< Revelation 15 >

1 And I sawe another signe in heauen, great and marueilous, seuen Angels, hauing the seuen last plagues: for by them is fulfilled the wrath of God.
tataH param ahaM svarge 'param ekam adbhutaM mahAcihnaM dRSTavAn arthato yai rdaNDairIzvarasya kopaH samAptiM gamiSyati tAn daNDAn dhArayantaH sapta dUtA mayA dRSTAH|
2 And I sawe as it were a glassie sea, mingled with fire, and them that had gotten victorie of the beast, and of his image, and of his marke, and of the number of his name, stand at the glassie sea, hauing the harpes of God,
vahnimizritasya kAcamayasya jalAzayasyAkRtirapi dRSTA ye ca pazostatpratimAyAstannAmno 'Gkasya ca prabhUtavantaste tasya kAcamayajalAzayasya tIre tiSThanta IzvarIyavINA dhArayanti,
3 And they sung the song of Moses the seruant of God, and the song of the Lambe, saying, Great and marueilous are thy workes, Lord God almightie: iust and true are thy wayes, King of Saints.
IzvaradAsasya mUsaso gItaM meSazAvakasya ca gItaM gAyanto vadanti, yathA, sarvvazaktiviziSTastvaM he prabho paramezvara|tvadIyasarvvakarmmANi mahAnti cAdbhutAni ca| sarvvapuNyavatAM rAjan mArgA nyAyyA RtAzca te|
4 Who shall not feare thee, O Lord, and glorifie thy Name! for thou onely art holy, and all nations shall come and worship before thee: for thy iudgements are made manifest.
he prabho nAmadheyAtte ko na bhItiM gamiSyati| ko vA tvadIyanAmnazca prazaMsAM na kariSyati| kevalastvaM pavitro 'si sarvvajAtIyamAnavAH| tvAmevAbhipraNaMsyanti samAgatya tvadantikaM| yasmAttava vicArAjJAH prAdurbhAvaM gatAH kila||
5 And after that, I looked, and beholde, the Temple of the tabernacle of testimonie was open in heauen.
tadanantaraM mayi nirIkSamANe sati svarge sAkSyAvAsasya mandirasya dvAraM muktaM|
6 And the seuen Angels came out of the Temple, which had the seuen plagues, clothed in pure and bright linnen, and hauing their breasts girded with golden girdles.
ye ca sapta dUtAH sapta daNDAn dhArayanti te tasmAt mandirAt niragacchan| teSAM paricchadA nirmmalazRbhravarNavastranirmmitA vakSAMsi ca suvarNazRGkhalai rveSTitAnyAsan|
7 And one of the foure beastes gaue vnto the seuen Angels seuen golden vials full of the wrath of God, which liueth for euermore. (aiōn g165)
aparaM caturNAM prANinAm ekastebhyaH saptadUtebhyaH saptasuvarNakaMsAn adadAt| (aiōn g165)
8 And the Temple was full of the smoke of the glory of God and of his power, and no man was able to enter into the Temple, till the seuen plagues of the seuen Angels were fulfilled.
anantaram Izvarasya tejaHprabhAvakAraNAt mandiraM dhUmena paripUrNaM tasmAt taiH saptadUtaiH saptadaNDAnAM samAptiM yAvat mandiraM kenApi praveSTuM nAzakyata|

< Revelation 15 >