< Revelation 9 >

1 And the fifth Angel blew the trumpet, and I saw a starre fall from heauen vnto the earth, and to him was giuen the key of the bottomlesse pit. (Abyssos g12)
Anime bibe bika dura ka Asere bu cubi bi hure nume in iri iwiran azesere sayarizo u aye unee, a nya iwiran iginome imum upoko ana tukum ani wanu zatu binani. (Abyssos g12)
2 And he opened the bottomlesse pit, and there arose the smoke of the pit, as the smoke of a great fornace, and the sunne, and the ayre were darkened by the smoke of the pit. (Abyssos g12)
Ma poko unu anatubum uzatu binani, mucumgo mu suri ana tukum kasi mucungo usuro uwa udang ura, uwui nan nu pebu ugamirka mareu, barki mucungome samu su so a anatukum uwame. (Abyssos g12)
3 And there came out of the smoke Locustes vpon the earth, and vnto them was giuen power, as the scorpions of the earth haue power.
Anyimo amu cungome akem mure murum ma suro u aye unee, anyawe ubari kasi nu anyimo unee.
4 And it was comanded them, that they should not hurt the grasse of the earth, neither any greene thing, neither any tree: but onely those men which haue not the seale of God in their foreheads.
Abukuwe kati wawuzi tikwe nan koya sasa nu umamamu ma diu nyani matiti ire imum, senken desa wa zomomen nu tambari Ugomo Asere itimi iwe ba.
5 And to them was comanded that they should not kill them, but that they should be vexed fiue moneths, and that their paine should be as the paine that commeth of a scorpion, when he hath stung a man.
Daki anyawe uguna wa huzi anu agenomaba, senke wa nyawe ijas uhana ati piuti nu ciibi, upazazame udi cukuno kasi u tee ubinu senki ba tee unu.
6 Therefore in those dayes shall men seeke death, and shall not finde it, and shall desire to die, and death shall flie from them.
Atiye tiginome anabu wadi nyari iwono a anime waddida kemme iniba, wadi kunna ulindaru iwono, anime iwono idi sumuwe.
7 And the forme of the locustes was like vnto horses prepared vnto battel, and on their heads were as it were crownes, like vnto golde, and their faces were like the faces of men.
Makenen kasi ibarka sa a inko barkini kono, azesere ace awe ire imum irani kasi atira uriro sa azi gusi izinariya, mahenu muwe kasi manabu.
8 And they had heare as the heare of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lyons.
Tice tu we kasi tane tini tizi, ahini awe kasi ahini udaru.
9 And they had habbergions, like to habbergions of yron: and the soud of their wings was like the sound of charets whe many horses runne vnto battel.
Sulkunan mawe kasi a zumo, udarsa u magaure mawe kasi udarsa ibarka sa i haza anikono gbardang nan ni barka me sa abarka barki uhana ani kono.
10 And they had tailes like vnto scorpions, and there were stings in their tailes, and their power was to hurt men fiue moneths.
Wazin in mz rimo in nu kinki kasi inu: A ma rumo mawe wazin nu bari sa udi nya anu ijas uhana ati piu ciibi.
11 And they haue a King ouer them, which is the Angel of the bottomlesse pit, whose name in Hebrewe is Abaddon, and in Greeke he is named Apollyon, that is, destroying. (Abyssos g12)
Wazin ire mum kasi ugomo ace awe, bibe bikaduraka Asere bini wa nigono me bizatu mara, naza nume inti Ibraniyanci Abadon nan ti Kelenanci Afoliyon. (Abyssos g12)
12 One woe is past, and beholde, yet two woes come after this.
Adodu uzitto uttuba a akka, ira! usuro aginome are arani u ira aje avu kare u eze sa ueze.
13 Then the sixt Angel blew the trumpet, and I heard a voyce from the foure hornes of the golden altar, which is before God,
Bibe bikadura ka Asere bu tassi mahure ni hure nume, bankunna ni myiran na hure ahira u tonzi no ama zinariya sa ara a je Ugomo Asere.
14 Saying to the sixt Angel, which had the trumpet, Loose the foure Angels, which are bound in the great riuer Euphrates.
Nimyiran nigun bibe bikadura ka Asere bu tassi sa bi inta ni hureme, “Sopo ibe ikadura ka Asere ka gino me inaazi sa atirza uraba udang yufiretis.
15 And the foure Angels were loosed, which were prepared at an houre, at a day, at a moneth, and at a yeere, to slay the thirde part of men.
Ibe inaazi ikadura ka Asere sa abarka barki uganiya uginome nan nu wui uginome, nan nu piu uginome, nan ni we niginome, acekkuwe wa hu unu inde anyimo anawa taru anabu.
16 And the nomber of horsemen of warre were twentie thousand times ten thousand: for I heard the nomber of them.
U gbardang ana ni kara nini kono sawa ra ibarka a ino kikirau kana ino are makunna ugbardang u we.
17 And thus I saw the horses in a vision, and them that sate on them, hauing firie habbergions, and of Iacinth, and of brimstone, and the heads of the horses were as the heades of lyons: and out of their mouthes went foorth fire and smoke and brimstone.
In iri ibarkame anyimo atiro nan nan nanu kaffizanwe: Masulkuna mawe me mavu kasi ura, ubit udiu kasi mava, nan mei mama kukura, ace ibarkame azi kasi ace ame daru, usuro uti nyotuwe kasi ura, nan mucungo nan nu ra urum sawa suri.
18 Of these three was the thirde part of men killed, that is, of the fire, and of the smoke, and of the brimstone, which came out of their mouthes.
A hu unu inde anyimo ana wataru anabu ati koni ti gino me ti taru: ura, mucungo nan nura urum sa wa suro ati nyotuwe.
19 For their power is in their mouths, and in their tailes: for their tailes were like vnto serpents, and had heades, wherewith they hurt.
Barki ubari ibarka iginome ura nyotuwe nan amarumo mawe, marumoma we me kasi ne ani wawuza anu ijas.
20 And the remnant of the men which were not killed by these plagues, repented not of the works of their handes that they should not worship deuils, and idoles of golde and of siluer, and of brasse, and of stone, and of wood, which neither can see, neither heare nor goe.
Ukassu ana bu sa daki ahumawe ba, daki wawito muruba wa ceki timum umme sawa wuza intari tiweba, daki wakini unonzo a gbargene nan makiri mizinariya, nan ni tagulla nan napo, nan matiti, nan timumum me sa wa de hira me, nani ukunna, nani tunuba.
21 Also they repented not of their murder, and of their sorcerie, neither of their fornication, nor of their theft.
Daki wa wito ace usuro uhuzannu ba sihiri nan nu fasikanci nani nan biwuza wuza buwe bini kari.

< Revelation 9 >