< Revelation 4 >

1 After this I looked, and beholde, a doore was open in heauen, and the first voyce which I heard, was as it were of a trumpet talking with mee, saying, Come vp hither, and I will shewe thee things which must be done hereafter.
Nakon toga vidjeh: gle, vrata otvorena na nebu! A onaj prijašnji glas, što ga ono začuh kao glas trublje što govoraše sa mnom, reče: “Uziđi ovamo i pokazat ću ti što se ima dogoditi nakon ovoga!”
2 And immediatly I was rauished in the spirit, and behold, a throne was set in heauen, and one sate vpon the throne.
I odmah se u duhu zanijeh kad gle: prijestolje stajaše na nebu i na prijestolje Netko sjede.
3 And he that sate, was to looke vpon, like vnto a iasper stone, and a sardine, and there was a rainbowe rounde about the throne, in sight like to an emeraude.
Taj što sjede bijaše nalik na jaspis i sard. A uokolo prijestolja duga slična smaragdu.
4 And round about the throne were foure and twentie seates, and vpon the seates I sawe foure and twentie Elders sitting, clothed in white raiment, and had on their heads crownes of golde.
Uokolo prijestolja dvadeset i četiri prijestolja, a na prijestolja sjedoše dvadeset i četiri starješine, obučene u bijele haljine, sa zlatnim vijencima na glavi.
5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings, and thundrings, and voyces, and there were seuen lampes of fire burning before the throne, which are the seuen spirits of God.
Od prijestolja izlaze munje, i glasovi, i gromovi; pred prijestoljem gori sedam ognjenih zubalja, to jest sedam duhova Božjih,
6 And before the throne there was a sea of glasse like vnto chrystall: and in the middes of the throne, and round about the throne were foure beasts full of eyes before and behinde.
a pred prijestoljem kao neko stakleno more, nalik na prozirac. U sredini prijestolja, oko prijestolja, četiri bića, sprijeda i straga puna očiju:
7 And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calfe, and the thirde beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying Eagle.
prvo biće slično lavu, drugo biće slično juncu, treće biće s licem kao čovječjim, četvrto biće slično letećem orlu.
8 And the foure beasts had eche one of them sixe wings about him, and they were full of eyes within, and they ceased not day nor night, saying, Holy, holy, holy Lord God almighty, Which Was, and Which Is, and Which Is to come.
Ta su četiri bića - u svakoga po šest krila - sve naokolo i iznutra puna očiju. Bez predaha dan i noć govore: “Svet! Svet! Svet Gospodin, Bog Svevladar, Onaj koji bijaše i koji jest i koji dolazi!”
9 And when those beasts gaue glorie, and honour, and thanks to him that sate on the throne, which liueth for euer and euer, (aiōn g165)
I kad god bića dadu slavu i čast pohvalnicu Onomu koji sjedi na prijestolju, Živomu u vijeke vjekova, (aiōn g165)
10 The foure and twentie Elders fell downe before him that sate on the throne and worshipped him that liueth for euermore, and cast their crownes before the throne, saying, (aiōn g165)
dvadeset i četiri starješine padnu ničice pred Onim koji sjedi na prijestolju i poklone se njemu - Živomu u vijeke vjekova. I stavljaju svoje vijence pred prijestolje govoreći: (aiōn g165)
11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receiue glory and honour, and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy wils sake they are, and haue beene created.
“Dostojan si, Gospodine, Bože naš, primiti slavu i čast i moć! Jer ti si sve stvorio, i tvojom voljom sve postade i bi stvoreno!”

< Revelation 4 >