInatAM dUrIkurudhvam atithisevAyAm anurajyadhvam|
14 Blesse them which persecute you: blesse, I say, and curse not.
ye janA yuSmAn tADayanti tAn AziSaM vadata zApam adattvA daddhvamAziSam|
15 Reioyce with them that reioyce, and weepe with them that weepe.
ye janA Anandanti taiH sArddham Anandata ye ca rudanti taiH saha rudita|
16 Be of like affection one towardes another: be not hie minded: but make your selues equall to them of the lower sort: be not wise in your selues.
aparaJca yuSmAkaM manasAM parasparam ekobhAvo bhavatu; aparam uccapadam anAkAGkSya nIcalokaiH sahApi mArdavam Acarata; svAn jJAnino na manyadhvaM|
17 Recompence to no man euill for euill: procure things honest in the sight of all men.
parasmAd apakAraM prApyApi paraM nApakuruta| sarvveSAM dRSTito yat karmmottamaM tadeva kuruta|
18 If it bee possible, as much as in you is, haue peace with all men.
yadi bhavituM zakyate tarhi yathAzakti sarvvalokaiH saha nirvvirodhena kAlaM yApayata|
19 Dearely beloued, auenge not your selues, but giue place vnto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine: I will repay, saith the Lord.
he priyabandhavaH, kasmaicid apakArasya samucitaM daNDaM svayaM na daddhvaM, kintvIzvarIyakrodhAya sthAnaM datta yato likhitamAste paramezvaraH kathayati, dAnaM phalasya matkarmma sUcitaM pradadAmyahaM|
20 Therefore, if thine enemie hunger, feede him: if he thirst, giue him drinke: for in so doing, thou shalt heape coales of fire on his head.
itikAraNAd ripu ryadi kSudhArttaste tarhi taM tvaM prabhojaya| tathA yadi tRSArttaH syAt tarhi taM paripAyaya| tena tvaM mastake tasya jvaladagniM nidhAsyasi|
21 Bee not ouercome of euill, but ouercome euill with goodnesse.
kukriyayA parAjitA na santa uttamakriyayA kukriyAM parAjayata|